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2011-12-29 16:05:05 +00:00
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Yesod tutorial for newbies
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<p><img alt="Title image" src="/Scratch/img/blog/Yesod-tutorial-for-newbies/warp-benchmark.png" /></p>
<div class="intro">
<p><span class="sc"><abbr title="Too long; didn't read">tl;dr</abbr>: </span> A simple yesod tutorial. You shouldnt need to know Haskell very well. </p>
<ul id="markdown-toc">
<li><a href="#install">Install</a></li>
<li><a href="#initialization">Initialization</a></li>
<li><a href="#configure-git">Configure git</a></li>
<li><a href="#a-last-point">A last point</a></li>
<li><a href="#protected-echo">Protected echo</a></li>
2011-12-30 16:14:57 +00:00
<li><a href="#cleaning-up">Cleaning up</a> <ul>
<li><a href="#separate-handlers">Separate handlers</a></li>
<li><a href="#use-datatext-instead-of-string">Use <code>Data.Text</code> instead of <code>String</code></a></li>
<li><a href="#use-a-new-template-file">Use a new template file</a></li>
2011-12-29 16:05:05 +00:00
<li><a href="#protected-input">Protected input</a></li>
<p>You want the best technology to handle your new web application?
Me too. After searching a lot, it appears if you focus only on technical aspect, Haskell is the way to go.</p>
<p>It is <a href="">extremely fast</a>.
It is secure by nature. Many typical programming bug are hard to make in Haskell.
Haskell is also a “high level of abstraction” language. You can organize your code clearly.</p>
<p>Actually there are three web frameworks in Haskell:</p>
<li><a href="">Happstack</a></li>
<li><a href="">Snap</a></li>
<li><a href="">Yesod</a></li>
<p>It is very hard to choose between these three.
But my feeling goes to Yesod.
It appears to be the one with most part done for you.
As a beginner, lets stay away of the detail as most as possible.</p>
<p>The following tutorial contains some parts.</p>
<li>Install → Install haskell and yesod. This can be long, but it is all automatic and this should be straightforward.</li>
<li>Initialization → Initialize the project and configure it.</li>
<li>Configure git → This is not mandatory, but it is a good practice.</li>
<li>Verify the security → A first step to verify the yesod framework protect us from most common errors.</li>
<li>Create a minimal blog → This is the “hello world” of web framework.</li>
<li>Some tuning → Use html5 boilerplate for example.</li>
<h2 id="install">Install</h2>
<p>First you need to install <a href="">Haskell</a>. The recommended way to do this is to use the <a href="">Haskell Platform</a>.</p>
<p>Secondly you need to install yesod.</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="Keyword">&gt;</span> cabal update
<span class="Keyword">&gt;</span> cabal install yesod cabal-dev
<p>That is all. It should take some time to
do this as cabal will download all
package and then compile them.</p>
<h2 id="initialization">Initialization</h2>
<p>Open a terminal and:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="Keyword">&gt;</span> yesod init
2011-12-30 16:14:57 +00:00
<p>I entered my name, the name of the project was <code>yosog</code> and the name of the Foundation was <code>Yosog</code>, then I chosen <code>sqlite</code>.</p>
2011-12-29 16:05:05 +00:00
<p>Perfect. Now you can start the development cycle:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="Keyword">&gt;</span> cd yosog
<span class="Keyword">&gt;</span> cabal-dev install <span class="Keyword">&amp;&amp;</span> yesod --dev devel
<p>This will compile the entire project.
In the end you should now be able to see your local website by clicking this link:</p>
<p><a href="http://localhost:3000"><code>http://localhost:3000</code></a></p>
<p>Congratulation! You were able to see your yesod powered website.
For the rest of the tutorial, use another terminal and let this one open in a corner to see what occurs.</p>
<h2 id="configure-git">Configure git</h2>
<p>It is not mandatory for a tutorial, but it is a good practice to have a CVS.</p>
<p>To use <code>git</code> copy this <code>.gitignore</code> file into the <code>yosog</code> folder.</p>
<div class="code"><div class="file"><a href="/Scratch/en/blog/Yesod-tutorial-for-newbies/code/.gitignore"> &#x27A5; .gitignore </a></div><div class="withfile">
<pre class="twilight">
<p>Then initialize your git repository:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="Keyword">&gt;</span> git init .
<span class="Keyword">&gt;</span> git add .
