targit f206b5bbf9
(fix): skip unreadable files while building the cache (#995)
When using gpg encrypted files it might happen (intended) that on a
certain machine there is no key to decrypt that file.  Currently an
error of type 'file-error' will be raised and the cache building
process will be aborted.  So in a certain sense org-roam will not
be functional in that case.  Furthermore, when the the cache building
process is run from the emacs initialisation it will come to a halt as
well and the user will be left with a halfworking emacs instance.

This patch changes the behaviour to just skipping over offending files
while removing them from the db at the same time.  Here an offending
file is any file that cannot be read for indexing.  As it stands this
case only works reliably for the case of missing gpg keys.

An error buffer will still show up and be prominently displayed,
besides a log to the message buffer.

Implementation note: This io error will only be caught during the
first part of the cache rebuilding ("files and headlines").  If such
an error would occur during the second part ("rebuild the rest")
another (more severe) cause might be the problem and the user better
be informed the hard way (i.e. the same behaviour as before).
2020-08-03 16:58:22 +08:00

552 lines
22 KiB

;;; org-roam-db.el --- Org-roam database API -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright © 2020 Jethro Kuan <>
;; Author: Jethro Kuan <>
;; URL:
;; Keywords: org-mode, roam, convenience
;; Version: 1.2.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (dash "2.13") (f "0.17.2") (s "1.12.0") (org "9.3") (emacsql "3.0.0") (emacsql-sqlite3 "1.0.0"))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; This library is provides the underlying database api to org-roam
;;; Code:
;;;; Library Requires
(eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x))
(require 'emacsql)
(require 'emacsql-sqlite3)
(require 'seq)
(require 'org-roam-macs)
(defvar org-roam-directory)
(defvar org-roam-verbose)
(defvar org-roam-file-name)
(declare-function org-roam--org-roam-file-p "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-titles "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-ref "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-tags "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-headlines "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-links "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--list-all-files "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--path-to-slug "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--file-name-extension "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam-buffer--update-maybe "org-roam-buffer")
;;;; Options
(defcustom org-roam-db-location nil
"The full path to file where the Org-roam database is stored.
If this is non-nil, the Org-roam sqlite database is saved here.
It is the user's responsibility to set this correctly, especially
when used with multiple Org-roam instances."
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-db-gc-threshold gc-cons-threshold
"The value to temporarily set the `gc-cons-threshold' threshold to.
During large, heavy operations like `org-roam-db-build-cache',
many GC operations happen because of the large number of
temporary structures generated (e.g. parsed ASTs). Temporarily
increasing `gc-cons-threshold' will help reduce the number of GC
operations, at the cost of temporary memory usage.
This defaults to the original value of `gc-cons-threshold', but
tweaking this number may lead to better overall performance. For
example, to reduce the number of GCs, one may set it to a large
value like `most-positive-fixnum'."
:type 'int
:group 'org-roam)
(defconst org-roam-db--version 7)
(defvar org-roam-db--connection (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"Database connection to Org-roam database.")
;;;; Core Functions
(defun org-roam-db--get ()
"Return the sqlite db file."
(or org-roam-db-location
(expand-file-name "org-roam.db" org-roam-directory)))
(defun org-roam-db--get-connection ()
"Return the database connection, if any."
(gethash (file-truename org-roam-directory)
(defun org-roam-db ()
"Entrypoint to the Org-roam sqlite database.
Initializes and stores the database, and the database connection.
Performs a database upgrade when required."
(unless (and (org-roam-db--get-connection)
(emacsql-live-p (org-roam-db--get-connection)))
(let* ((db-file (org-roam-db--get))
(init-db (not (file-exists-p db-file))))
(make-directory (file-name-directory db-file) t)
(let ((conn (emacsql-sqlite3 db-file)))
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag (emacsql-process conn) nil)
(puthash (file-truename org-roam-directory)
(when init-db
(org-roam-db--init conn))
(let* ((version (caar (emacsql conn "PRAGMA user_version")))
(version (org-roam-db--update-maybe conn version)))
((> version org-roam-db--version)
(emacsql-close conn)
"The Org-roam database was created with a newer Org-roam version. "
"You need to update the Org-roam package"))
((< version org-roam-db--version)
(emacsql-close conn)
(error "BUG: The Org-roam database scheme changed %s"
"and there is no upgrade path")))))))
;;;; Entrypoint: (org-roam-db-query)
(defun org-roam-db-query (sql &rest args)
"Run SQL query on Org-roam database with ARGS.
