Herbert Jones b2dc9b33f6
(bugfix): fix new file template default case (#169)
ref #165

Without this change I am getting the error:

    org-roam--make-new-file: Symbol’s function definition is void: file-name-fn
2020-02-23 22:54:59 +08:00

745 lines
29 KiB

;;; org-roam.el --- Roam Research replica with Org-mode -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright © 2020 Jethro Kuan <>
;; Author: Jethro Kuan <>
;; URL:
;; Keywords: org-mode, roam, convenience
;; Version: 0.1.2
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (dash "2.13") (f "0.17.2") (s "1.12.0") (async "1.9.4"))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; This library is an attempt at injecting Roam functionality into Org-mode.
;; This is achieved primarily through building caches for forward links,
;; backward links, and file titles.
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
(require 'dash)
(require 'org-element)
(require 'async)
(require 'subr-x)
(require 's)
(require 'f)
(require 'org-roam-utils)
;;; Customizations
(defgroup org-roam nil
"Roam Research replica in Org-mode."
:group 'org
:prefix "org-roam-"
:link '(url-link :tag "Github" "")
:link '(url-link :tag "Online Manual" ""))
(defcustom org-roam-directory (expand-file-name "~/org-roam/")
"Path to Org-roam files.
All Org files, at any level of nesting, is considered part of the Org-roam."
:type 'directory
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-new-file-directory nil
"Path to where new Org-roam files are created.
If nil, default to the org-roam-directory (preferred)."
:type 'directory
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-mute-cache-build nil
"Whether to mute the cache build message."
:type 'boolean
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-buffer-position 'right
"Position of `org-roam' buffer.
Valid values are
* left,
* right."
:type '(choice (const left)
(const right))
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-file-name-function #'org-roam--file-name-timestamp-title
"The function used to generate filenames.
The function takes as parameter `TITLE', a string the user inputs."
:group 'org-roam
:type '(choice (const :tag "Default" org-roam--file-name-timestamp-title)
(function :tag "Personalized function")))
(defcustom org-roam-link-title-format "%s"
"The format string used when inserting org-roam links that use their title."
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-filename-noconfirm t
"Whether to prompt for confirmation of fil name for new files.
If nil, always ask for filename."
:type 'boolean
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-buffer-width 0.33 "Width of `org-roam' buffer."
:type 'number
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-buffer "*org-roam*"
"Org-roam buffer name."
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-encrypt-files nil
"Whether to encrypt new files. If true, create files with .org.gpg extension."
:type 'boolean
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-viewer (executable-find "firefox")
"Path to executable for viewing SVG."
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graphviz-executable (executable-find "dot")
"Path to graphviz executable."
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-max-title-length 100
"Maximum length of titles in graphviz graph nodes"
:type 'number
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-node-shape "ellipse"
"Maximum length of titles in graphviz graph nodes"
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
(defgroup org-roam-faces nil
"Faces used by Org-Roam."
:group 'org-roam
:group 'faces)
;;; Polyfills
;; These are for functions I use that are only available in newer Emacs
;; Introduced in Emacs 27.1
(unless (fboundp 'make-empty-file)
(defun make-empty-file (filename &optional parents)
"Create an empty file FILENAME.
Optional arg PARENTS, if non-nil then creates parent dirs as needed.
If called interactively, then PARENTS is non-nil."
(let ((filename (read-file-name "Create empty file: ")))
(list filename t)))
(when (and (file-exists-p filename) (null parents))
(signal 'file-already-exists `("File exists" ,filename)))
(let ((paren-dir (file-name-directory filename)))
(when (and paren-dir (not (file-exists-p paren-dir)))
(make-directory paren-dir parents)))
(write-region "" nil filename nil 0)))
;;; Dynamic variables
(defvar org-roam-cache-initialized nil
"Boolean value indicating whether the cache is initialized.")
(defvar org-roam-forward-links-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"Cache containing forward links.")
(defvar org-roam-backward-links-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"Cache containing backward-links.")
(defvar org-roam-titles-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"Cache containing titles for org-roam files.")
(defvar org-roam--current-buffer nil
"Currently displayed file in `org-roam' buffer.")
(defvar org-roam-last-window nil
"Last window `org-roam' was called from.")
;;; Utilities
(defun org-roam--ensure-cache-built ()
"Ensures that org-roam cache is built."
(unless org-roam-cache-initialized
(user-error "Your Org-Roam cache isn't built yet! Please wait")))
(defun org-roam--org-roam-file-p (&optional file)
"Return t if FILE is part of org-roam system, defaulting to the name of the current buffer. Else, return nil."
