Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) b56a8fabba
initial commit
2017-11-07 17:12:23 +01:00

80 lines
2.7 KiB

(ns ring-homogeneous-auth-middleware.core-test
(:require [ring-homogeneous-auth-middleware.core :as sut]
[ring-homogeneous-auth-middleware.schemas :refer [IdentityInfo]]
[clojure.test :as t :refer [is use-fixtures]]
[schema.test :refer [deftest]]
[schema.core :as s]))
(use-fixtures :once schema.test/validate-schemas)
;; Extractor code example for some JWT
(s/defn extract-identity-info :- IdentityInfo
{:user {:id (:sub jwt-info)
:name (:sub jwt-info)}
:groups #{{:id (:org_guid jwt-info)
:name (:org_name jwt-info)}}
:roles (if (= "true"
;; this test handle the case when :admin is a string
;; and when its a boolean
(str (:admin jwt-info)))
#{:admin :user}
:auth-type :jwt
:jwt jwt-info})
(s/defn jwt-extractor :- (s/maybe IdentityInfo)
(some-> req
;; Extractor code example for API Key
(s/defn api-key-extractor :- (s/maybe IdentityInfo)
(some-> req
(assoc :auth-type :api-key)))
;; Tests
(deftest wrap-auths-test
(let [base-request {:server-port 8080
:server-name "localhost"
:remote-addr ""
:uri "/"
:scheme :http
:request-method :get
:protocol "HTTP/1.1"
:headers {}}
jwt {:admin true
:sub "testuser@cisco.com"
:org_name "IROH Testing"
:org_guid "00000000-0000-0000-00000000000000000"
:nbf 1487167750
:jti "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
:iat 1487168050
:exp 1487772850}
id-info {:user {:id "testuser@cisco.com"
:name "testuser@cisco.com"}
:groups #{{:id "00000000-0000-0000-00000000000000000"
:name "IROH Testing"}}
:roles #{:admin :user}
:auth-type :jwt
:jwt jwt}
request-jwt (assoc base-request :jwt jwt)
request-api-key (assoc base-request :api-key-infos id-info)
app ((sut/wrap-auths-fn [jwt-extractor api-key-extractor]) identity)]
(is (nil? (:identity-info (app base-request)))
"without any :jwt nor :api-key there shouldnt be any identity-info")
(is (= (:identity-info (app request-jwt))
"Should provide identity-info from a jwt field")
(is (= (:identity-info (app request-api-key))
(assoc id-info :auth-type :api-key))
"Should provide identity-info from a api-key field")))