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2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
## Optimization
2012-06-13 15:59:29 +00:00
From the architecture stand point all is clear.
2012-06-14 16:04:16 +00:00
If you read the code of `YGL.hs`, you'll see I didn't made everything perfect.
For example, I didn't finished the code of the lights.
2012-06-13 15:59:29 +00:00
But I believe it is a good first step and it will be easy to go further.
The separation between rendering and world behavior is clear.
Unfortunately the program of the preceding session is extremely slow.
We compute the Mandelbulb for each frame now.
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
Before we had
2012-06-13 15:59:29 +00:00
<code class="no-highlight">
Constant Function -> Constant List of Triangles -> Display
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
Now we have
2012-06-13 15:59:29 +00:00
<code class="no-highlight">
World -> Function -> List of Objects -> Atoms -> Display
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
And the World state could change.
Then it is no more straightforward for the compiler to understand
when not to recompute the entire list of atoms.
Then to optimize we will have to make things a little less separate.
We must control the flow of atom generation.
Mostly the program is the same as before, but instead of providing a
function, we will provide the list of atoms directly.
<div style="display:none">
> import YGL -- Most the OpenGL Boilerplate
> import Mandel -- The 3D Mandelbrot maths
> -- Centralize all user input interaction
> inputActionMap :: InputMap World
> inputActionMap = inputMapFromList [
2012-06-15 10:02:30 +00:00
> (Press ' ' , switchRotation)
> ,(Press 'k' , rotate xdir 5)
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> ,(Press 'i' , rotate xdir (-5))
> ,(Press 'j' , rotate ydir 5)
> ,(Press 'l' , rotate ydir (-5))
> ,(Press 'o' , rotate zdir 5)
> ,(Press 'u' , rotate zdir (-5))
> ,(Press 'f' , translate xdir 0.1)
> ,(Press 's' , translate xdir (-0.1))
> ,(Press 'e' , translate ydir 0.1)
> ,(Press 'd' , translate ydir (-0.1))
> ,(Press 'z' , translate zdir 0.1)
> ,(Press 'r' , translate zdir (-0.1))
> ,(Press '+' , zoom 1.1)
> ,(Press '-' , zoom (1/1.1))
> ,(Press 'h' , resize 2.0)
> ,(Press 'g' , resize (1/2.0))
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> ]
> data World = World {
> angle :: Point3D
> , anglePerSec :: Scalar
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> , scale :: Scalar
> , position :: Point3D
> , box :: Box3D
> , told :: Time
> -- We replace shape by cache
> , cache :: [YObject]
> }
> instance DisplayableWorld World where
> winTitle _ = "The YGL Mandelbulb"
> camera w = Camera {
> camPos = position w,
> camDir = angle w,
> camZoom = scale w }
> -- We update our objects instanciation
> objects = cache
<div style="display:none">
> xdir :: Point3D
> xdir = makePoint3D (1,0,0)
> ydir :: Point3D
> ydir = makePoint3D (0,1,0)
> zdir :: Point3D
> zdir = makePoint3D (0,0,1)
> rotate :: Point3D -> Scalar -> World -> World
> rotate dir angleValue world =
> world {
2012-06-15 10:02:30 +00:00
> angle = angle world + (angleValue -*< dir) }
2012-06-15 10:02:30 +00:00
> switchRotation :: World -> World
> switchRotation world =
> world {
> anglePerSec = if anglePerSec world > 0 then 0 else 5.0 }
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> translate :: Point3D -> Scalar -> World -> World
> translate dir len world =
> world {
2012-06-15 10:02:30 +00:00
> position = position world + (len -*< dir) }
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> zoom :: Scalar -> World -> World
> zoom z world = world {
> scale = z * scale world }
> main :: IO ()
> main = yMainLoop inputActionMap idleAction initialWorld
Our initial world state is slightly changed:
> -- We initialize the world state
> -- then angle, position and zoom of the camera
> -- And the shape function
> initialWorld :: World
> initialWorld = World {
> angle = makePoint3D (30,30,0)
> , anglePerSec = 5.0
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> , position = makePoint3D (0,0,0)
> , scale = 1.0
2012-06-14 16:04:16 +00:00
> , box = Box3D { minPoint = makePoint3D (0-eps, 0-eps, 0-eps)
> , maxPoint = makePoint3D (0+eps, 0+eps, 0+eps)
> , resolution = 0.02 }
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> , told = 0
> -- We declare cache directly this time
> , cache = objectFunctionFromWorld initialWorld
> }
2012-06-14 16:04:16 +00:00
> where eps=2
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
We use the `YGL.getObject3DFromShapeFunction` function directly.