(let ((path (or file
(buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))))
(and path
(org-roam--org-file-p path)
(f-descendant-of-p (file-truename path)
(file-truename org-roam-directory)))))
(defun org-roam--get-title-from-cache (file)
"Return title of `FILE' from the cache."
(or (gethash file org-roam-titles-cache)
(unless org-roam-cache-initialized
(user-error "The Org-Roam caches aren't built! Please run org-roam--build-cache-async"))
(defun org-roam--find-all-files ()
"Return all org-roam files."
(org-roam--find-files (file-truename org-roam-directory)))
(defun org-roam--new-file-path (id &optional absolute)
"Make new file path from identifier `ID'.
If `ABSOLUTE', return an absolute file-path. Else, return a relative file-path."
(let ((absolute-file-path (file-truename
(if org-roam-encrypt-files
(concat id ".org.gpg")
(concat id ".org"))
(or org-roam-new-file-directory
(if absolute
(file-relative-name absolute-file-path
(file-truename org-roam-directory)))))
(defun org-roam--get-title-or-slug (file-path)
"Convert `FILE-PATH' to the file title, if it exists. Else, return the path."
(or (org-roam--get-title-from-cache file-path)
(-> file-path
(file-relative-name (file-truename org-roam-directory))
(defun org-roam--title-to-slug (title)
"Convert TITLE to a filename-suitable slug."
(cl-flet ((replace (title pair)
(replace-regexp-in-string (car pair) (cdr pair) title)))
(let* ((pairs `(("[^[:alnum:][:digit:]]" . "_") ;; convert anything not alphanumeric
("__*" . "_") ;; remove sequential underscores
("^_" . "") ;; remove starting underscore
("_$" . ""))) ;; remove ending underscore
(slug (-reduce-from #'replace title pairs)))
(s-downcase slug))))
(defun org-roam--file-name-timestamp-title (title)
"Return a file name (without extension) for new files.
It uses TITLE and the current timestamp to form a unique title."
(let ((timestamp (format-time-string "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" (current-time)))
(slug (org-roam--title-to-slug title)))
(format "%s_%s" timestamp slug)))
;;; Creating org-roam files
(defvar org-roam-templates
(list (list "default" (list :file #'org-roam--file-name-timestamp-title
:content "#+TITLE: ${title}")))
"Templates to insert for new files in org-roam.")
(defun org-roam--make-new-file (title &optional template-key)
(unless org-roam-templates
(user-error "No templates defined"))
(let (template)
(if template-key
(setq template (cadr (assoc template-key org-roam-templates)))
(if (= (length org-roam-templates) 1)
(setq template (cadar org-roam-templates))
(setq template
(cadr (assoc (completing-read "Template: " org-roam-templates)
(let (file-name-fn file-path)
(fset 'file-name-fn (plist-get template :file))
(setq file-path (org-roam--new-file-path (file-name-fn title) t))
(if (file-exists-p file-path)
(make-empty-file file-path t)
(s-format (plist-get template :content)
(list (cons "title" title)
(cons "slug" (org-roam--title-to-slug title))))
nil file-path nil)
(defun org-roam--get-new-id (title)
"Return a new ID, given the note TITLE."
(let* ((proposed-slug (funcall org-roam-file-name-function title))
(new-slug (if org-roam-filename-noconfirm
(read-string "Enter ID (without extension): "
(file-path (org-roam--new-file-path new-slug t)))
(if (file-exists-p file-path)
(user-error "There's already a file at %s")
;;; Inserting org-roam links
(defun org-roam-insert (prefix)
"Find an org-roam file, and insert a relative org link to it at point.
If PREFIX, downcase the title before insertion."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((region (and (region-active-p)
;; following may lose active region, so save it
(cons (region-beginning) (region-end))))
(region-text (when region
(car region) (cdr region))))
(completions (mapcar (lambda (file)
(list (org-roam--get-title-or-slug file)
(title (completing-read "File: " completions nil nil region-text))
(region-or-title (or region-text title))
(absolute-file-path (or (cadr (assoc title completions))
(org-roam--make-new-file title)))
(current-file-path (-> (or (buffer-base-buffer)
(when region ;; Remove previously selected text.
(goto-char (car region))
(delete-char (- (cdr region) (car region))))
(insert (format "[[%s][%s]]"
(concat "file:" (file-relative-name absolute-file-path
(format org-roam-link-title-format (if prefix
(downcase region-or-title)
;;; Finding org-roam files
(defun org-roam-find-file ()
"Find and open an org-roam file."