SQL can be either the emacsql vector representation, or a string."
(if (stringp sql)
(emacsql (org-roam-db) (apply #'format sql args))
(apply #'emacsql (org-roam-db) sql args)))
;;;; Schemata
(defconst org-roam-db--table-schemata
[(file :unique :primary-key)
(hash :not-null)
(meta :not-null)])
[(id :unique :primary-key)
(file :not-null)])
[(from :not-null)
(to :not-null)
(type :not-null)
(properties :not-null)])
[(file :unique :primary-key)
[(file :not-null)
[(ref :unique :not-null)
(file :not-null)
(type :not-null)])))
(defun org-roam-db--init (db)
"Initialize database DB with the correct schema and user version."
(emacsql-with-transaction db
(pcase-dolist (`(,table . ,schema) org-roam-db--table-schemata)
(emacsql db [:create-table $i1 $S2] table schema))
(emacsql db (format "PRAGMA user_version = %s" org-roam-db--version))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-maybe (db version)
"Upgrades the database schema for DB, if VERSION is old."
(emacsql-with-transaction db
(if (< version org-roam-db--version)
(org-roam-message (format "Upgrading the Org-roam database from version %d to version %d"
version org-roam-db--version))
(org-roam-db-build-cache t))))
(defun org-roam-db--close (&optional db)
"Closes the database connection for database DB.
If DB is nil, closes the database connection for the database in
the current `org-roam-directory'."
(unless db
(setq db (org-roam-db--get-connection)))
(when (and db (emacsql-live-p db))
(emacsql-close db)))
(defun org-roam-db--close-all ()
"Closes all database connections made by Org-roam."
(dolist (conn (hash-table-values org-roam-db--connection))
(org-roam-db--close conn)))
;;;; Database API
;;;;; Initialization
(defun org-roam-db--initialized-p ()
"Whether the Org-roam cache has been initialized."
(and (file-exists-p (org-roam-db--get))
(> (caar (org-roam-db-query [:select (funcall count) :from titles]))
(defun org-roam-db--ensure-built ()
"Ensures that Org-roam cache is built."
(unless (org-roam-db--initialized-p)
(error "[Org-roam] your cache isn't built yet! Please run org-roam-db-build-cache")))
;;;;; Clearing
(defun org-roam-db-clear ()
"Clears all entries in the Org-roam cache."
(when (file-exists-p (org-roam-db--get))
(dolist (table (mapcar #'car org-roam-db--table-schemata))
(org-roam-db-query `[:delete :from ,table]))))
(defun org-roam-db--clear-file (&optional filepath)
"Remove any related links to the file at FILEPATH.
This is equivalent to removing the node from the graph."
(let ((file (file-truename (or filepath
(buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))))
(dolist (table (mapcar #'car org-roam-db--table-schemata))
(org-roam-db-query `[:delete :from ,table
:where (= ,(if (eq table 'links) 'from 'file) $s1)]
;;;;; Insertion
(defun org-roam-db--insert-meta (file hash meta)
"Insert HASH and META for a FILE into the Org-roam cache."
[:insert :into files
:values $v1]
(list (vector file hash meta))))
(defun org-roam-db--insert-links (links)
"Insert LINKS into the Org-roam cache."
[:insert :into links
:values $v1]
(defun org-roam-db--insert-titles (file titles)
"Insert TITLES for a FILE into the Org-roam cache."
[:insert :into titles
:values $v1]
(mapcar (lambda (title)
(vector file title)) titles)))
(defun org-roam-db--insert-headlines (headlines)
"Insert HEADLINES into the Org-roam cache.
Returns t if the insertion was successful, nil otherwise.
Insertions can fail when there is an ID conflict."
(condition-case nil
[:insert :into headlines
:values $v1]
(unless (listp headlines)
(setq headlines (list headlines)))
(lwarn '(org-roam) :error
(format "Duplicate IDs in %s, one of:\n\n%s\n\nskipping..."
(aref (car headlines) 1)
(string-join (mapcar (lambda (hl)
(aref hl 0)) headlines) "\n")))
(defun org-roam-db--insert-tags (file tags)
"Insert TAGS for a FILE into the Org-roam cache."
[:insert :into tags
:values $v1]
(list (vector file tags))))
(defun org-roam-db--insert-ref (file ref)
"Insert REF for FILE into the Org-roam cache.
Returns t if successful, and nil otherwise.
Insertions can fail if the key is already in the database."
