# The code in this file is part of the Rubyzome framework # Rubyzome framework belongs to Luc Juggery and Yann Esposito require 'rubygems' require 'rack' # TODO: find a better way to manage $view, may be using Rubyzome module # n.b.: load the entire local application (/app files) require 'rubyzome/rubyzome.rb' # ---------------------------- # -- specific configuration -- # TODO: make a file containing central configuration only # beware the name will not match one of # a REST resource of the application $directory_of_website='/website' # TODO: one central configuration proposition $mysql_user='rubyzome' $mysql_password='rubyzome' $mysql_host='mysql_rubyzome_server' $mysql_database='rubyzome' # -- end of specific configuration -- # ----------------------------------- run Rubyzome::RestfulDispatcher.new