(let* ((completions (mapcar (lambda (file)
(list (org-roam--get-title-or-slug file) file))
(title-or-slug (completing-read "File: " completions))
(absolute-file-path (or (cadr (assoc title-or-slug completions))
(org-roam--make-new-file title-or-slug))))
(find-file absolute-file-path)))
(defun org-roam--get-roam-buffers ()
"Return a list of buffers that are org-roam files."
(--filter (and (with-current-buffer it (derived-mode-p 'org-mode))
(buffer-file-name it)
(org-roam--org-roam-file-p (buffer-file-name it)))
(defun org-roam-switch-to-buffer ()
"Switch to an existing org-roam buffer using completing-read."
(let* ((roam-buffers (org-roam--get-roam-buffers))
(names-and-buffers (mapcar (lambda (buffer)
(cons (or (org-roam--get-title-from-cache
(buffer-file-name buffer))
(buffer-name buffer))
(unless roam-buffers
(error "No roam buffers."))
(when-let ((name (completing-read "Choose a buffer: " names-and-buffers)))
(switch-to-buffer (cdr (assoc name names-and-buffers))))))
(defvar org-roam--ongoing-async-build nil
"Prevent multiple async cache builds. This can happen when
restoring a session or loading multiple org-roam files before a
build has completed.")
;;; Building the org-roam cache
(defun org-roam--build-cache-async ()
"Builds the caches asychronously."
(unless (and (processp org-roam--ongoing-async-build)
(not (async-ready org-roam--ongoing-async-build)))
(setq org-roam--ongoing-async-build
`(lambda ()
(setq load-path ',load-path)
(require 'org-roam-utils)
,(async-inject-variables "org-roam-directory")
(cons org-roam-directory (org-roam--build-cache org-roam-directory)))
(lambda (pair)
(let ((directory (car pair))
(cache (cdr pair)))
(setq org-roam-directory directory ;; ensure dir matches cache
org-roam-forward-links-cache (plist-get cache :forward)
org-roam-backward-links-cache (plist-get cache :backward)
org-roam-titles-cache (plist-get cache :titles)
org-roam-cache-initialized t)
(unless org-roam-mute-cache-build
(message "Org-roam cache built!"))))))))
(defun org-roam--clear-cache ()
"Clears all entries in the caches."
(setq org-roam-cache-initialized nil)
(setq org-roam-forward-links-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(setq org-roam-backward-links-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(setq org-roam-titles-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(defun org-roam--clear-file-from-cache (&optional filepath)
"Remove any related links to the file.
This is equivalent to removing the node from the graph."
(let* ((path (or filepath
(buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
(file (file-truename path)))
;; Step 1: Remove all existing links for file
(when-let ((forward-links (gethash file org-roam-forward-links-cache)))
;; Delete backlinks to file
(dolist (link forward-links)
(when-let ((backward-links (gethash link org-roam-backward-links-cache)))
(remhash file backward-links)
(puthash link backward-links org-roam-backward-links-cache)))
;; Clean out forward links
(remhash file org-roam-forward-links-cache))
;; Step 2: Remove from the title cache
(remhash file org-roam-titles-cache)))
(defun org-roam--update-cache-title ()
"Insert the title of the current buffer into the cache."
(when-let ((title (org-roam--extract-title)))
(puthash (file-truename (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
(defun org-roam--update-cache ()
"Update org-roam caches for the current buffer file."
;; Insert into title cache
;; Insert new items
(let ((items (org-roam--parse-content)))
(dolist (item items)
:forward org-roam-forward-links-cache
:backward org-roam-backward-links-cache)))
;; Rerender buffer
(org-roam--maybe-update-buffer :redisplay t)))
;;; Org-roam daily notes
(defun org-roam--file-for-time (time)
"Create and find file for TIME."
(let* ((org-roam-templates (list (list "daily" (list :file (lambda (title) title)
:content "#+TITLE: ${title}")))))
(org-roam--make-new-file (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" time) "daily")))
(defun org-roam-today ()
"Create and find file for today."
(let ((path (org-roam--file-for-time (current-time))))
(find-file path)))
(defun org-roam-tomorrow ()
"Create and find the file for tomorrow."
(let ((path (org-roam--file-for-time (time-add 86400 (current-time)))))
(find-file path)))
(defun org-roam-date ()
"Create the file for any date using the calendar."