This way instead of providing `XYFunc`, we provide directly a list of Atoms.
> objectFunctionFromWorld :: World -> [YObject]
> objectFunctionFromWorld w = [Atoms atomList]
> where atomListPositive =
> getObject3DFromShapeFunction
> (shapeFunc (resolution (box w))) (box w)
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> atomList = atomListPositive ++
> map negativeTriangle atomListPositive
> negativeTriangle (ColoredTriangle (p1,p2,p3,c)) =
> ColoredTriangle (negz p1,negz p3,negz p2,c)
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> where negz (P (x,y,z)) = P (x,y,-z)
We know that resize is the only world change that necessitate to
recompute the list of atoms (triangles).
Then we update our world state accordingly.
> resize :: Scalar -> World -> World
> resize r world =
> tmpWorld { cache = objectFunctionFromWorld tmpWorld }
> where
> tmpWorld = world { box = (box world) {
> resolution = sqrt ((resolution (box world))**2 * r) }}
All the rest is exactly the same.
<div style="display:none">
> idleAction :: Time -> World -> World
> idleAction tnew world =
> world {
2012-06-15 10:02:30 +00:00
> angle = angle world + (delta -*< zdir)
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> , told = tnew
> }
> where
> delta = anglePerSec world * elapsed / 1000.0
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> elapsed = fromIntegral (tnew - (told world))
> shapeFunc :: Scalar -> Function3D
> shapeFunc res x y =
> let
2012-06-14 16:04:16 +00:00
> z = maxZeroIndex (ymandel x y) 0 1 20
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> in
2012-06-14 16:04:16 +00:00
> if and [ maxZeroIndex (ymandel (x+xeps) (y+yeps)) 0 1 20 < 0.000001 |
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> val <- [res], xeps <- [-val,val], yeps<-[-val,val]]
> then Nothing
> else Just (z,colorFromValue 0)
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> colorFromValue :: Point -> Color
> colorFromValue n =
> let
> t :: Point -> Scalar
> t i = 0.0 + 0.5*cos( i /10 )
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> in
> makeColor (t n) (t (n+5)) (t (n+10))
2012-06-14 16:04:16 +00:00
> -- given f min max nbtest,
> -- considering
> -- - f is an increasing function
> -- - f(min)=0
> -- - f(max)≠0
> -- then maxZeroIndex f min max nbtest returns x such that
> -- f(x - ε)=0 and f(x + ε)≠0
> -- where ε=(max-min)/2^(nbtest+1)
> maxZeroIndex :: (Fractional a,Num a,Num b,Eq b) =>
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Int -> a
2012-06-14 16:04:16 +00:00
> maxZeroIndex _ minval maxval 0 = (minval+maxval)/2
> maxZeroIndex func minval maxval n =
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> if func medpoint /= 0
2012-06-14 16:04:16 +00:00
> then maxZeroIndex func minval medpoint (n-1)
> else maxZeroIndex func medpoint maxval (n-1)
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
> where medpoint = (minval+maxval)/2
> ymandel :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Point
> ymandel x y z = fromIntegral (mandel x y z 64) / 64
2012-06-14 16:04:16 +00:00
And you can also consider small changes in other source files.
2012-06-01 13:24:58 +00:00
- [`YGL.hs`](code/06_Mandelbulb/YGL.hs), the 3D rendering framework
- [`Mandel`](code/06_Mandelbulb/Mandel.hs), the mandel function
- [`ExtComplex`](code/06_Mandelbulb/ExtComplex.hs), the extended complexes