(let ((key (cdr ref))
(type (car ref)))
(condition-case nil
[:insert :into refs :values $v1]
(list (vector key file type)))
(lwarn '(org-roam) :error
(format "Duplicate ref %s in:\n\nA: %s\nB: %s\n\nskipping..."
(caar (org-roam-db-query
[:select file :from refs
:where (= ref $v1)]
(vector key)))))
;;;;; Fetching
(defun org-roam-db--get-current-files ()
"Return a hash-table of file to the hash of its file contents."
(let* ((current-files (org-roam-db-query [:select * :from files]))
(ht (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(dolist (row current-files)
(puthash (car row) (cadr row) ht))
(defun org-roam-db--get-titles (file)
"Return the titles of FILE from the cache."
(caar (org-roam-db-query [:select [title] :from titles
:where (= file $s1)
:limit 1]
(defun org-roam-db--connected-component (file)
"Return all files reachable from/connected to FILE, including the file itself.
If the file does not have any connections, nil is returned."
(let* ((query "WITH RECURSIVE
links_of(file, link) AS
(WITH filelinks AS (SELECT * FROM links WHERE \"type\" = '\"file\"'),
citelinks AS (SELECT * FROM links
JOIN refs ON links.\"to\" = refs.\"ref\"
AND links.\"type\" = '\"cite\"')
SELECT \"from\", \"to\" FROM filelinks UNION
SELECT \"to\", \"from\" FROM filelinks UNION
SELECT \"file\", \"from\" FROM citelinks UNION
SELECT \"from\", \"file\" FROM citelinks),
connected_component(file) AS
(SELECT link FROM links_of WHERE file = $s1
SELECT link FROM links_of JOIN connected_component USING(file))
SELECT * FROM connected_component;")
(files (mapcar 'car-safe (emacsql (org-roam-db) query file))))
(defun org-roam-db--links-with-max-distance (file max-distance)
"Return all files connected to FILE in at most MAX-DISTANCE steps.
This includes the file itself. If the file does not have any
connections, nil is returned."
(let* ((query "WITH RECURSIVE
links_of(file, link) AS
(WITH filelinks AS (SELECT * FROM links WHERE \"type\" = '\"file\"'),
citelinks AS (SELECT * FROM links
JOIN refs ON links.\"to\" = refs.\"ref\"
AND links.\"type\" = '\"cite\"')
SELECT \"from\", \"to\" FROM filelinks UNION
SELECT \"to\", \"from\" FROM filelinks UNION
SELECT \"file\", \"from\" FROM citelinks UNION
SELECT \"from\", \"file\" FROM citelinks),
-- Links are traversed in a breadth-first search. In order to calculate the
-- distance of nodes and to avoid following cyclic links, the visited nodes
-- are tracked in 'trace'.
connected_component(file, trace) AS
(VALUES($s1, json_array($s1))
SELECT, json_insert(cc.trace, '$[' || json_array_length(cc.trace) || ']', FROM
connected_component AS cc JOIN links_of AS lo USING(file)
-- Avoid cycles by only visiting each file once.
(SELECT count(*) FROM json_each(cc.trace) WHERE json_each.value == == 0
-- Note: BFS is cut off early here.
AND json_array_length(cc.trace) < ($s2 + 1)))
SELECT DISTINCT file, min(json_array_length(trace)) AS distance
FROM connected_component GROUP BY file ORDER BY distance;")
;; In principle the distance would be available in the second column.
(files (mapcar 'car-safe (emacsql (org-roam-db) query file max-distance))))
(defun org-roam-db--file-hash (&optional file-path)
"Compute the hash of FILE-PATH, a file or current buffer."
(let* ((file-p (and file-path))
(file-path (or file-path
(buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
(encrypted-p (and file-path
(string= (org-roam--file-name-extension file-path)
(cond ((and encrypted-p file-p)
(set-buffer-multibyte nil)
(insert-file-contents-literally file-path)
(secure-hash 'sha1 (current-buffer))))
(insert-file-contents file-path)
(secure-hash 'sha1 (current-buffer))))
(secure-hash 'sha1 (current-buffer))))))
;;;;; Updating
(defun org-roam-db--update-meta ()
"Update the metadata of the current buffer into the cache."
(let* ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name)))
(attr (file-attributes file))
(atime (file-attribute-access-time attr))
(mtime (file-attribute-modification-time attr))
(hash (org-roam-db--file-hash)))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from files
:where (= file $s1)]
(org-roam-db--insert-meta file hash (list :atime atime :mtime mtime))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-titles ()
"Update the title of the current buffer into the cache."