(let ((time (org-read-date nil 'to-time nil "Date: ")))
(let ((path (org-roam--file-for-time time)))
(find-file path))))
;;; Org-roam buffer
(define-derived-mode org-roam-backlinks-mode org-mode "Backlinks"
"Major mode for the org-roam backlinks buffer
(define-key org-roam-backlinks-mode-map [mouse-1] 'org-roam-jump-to-backlink)
(define-key org-roam-backlinks-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'org-roam-jump-to-backlink)
(defun org-roam-jump-to-backlink ()
"Jumps to original file and location of the backlink content snippet at point"
(let ((file-from (get-text-property (point) 'file-from))
(p (get-text-property (point) 'file-from-point)))
(when (and file-from p)
(find-file file-from)
(goto-char p)
(defun org-roam--find-file (file)
"Open FILE in the window `org-roam' was called from."
(if (and org-roam-last-window (window-valid-p org-roam-last-window))
(progn (with-selected-window org-roam-last-window
(find-file file))
(select-window org-roam-last-window))
(find-file file)))
(defun org-roam-update (file-path)
"Show the backlinks for given org file for file at `FILE-PATH'."
(let ((buffer-title (org-roam--get-title-or-slug file-path)))
(with-current-buffer org-roam-buffer
;; Locally overwrite the file opening function to re-use the
;; last window org-roam was called from
(cons '(file . org-roam--find-file) org-link-frame-setup))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(when (not (eq major-mode 'org-roam-backlinks-mode))
(make-local-variable 'org-return-follows-link)
(setq org-return-follows-link t)
(propertize buffer-title 'font-lock-face 'org-document-title))
(if-let ((backlinks (gethash file-path org-roam-backward-links-cache)))
(insert (format "\n\n* %d Backlinks\n"
(hash-table-count backlinks)))
(maphash (lambda (file-from contents)
(insert (format "** [[file:%s][%s]]\n"
(org-roam--get-title-or-slug file-from)))
(dolist (properties contents)
(let ((content (propertize
(s-trim (s-replace "\n" " "
(plist-get properties :content)))
'font-lock-face 'org-block
'help-echo "mouse-1: visit backlinked note"
'file-from file-from
'file-from-point (plist-get properties :point))))
(insert (format "%s \n\n" content)))))
(insert "\n\n* No backlinks!")))
(read-only-mode 1))))
;;; Building the Graphviz graph
(defun org-roam-build-graph ()
"Build graphviz graph output."
(insert "digraph {\n")
(dolist (file (org-roam--find-all-files))
(let ((title (org-roam--get-title-or-slug file)))
(let ((shortened-title (s-truncate org-roam-graph-max-title-length title)))
(format " \"%s\" [label=\"%s\", shape=%s, URL=\"roam://%s\", tooltip=\"%s\"];\n"
(lambda (from-link to-links)
(dolist (to-link to-links)
(insert (format " \"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n"
(org-roam--get-title-or-slug from-link)
(org-roam--get-title-or-slug to-link)))))
(insert "}")
(defun org-roam-show-graph ()
"Generate the org-roam graph in SVG format, and display it using `org-roam-graph-viewer'."
(unless org-roam-graphviz-executable
(setq org-roam-graphviz-executable (executable-find "dot")))
(unless org-roam-graphviz-executable
(user-error "Can't find graphviz executable. Please check if it is in your path"))
(declare (indent 0))
(let ((temp-dot (expand-file-name "" temporary-file-directory))
(temp-graph (expand-file-name "graph.svg" temporary-file-directory))
(graph (org-roam-build-graph)))
(with-temp-file temp-dot
(insert graph))
(call-process org-roam-graphviz-executable nil 0 nil temp-dot "-Tsvg" "-o" temp-graph)
(if (and org-roam-graph-viewer (executable-find org-roam-graph-viewer))
(call-process org-roam-graph-viewer nil 0 nil temp-graph)
(view-file temp-graph))))
;;; Org-roam minor mode
(cl-defun org-roam--maybe-update-buffer (&key redisplay)
"Update `org-roam-buffer' with the necessary information.
This needs to be quick/infrequent, because this is run at
(let ((buffer (window-buffer)))
(when (and (or redisplay
(not (eq org-roam--current-buffer buffer)))
(eq 'visible (org-roam--current-visibility))
(buffer-local-value 'buffer-file-truename buffer))
(setq org-roam--current-buffer buffer)
(org-roam-update (expand-file-name
(buffer-local-value 'buffer-file-truename buffer))))))
(defface org-roam-link
'((t :inherit org-link))
"Face for org-roam link."
:group 'org-roam-faces)
(defun org-roam--roam-link-face (path)
"Conditional face for org file links.
Applies `org-roam-link-face' if PATH correponds to a Roam file."
(if (org-roam--org-roam-file-p path)
(defun org-roam--find-file-hook-function ()
"Called by `find-file-hook' when `org-roam-mode' is on."
