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2010-09-10 07:57:27 +00:00
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Récupérez mon système de blog
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<p>J&rsquo;ai publié une version <em>light</em> de mon système de blog hier soir. Par <em>light</em> il faut comprendre avec un CSS plus épuré et plus portable (sans les bords ronds).
Vous pouvez le récupérer sur <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>Que pouvez-vous attendre de ce système de blog&nbsp;?</p>
<li>Tous les avantages liés à <a href="">nanoc</a>&nbsp;;</li>
<li>Facilité de la gestion de plusieurs langues&nbsp;;</li>
<li>coloration syntaxique des codes sources pour la plupart des languages&nbsp;;</li>
<li>commentaires gérés avec <a href="">intenseDebate</a> de façon asynchrone&nbsp;;</li>
<li>très portable avec ou sans javascript, XHTML Strict 1.0 / CSS3&nbsp;;</li>
<li>écrivez vos entrées au format Markdown (pas de HTML)&nbsp;;</li>
<li>des améliorations typographiques (pas de &lsquo;:&rsquo; en début de ligne en Français par exemple),</li>
<li>entrez directement le code de graphes qui se génèreront automatiquement en image à l&rsquo;aide de <a href="">Graphviz</a>.</li>
<p>Pour vous donner une idée plus précise, voici la documentation que j&rsquo;ai faite (en anglais) pour accompagner le code.</p>
<div class="corps">
<h1 class="first" id="main-documentation-page">Main Documentation Page</h1>
<p>Cette page est seulement en anglais désolé.</p>
<h1 id="use-it-now">Use It NOW!</h1>
<p>Once installed (follow the instructions).</p>
<pre class="twilight">
$ cd /root/of/nanoc3_blog
$ ./task/new_blog_entry Title of the blog
$ vi
$ ./task/recompile
<p>Now your website reside into the <code>output</code> directory.</p>
<div class="corps">
<h1 class="first" id="documentation">Documentation</h1>
<h2 id="useful-things-to-know">Useful things to know</h2>
<h3 id="multi-language">Multi-language</h3>
<p>All files in <code>multi</code> are processed and copied in the <code>content</code> directory.
For each file in multi, each line starting by &lsquo;<code>fr: </code>&rsquo; are copied (without the <code>fr: </code> into the <code>content/html/fr/</code> tree, but not into the <code>content/html/en</code> tree. File not starting by <code>fr: </code> or <code>en: </code> are copied in each destinations.</p>
<p>If you want to add another language, you&rsquo;ll have to modify <code>tasks/config</code>, and <code>config.yaml</code>, create a <code>content/html/xx</code> where <code>xx</code> is the language code.</p>
<h3 id="edition--rendering">Edition &amp; Rendering</h3>
<h4 id="additional-keywords">additional keywords</h4>
<p>You can separate multi content div using the: <code>n</code><code>ewcorps</code> directive (see examples).</p>
<p>You can create div using <code>b</code><code>egindiv(classname)</code>, <code>e</code><code>nddiv</code>. (See some existing blog entries for example). Use the class <code>intro</code> for the abstract part.</p>
<p>You can create nice description table using <code>&lt;</code><code>desc&gt;</code> (See source code for example).</p>
<h4 id="typography">Typography</h4>
<p>In French all &lsquo;:&rsquo;, &lsquo;;&rsquo;, &lsquo;!&rsquo; and &lsquo;?&rsquo; are preceded automatically by <code>&amp;nbsp</code>. This enable not to have a line starting by a single special character.</p>
<p>You can use small caps using <code>&lt;sc&gt;</code> tags. </p>
<li><code>(c</code><code>)</code> is replaced by <small>&copy;</small>.</li>
<li><code>(r</code><code>)</code> is replaced by <small>&reg;</small>.</li>
<li><code>&lt;</code><code>-</code> is replaced by &larr;.</li>
<li><code>-</code><code>&gt;</code> is replaced by &rarr;.</li>
<h4 id="source-code">source code</h4>
<p>To write source code you should use the following format:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<span class="MetaTagInline"><span class="MetaTagInline">&lt;</span><span class="MetaTagInline">code</span> <span class="MetaTagInline">class</span>=<span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>ruby<span class="String">&quot;</span></span> <span class="MetaTagInline">file</span>=<span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>filename.rb<span class="String">&quot;</span></span><span class="MetaTagInline">&gt;</span></span>
The code
<span class="MetaTagInline"><span class="MetaTagInline">&lt;/</span><span class="MetaTagInline">cOde</span><span class="MetaTagInline">&gt;</span></span>
<p>The <code>file</code> attribute is not required.</p>
<h3 id="blog">blog</h3>
<p>If you want to make really long blog post, you can separate them into many files. To accomplish that, you simply have to make your files like:</p>
<pre class="twilight">
<h3 id="mobileme">mobileme</h3>
<p>All files are intended to be generated into the <code>output/Scratch</code> directory.