<span class="Keyword">&gt;</span> git commit -a -m <span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>Initial yesod commit<span class="String">&quot;</span></span>
<p>Now we are ready to modify our web application.</p>
<h2 id="a-last-point">A last point</h2>
<p>What did we done:</p>
<li>We have a directory containing a bunch of files</li>
<li>We have a local web server on port 3000</li>
<p>If we modify a file inside this directory, yesod should try
to recompile as fast as possible the site. This way, you should
see the modification you done.</p>
<p>Instead of explaining the role of every file,
lets get straight to the point.</p>
<p>Inside the <code>yosog</code> the important files/directories for this tutorial are:</p>
<li><code>config/routes</code> is where youll configure the map URL → Code.</li>
<li><code>Handler/</code> contains the files that will contain the code called when a URL is accessed.</li>
<li><code>templates/</code> contains HTML, JS and CSS templates. </li>
<li><code>static/</code> contains static files.</li>
<li><code>config/models</code> is where youll configure the persistent objects (database tables).</li>
<p>With these informations we should be able to do a lot.
Also note until here we dont even typed any line of Haskell.</p>
<h2 id="protected-echo">Protected echo</h2>
<p>To verify the quality of the security of the yesod framework, lets look at a minimal echo application.</p>
<p>Our goal:</p>
2011-12-30 16:14:57 +00:00
<p>Accessing <a href="http://localhost:3000/echo/some%20text"><code>http://localhost:3000/echo/some%20text</code></a>, should display “some text” in an %html web page.</p>
2011-12-29 16:05:05 +00:00
<p>Lets take a look at the file <code>config/routes</code>:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
/static StaticR Static getStatic
/auth AuthR Auth getAuth
/favicon.ico FaviconR GET
/robots.txt RobotsR GET
/ RootR GET
<p>We want to add a route of the form <code>/echo/[anything]</code> somehow and do some action with this.
We add the following:</p>
/echo/#String EchoR GET
<p>This line contains three elements: the <span class="sc">url</span> pattern, a handler name, an HTTP method.
I am not particularly fan of the big R in the end of handler names.
But this is the standard convention, then I use it.</p>
<p>If you save <code>config/routes</code>, you should see your terminal in which you launched <code>yesod devel</code> do things.
And certainly break in error.</p>
Application.hs:31:1: Not in scope: `getEchoR'
<p>Why? Simply because we didnt written the code for the handler <code>EchoR</code>.
Now, lets do this. Edit the file <code>Handler/Root.hs</code> and append this:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="Entity">getEchoR</span>&nbsp;:: <span class="Constant">String</span> &rarr; <span class="Constant">Handler</span> <span class="Constant">RepHtml</span>
getEchoR theText = <span class="Keyword">do</span>
defaultLayout $ <span class="Keyword">do</span>
<p>After saving the file, you should see yesod recompile the application.
When the compilation is finished youll see the message: <code>Starting devel application</code>.
You can now visit: <a href="http://localhost:3000/echo/Yesod%20rocks!"><code>http://localhost:3000/echo/Yesod%20rocks!</code></a></p>
<p>TADA! It works.</p>
<p>Now, lets try to attack our website by entering name with special characters:</p>
2011-12-30 16:14:57 +00:00
<p><a href="http://localhost:3000/echo/&lt;a&gt;I'm &lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;Bad!&quot;);"><code>http://localhost:3000/echo/&lt;a&gt;I'm &lt;script&gt;alert("Bad!");</code></a></p>
2011-12-29 16:05:05 +00:00
<p>The special characters are protected for us.
If you have a malicious user, he could not hide some bad script inside his name for example.</p>
<p>This is a direct consequence of <em>type safety</em>.
The URL string is put inside a URL type.
Then the interesting part in the URL is put inside a String type. To pass from URL type to String type some transformation are made. For example, replace all “<code>%20</code>” by space characters.
Then to show the String inside an HTML document, the string is put inside an HTML type. Some transformations occurs like replace “<code>&lt;</code>” by “<code>&amp;lt;</code>”.
Thanks to yesod, most of tedious string transformation job is done for us.</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>http://localhost:3000/echo/some%20text&lt;a&gt;<span class="String">&quot;</span></span>&nbsp;:: URL
<span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>some text&lt;a&gt;<span class="String">&quot;</span></span> &nbsp;:: String
<span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>some text &amp;lt;a&amp;gt;<span class="String">&quot;</span></span> &nbsp;:: HTML
<p>That was the first very minimal example, and we already
verified Yesod protect us from many common errors.</p>
2011-12-30 16:14:57 +00:00
<h2 id="cleaning-up">Cleaning up</h2>
2011-12-29 16:05:05 +00:00
2011-12-30 16:14:57 +00:00
<p>This first example was nice, but for simplicity reason we didnt used best practices.</p>
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2011-12-30 16:14:57 +00:00
<p>First we will separate the handler code into different files.