(let* ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name)))
(titles (or (org-roam--extract-titles)
(list (org-roam--path-to-slug file)))))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from titles
:where (= file $s1)]
(org-roam-db--insert-titles file titles)))
(defun org-roam-db--update-tags ()
"Update the tags of the current buffer into the cache."
(let ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name)))
(tags (org-roam--extract-tags)))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from tags
:where (= file $s1)]
(when tags
(org-roam-db--insert-tags file tags))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-refs ()
"Update the ref of the current buffer into the cache."
(let ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from refs
:where (= file $s1)]
(when-let ((ref (org-roam--extract-ref)))
(org-roam-db--insert-ref file ref))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-links ()
"Update the file links of the current buffer in the cache."
(let ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from links
:where (= from $s1)]
(when-let ((links (org-roam--extract-links)))
(org-roam-db--insert-links links))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-headlines ()
"Update the file headlines of the current buffer into the cache."
(let* ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from headlines
:where (= file $s1)]
(when-let ((headlines (org-roam--extract-headlines)))
(org-roam-db--insert-headlines headlines))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-file (&optional file-path)
"Update Org-roam cache for FILE-PATH."
(when (org-roam--org-roam-file-p file-path)
(let ((buf (or (and file-path
(find-file-noselect file-path t))
(with-current-buffer buf
(emacsql-with-transaction (org-roam-db)
(org-roam-buffer--update-maybe :redisplay t))))))
(defun org-roam-db-build-cache (&optional force)
"Build the cache for `org-roam-directory'.
If FORCE, force a rebuild of the cache from scratch."
(interactive "P")
(when force (delete-file (org-roam-db--get)))
(org-roam-db--close) ;; Force a reconnect
(org-roam-db) ;; To initialize the database, no-op if already initialized
(let* ((gc-cons-threshold org-roam-db-gc-threshold)
(org-roam-files (org-roam--list-all-files))
(current-files (org-roam-db--get-current-files))
(file-count 0)
(headline-count 0)
(link-count 0)
(tag-count 0)
(title-count 0)
(ref-count 0)
(deleted-count 0))
(emacsql-with-transaction (org-roam-db)
;; Two-step building
;; First step: Rebuild files and headlines
(dolist (file org-roam-files)
(let* ((attr (file-attributes file))
(atime (file-attribute-access-time attr))
(mtime (file-attribute-modification-time attr)))
(let ((contents-hash (org-roam-db--file-hash file)))
(unless (string= (gethash file current-files)
(condition-case nil
(org-roam--with-temp-buffer file
(org-roam-db--clear-file file)
[:insert :into files
:values $v1]
(vector file contents-hash (list :atime atime :mtime mtime)))
(setq file-count (1+ file-count))
(when-let ((headlines (org-roam--extract-headlines file)))
(when (org-roam-db--insert-headlines headlines)
(setq headline-count (1+ headline-count)))))
(setq org-roam-files (remove file org-roam-files))
(org-roam-db--clear-file file)
(lwarn '(org-roam) :warning
"Skipping unreadable file while building cache: %s" file)))))))
;; Second step: Rebuild the rest
(dolist (file org-roam-files)
(let ((contents-hash (org-roam-db--file-hash file)))
(unless (string= (gethash file current-files)
(org-roam--with-temp-buffer file
(when-let (links (org-roam--extract-links file))
[:insert :into links
:values $v1]
(setq link-count (1+ link-count)))
(when-let (tags (org-roam--extract-tags file))
[:insert :into tags
:values $v1]
(vector file tags))
(setq tag-count (1+ tag-count)))
(let ((titles (or (org-roam--extract-titles)
(list (org-roam--path-to-slug file)))))
(org-roam-db--insert-titles file titles)
(setq title-count (+ title-count (length titles))))
(when-let* ((ref (org-roam--extract-ref)))
(when (org-roam-db--insert-ref file ref)
(setq ref-count (1+ ref-count))))))
(remhash file current-files)))
(dolist (file (hash-table-keys current-files))
;; These files are no longer around, remove from cache...
(org-roam-db--clear-file file)
(setq deleted-count (1+ deleted-count))))
(org-roam-message "files: Δ%s, headlines: Δ%s, links: Δ%s, tags: Δ%s, titles: Δ%s, refs: Δ%s, deleted: Δ%s"
(provide 'org-roam-db)
;;; org-roam-db.el ends here