(when (org-roam--org-roam-file-p)
(org-link-set-parameters "file" :face 'org-roam--roam-link-face)
(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'org-roam--maybe-update-buffer nil t)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'org-roam--update-cache nil t)))
(defvar org-roam-mode-map
"Keymap for org-roam commands.")
(defun org-roam--delete-file-advice (file &optional _trash)
"Advice for maintaining cache consistency during file deletes."
(org-roam--clear-file-from-cache (file-truename file)))
(defun org-roam--rename-file-advice (file new-file &rest args)
"Rename backlinks of FILE to refer to NEW-FILE."
(when (and (not (auto-save-file-name-p file))
(not (auto-save-file-name-p new-file))
(org-roam--org-roam-file-p new-file))
(org-roam--clear-file-from-cache file)
(let* ((files (gethash file org-roam-backward-links-cache nil))
(path (file-truename file))
(new-path (file-truename new-file))
(slug (org-roam--get-title-or-slug file))
(old-title (format org-roam-link-title-format slug))
(new-slug (or (org-roam--get-title-from-cache path)
(org-roam--get-title-or-slug new-path)))
(new-title (format org-roam-link-title-format new-slug)))
(when files
(maphash (lambda (file-from props)
(let* ((file-dir (file-name-directory file-from))
(relative-path (file-relative-name new-path file-dir))
(old-relative-path (file-relative-name path file-dir))
(slug-regex (regexp-quote (format "[[file:%s][%s]]" old-relative-path old-title)))
(named-regex (concat
(regexp-quote (format "[[file:%s][" old-relative-path))
(regexp-quote "]]"))))
(with-temp-file file-from
(insert-file-contents file-from)
(while (re-search-forward slug-regex nil t)
(replace-match (format "[[file:%s][%s]]" relative-path new-title)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward named-regex nil t)
(replace-match (format "[[file:%s][\\1]]" relative-path))))
(find-file file-from)
(find-file new-path)
(define-minor-mode org-roam-mode
"Minor mode for Org-roam.
When called interactively, toggle `org-roam-mode'. with prefix ARG, enable `org-roam-mode'
if ARG is posiwive, otherwise disable it.
When called from Lisp, enable `org-roam-mode' if ARG is omitted, nil, or positive.
If ARG is `toggle', toggle `org-roam-mode'. Otherwise, behave as if called interactively."
:lighter " Org-Roam"
:keymap org-roam-mode-map
:group 'org-roam
:require 'org-roam
:global t
(unless org-roam-cache-initialized
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'org-roam--find-file-hook-function)
(advice-add 'rename-file :after #'org-roam--rename-file-advice)
(advice-add 'delete-file :before #'org-roam--delete-file-advice))
(remove-hook 'find-file-hook #'org-roam--find-file-hook-function)
(advice-remove 'rename-file #'org-roam--rename-file-advice)
(advice-remove 'delete-file #'org-roam--delete-file-advice)
;; Disable local hooks for all org-roam buffers
(dolist (buf (org-roam--get-roam-buffers))
(with-current-buffer buf
(org-link-set-parameters "file" :face 'org-link)
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'org-roam--maybe-update-buffer t)
(remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'org-roam--update-cache t))))))
(provide 'org-roam)
;;; Show/hide the org-roam buffer
(define-inline org-roam--current-visibility ()
"Return whether the current visibility state of the org-roam buffer.
Valid states are 'visible, 'exists and 'none."
(declare (side-effect-free t))
((get-buffer-window org-roam-buffer) 'visible)
((get-buffer org-roam-buffer) 'exists)
(t 'none))))
(defun org-roam--set-width (width)
"Set the width of the org-roam buffer to `WIDTH'."
(unless (one-window-p)
(let ((window-size-fixed)
(w (max width window-min-width)))
((> (window-width) w)
(shrink-window-horizontally (- (window-width) w)))
((< (window-width) w)
(enlarge-window-horizontally (- w (window-width))))))))
(defun org-roam--setup-buffer ()
"Setup the `org-roam' buffer at the `org-roam-buffer-position'."
(let ((window (get-buffer-window)))
(-> (get-buffer-create org-roam-buffer)
`((side . ,org-roam-buffer-position)))
(round (* (frame-width)
(select-window window)))
(defun org-roam ()
"Pops up the window `org-roam-buffer' accordingly."
(setq org-roam-last-window (get-buffer-window))
(pcase (org-roam--current-visibility)
('visible (delete-window (get-buffer-window org-roam-buffer)))
('exists (org-roam--setup-buffer))
('none (org-roam--setup-buffer))))
;;; org-roam.el ends here
;; Local Variables:
;; outline-regexp: ";;;+ "
;; End: