Move riemann conf to ansible

This commit is contained in:
Matthieu Sprunck 2015-04-03 10:53:05 +02:00
parent 4362ecca89
commit 9da6874eb1

View file

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
; -*- mode: clojure; -*-
; vim: filetype=clojure
(logging/init {:file "riemann.log"})
; Listen on the local interface over TCP (5555), UDP (5555), and websockets
; (5556)
(let [host ""]
(tcp-server {:host host})
(udp-server {:host host})
(ws-server {:host host}))
; ;Start a Graphite server on the usual TCP port for Carbon, port 2004:
(def graphite-server-tcp (graphite-server :host "" :port 2004
:protocol :tcp
(fn [{:keys [service] :as event}]
(let [[source hostname metricname] (clojure.string/split service #"\." 3)]
{:host (clojure.string/replace hostname #"_" ".")
:service metricname
:metric (:metric event)
:tags source
:time (:time event)
:ttl 30}))))
; Like the graphite-server-tcp function above, but listening for UDP packets instead of TCP:
(def graphite-server-udp (graphite-server :host "" :port 2004
:protocol :udp
(fn [{:keys [service] :as event}]
(let [[source hostname metricname] (clojure.string/split service #"\." 3)]
{ :host (clojure.string/replace hostname #"_" ".")
:service metricname
:metric (:metric event)
:tags source
:time (:time event)
:ttl 30}))))
; Expire old events from the index every 5 seconds.
(periodically-expire 5)
(let [index (index)]
; Inbound events will be passed to these streams:
(where (service #"e.+ .+x bytes")
(scale 1/1048576 index)
(default :ttl 60
; Index all events immediately.
; Log expired events.
(fn [event] (info "expired" event))))))))
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn add-stream-by [service-name f suffix]
(let [index (index)]
(where (service service-name)
(smap f
(with {:service service-name
:host (str "Aggregator " suffix)} index)))))))
(defn add-sum-stream [service-name]
(add-stream-by service-name folds/sum "sum"))
(defn add-min-stream [service-name]
(add-stream-by service-name folds/minimum "min"))
(defn add-max-stream [service-name]
(add-stream-by service-name folds/maximum "max"))
(defn add-mean-stream [service-name]
(add-stream-by service-name folds/mean "mean"))
(defn add-median-stream [service-name]
(add-stream-by service-name folds/median "median"))
(defn add-count-stream [service-name]
(add-stream-by service-name folds/count "count"))
(defn add-all-grouping-streams [service-name]
(add-sum-stream service-name)
(add-min-stream service-name)
(add-max-stream service-name)
(add-mean-stream service-name)
(add-median-stream service-name)
(add-count-stream service-name))
; this create the service "haarp nb sum",
; the sum on all hosts of the 'haarp nb' metrics
(add-sum-stream "haarp nb")
(add-sum-stream "haarp events")
; helper for supercell
(defn add-aggregates-for-supercell [env]
(fn [source]
(add-sum-stream (str "supercell " env " " source " nb") )
(add-sum-stream (str "supercell " env " " source " msg"))
(add-max-stream (str "supercell " env " " source " latency")))
["twitter" "facebook"])))
; helper for lightning
(defn add-aggregates-for-lightning [env]
(map (fn [server-kind]
(add-sum-stream (str "lightning " env " " server-kind " nb" ))
(add-max-stream (str "lightning " env " " server-kind " total"))
(add-mean-stream (str "lightning " env " " server-kind " total"))
(add-median-stream (str "lightning " env " " server-kind " total")))
["public" "admin" "system"])))
(map (fn [env]
(add-aggregates-for-supercell env)
(add-aggregates-for-lightning env))
["dev" "pp" "prod"]))
; WARN: should be deprecated post v0.3.0
(add-sum-stream "supercell prod nb")
(add-sum-stream "supercell prod msg")
(add-max-stream "supercell prod latency")
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(def notify-sysadmin-team
(let [email (mailer {:from ""})]
(throttle 1000 3600 (rollup 5 3600 (email "")))))
;; Basic alerting. You generally don't want this
; (streams (where (state "critical")) alert-everyone)
(defn critial-fraction [service-name warn-threshold critial-threshold events]
(let [nb-events (count events)
nb-critical-events (count (filter #(= "critical" (:state %)) events))
fraction (if (= nb-events 0) 0 (/ nb-critical-events nb-events))]
{:service (str "fail " service-name)
:host "MCP"
:metric fraction
:time (:time (first events))
:state (condp <= fraction
critial-threshold "critical"
warn-threshold "warning"
(defn alert-if-critical-too-long-with-thresholds
[service-name nb-sec warn-threshold critial-threshold]
(let [index (index)]
(where (service service-name)
(smap #(critial-fraction service-name warn-threshold critial-threshold %)
(where (state "critical")
(defn alert-if-critical-too-long-with-thresholds-for-host
[service-name host-regex nb-sec warn-threshold critial-threshold]
(let [index (index)]
(where (and (service service-name)
(host host-regex))
(smap #(critial-fraction service-name warn-threshold critial-threshold %)
(where (state "critical")
(defn alert-if-critical-too-long [service-name nb-sec]
(alert-if-critical-too-long-with-thresholds service-name nb-sec 0.3 0.9))
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Alert everybody if 'supercell prod twitter nb' is critical for 30 seconds
(alert-if-critical-too-long "supercell prod twitter nb" 30)
(alert-if-critical-too-long "supercell prod facebook nb" 30)
(alert-if-critical-too-long "haarp nb" 30)
"kafka message/sec" "tornado" 10 0.1 0.9)
(alert-if-critical-too-long "cpu" 120)
(alert-if-critical-too-long "load" 120)
(alert-if-critical-too-long "memory" 120)
(alert-if-critical-too-long "disk /" 120)
(def graph (graphite {:host "localhost"}))
(streams graph)