This was made like that to work nicely with iWeb organisation of websites.</p>
<h3 id="menu">menu</h3>
<p>The order of post is done using the <code>menupriority</code> meta-data in the header of the files.</p>
<p>You can hide some file from the menu by setting: <code>isHidden: true</code> in the header.</p>
<h2 id="details">Details</h2>
<p>To know more about this blog engine, you should look at
<a href="">nanoc</a> project.</p>
<p>Then look at the files inside your project:</p>
<div><table class="description" summary="no description"><tr class="assombris20"><td class="definitionCell"> </td><td class="valueCell"> readme for the project (used by github) </td></tr><tr class="assombris10"><td class="definitionCell"> </td><td class="valueCell"> symbolic link to the last blog entry </td></tr><tr class="assombris20"><td class="definitionCell">
multi/ </td><td class="valueCell"> Directory containing multi-language articles </td></tr><tr class="assombris10"><td class="definitionCell">
tasks/ </td><td class="valueCell"> scripts for website live </td></tr><tr class="assombris20"><td class="definitionCell">
config.yaml </td><td class="valueCell"> global configuration file </td></tr><tr class="assombris10"><td class="definitionCell">
Rules </td><td class="valueCell"> generation rules </td></tr><tr class="assombris20"><td class="definitionCell">
content/ </td><td class="valueCell"> content files processed by nanoc </td></tr><tr class="assombris10"><td class="definitionCell">
layouts/ </td><td class="valueCell"> erb templates </td></tr><tr class="assombris20"><td class="definitionCell">
lib/ </td><td class="valueCell"> ruby libraries used to process files </td></tr><tr class="assombris10"><td class="definitionCell">
output/ </td><td class="valueCell"> website </td></tr><tr class="assombris20"><td class="definitionCell">
Rakefile </td><td class="valueCell"> not mandatory for this blog </td></tr>
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<a href="/Scratch/fr/blog/2010-06-14-multi-language-choices/">&larr; choix liés à l'écriture dans plusieurs langues</a>
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<a href="/Scratch/fr/blog/2010-05-24-Trees--Pragmatism-and-Formalism/">&larr; Arbres ; Pragmatisme et Formalisme</a>
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<a href="/Scratch/fr/blog/2010-05-19-How-to-cut-HTML-and-repair-it/">&larr; Comment réparer un XML coupé ?</a>
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<a href="/Scratch/fr/blog/2010-06-17-track-events-with-google-analytics/">Analyser les clicks sur votre Site&rarr; </a>
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<a href="/Scratch/fr/blog/2010-06-17-hide-yourself-to-analytics/">Se cacher de ses statistiques web&rarr; </a>
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<a href="/Scratch/fr/blog/2010-06-19-jQuery-popup-the-easy-way/">Comment faire des popups en jQuery rapidement&rarr; </a>
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<a rel="license" href="">Droits de reproduction ©, Yann Esposito</a>
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2010-08-31 13:06:43 +00:00
Écrit le : 15/06/2010
2010-09-02 09:51:46 +00:00
modifié le : 24/06/2010
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