After that we will use <code>Data.Text</code> instead of <code>String</code>. </p>
2011-12-29 16:05:05 +00:00
2011-12-30 16:14:57 +00:00
<h3 id="separate-handlers">Separate handlers</h3>
2011-12-29 16:05:05 +00:00
2011-12-30 16:14:57 +00:00
<p>In a first time create a new file <code>Handler/Echo.hs</code> containing:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="Keyword">module</span> <span class="Constant">Handler</span>.<span class="Constant">Echo</span> <span class="Keyword">where</span>
<span class="Keyword">import</span> <span class="Constant">Import</span>
<span class="Entity">getEchoR</span>&nbsp;:: <span class="Constant">String</span> &rarr; <span class="Constant">Handler</span> <span class="Constant">RepHtml</span>
getEchoR theText = <span class="Keyword">do</span>
defaultLayout $ <span class="Keyword">do</span>
<p>Do not forget to remove the getEchoR function inside the <code>Handler/Root.hs</code> file.</p>
<p>We must declare the file inside the cabal configuration file <code>yosog.cabal</code>. Just after <code>Handler.Root</code> add:</p>
<p>We must also declare the new Handler module inside <code>Application.hs</code>.
Just after the “<code>import Handler.Root</code>”, add:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="Keyword">import</span> <span class="Constant">Handler</span>.<span class="Constant">Echo</span>
<h3 id="use-datatext-instead-of-string">Use <code>Data.Text</code> instead of <code>String</code></h3>
<p>Now our handler is separated in another file.</p>
<p>But we used <code>String</code> but it is a good practice to use <code>Data.Text</code> instead.</p>
<p>To declare we will use <code>Data.Text</code> we modify the file <code>Foundation.hs</code>.
Add an import directive just after the last one:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
import Data.Text
<p>And also we must modify <code>config/routes</code> and our handler accordingly. Replace <code>#String</code> by <code>#Text</code> in <code>config/routes</code>:</p>
/echo/#Text EchoR GET
<p>And do the same in <code>Handler/Echo.hs</code>:</p>
<div class="code"><div class="file"><a href="/Scratch/en/blog/Yesod-tutorial-for-newbies/code/Echo.hs"> &#x27A5; Echo.hs </a></div><div class="withfile">
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="Keyword">module</span> <span class="Constant">Handler</span>.<span class="Constant">Echo</span> <span class="Keyword">where</span>
<span class="Keyword">import</span> <span class="Constant">Import</span>
<span class="Entity">getEchoR</span>&nbsp;:: <span class="Constant">Text</span> &rarr; <span class="Constant">Handler</span> <span class="Constant">RepHtml</span>
getEchoR theText = <span class="Keyword">do</span>
defaultLayout $ <span class="Keyword">do</span>
<h3 id="use-a-new-template-file">Use a new template file</h3>
<p>The last thing to change in order to do things like in
a real project is to use another template file.</p>
<p>Just create a new file <code>template/echo.hamlet</code> containing:</p>
<div class="code"><div class="file"><a href="/Scratch/en/blog/Yesod-tutorial-for-newbies/code/echo.hamlet"> &#x27A5; echo.hamlet </a></div><div class="withfile">
<pre class="twilight">
&lt;h1&gt; #{theText}
<p>and modify the handler <code>Handler/Echo.hs</code>:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="Entity">getEchoR</span>&nbsp;:: <span class="Constant">Text</span> &rarr; <span class="Constant">Handler</span> <span class="Constant">RepHtml</span>
getEchoR theText = <span class="Keyword">do</span>
defaultLayout $ <span class="Keyword">do</span>
$(widgetFile <span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>echo<span class="String">&quot;</span></span>)
2011-12-29 16:05:05 +00:00
<h2 id="protected-input">Protected input</h2>
<hr />
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<h2 style="margin: 0 auto; text-align: center">TODO</h2>
<li> Display something, show it is protected.
</li><li> Make the same as before, but with an input.
</li><li> Create a minimal blog system.
</li><li> Change template to html5 boilerplate.
</li><li> Use Authentification.
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