Charl P. Botha 2081e1268a
(feat): add org-roam-enable-headline-linking (#1030)
When disabled, Org-roam will not attempt to cache headlines, and will not create IDs.

Co-authored-by: Jethro Kuan <>
2020-08-13 11:18:06 +08:00

566 lines
22 KiB

;;; org-roam-db.el --- Org-roam database API -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright © 2020 Jethro Kuan <>
;; Author: Jethro Kuan <>
;; URL:
;; Keywords: org-mode, roam, convenience
;; Version: 1.2.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (dash "2.13") (f "0.17.2") (s "1.12.0") (org "9.3") (emacsql "3.0.0") (emacsql-sqlite3 "1.0.0"))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; This library is provides the underlying database api to org-roam
;;; Code:
;;;; Library Requires
(eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x))
(require 'emacsql)
(require 'emacsql-sqlite3)
(require 'seq)
(require 'org-macs)
(require 'org-roam-macs)
(defvar org-roam-directory)
(defvar org-roam-enable-headline-linking)
(defvar org-roam-verbose)
(defvar org-roam-file-name)
(declare-function org-roam--org-roam-file-p "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-titles "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-ref "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-tags "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-headlines "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--extract-links "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--list-all-files "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--path-to-slug "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--file-name-extension "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam-buffer--update-maybe "org-roam-buffer")
;;;; Options
(defcustom org-roam-db-location nil
"The full path to file where the Org-roam database is stored.
If this is non-nil, the Org-roam sqlite database is saved here.
It is the user's responsibility to set this correctly, especially
when used with multiple Org-roam instances."
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-db-gc-threshold gc-cons-threshold
"The value to temporarily set the `gc-cons-threshold' threshold to.
During large, heavy operations like `org-roam-db-build-cache',
many GC operations happen because of the large number of
temporary structures generated (e.g. parsed ASTs). Temporarily
increasing `gc-cons-threshold' will help reduce the number of GC
operations, at the cost of temporary memory usage.
This defaults to the original value of `gc-cons-threshold', but
tweaking this number may lead to better overall performance. For
example, to reduce the number of GCs, one may set it to a large
value like `most-positive-fixnum'."
:type 'int
:group 'org-roam)
(defconst org-roam-db--version 7)
(defvar org-roam-db--connection (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"Database connection to Org-roam database.")
;;;; Core Functions
(defun org-roam-db--get ()
"Return the sqlite db file."
(or org-roam-db-location
(expand-file-name "org-roam.db" org-roam-directory)))
(defun org-roam-db--get-connection ()
"Return the database connection, if any."
(gethash (file-truename org-roam-directory)
(defun org-roam-db ()
"Entrypoint to the Org-roam sqlite database.
Initializes and stores the database, and the database connection.
Performs a database upgrade when required."
(unless (and (org-roam-db--get-connection)
(emacsql-live-p (org-roam-db--get-connection)))
(let* ((db-file (org-roam-db--get))
(init-db (not (file-exists-p db-file))))
(make-directory (file-name-directory db-file) t)
(let ((conn (emacsql-sqlite3 db-file)))
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag (emacsql-process conn) nil)
(puthash (file-truename org-roam-directory)
(when init-db
(org-roam-db--init conn))
(let* ((version (caar (emacsql conn "PRAGMA user_version")))
(version (org-roam-db--update-maybe conn version)))
((> version org-roam-db--version)
(emacsql-close conn)
"The Org-roam database was created with a newer Org-roam version. "
"You need to update the Org-roam package"))
((< version org-roam-db--version)
(emacsql-close conn)
(error "BUG: The Org-roam database scheme changed %s"
"and there is no upgrade path")))))))
;;;; Entrypoint: (org-roam-db-query)
(defun org-roam-db-query (sql &rest args)
"Run SQL query on Org-roam database with ARGS.
SQL can be either the emacsql vector representation, or a string."
(if (stringp sql)
(emacsql (org-roam-db) (apply #'format sql args))
(apply #'emacsql (org-roam-db) sql args)))
;;;; Schemata
(defconst org-roam-db--table-schemata
[(file :unique :primary-key)
(hash :not-null)
(meta :not-null)])
[(id :unique :primary-key)
(file :not-null)])
[(from :not-null)
(to :not-null)
(type :not-null)
(properties :not-null)])
[(file :unique :primary-key)
[(file :not-null)
[(ref :unique :not-null)
(file :not-null)
(type :not-null)])))
(defun org-roam-db--init (db)
"Initialize database DB with the correct schema and user version."
(emacsql-with-transaction db
(pcase-dolist (`(,table . ,schema) org-roam-db--table-schemata)
(emacsql db [:create-table $i1 $S2] table schema))
(emacsql db (format "PRAGMA user_version = %s" org-roam-db--version))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-maybe (db version)
"Upgrades the database schema for DB, if VERSION is old."
(emacsql-with-transaction db
(if (< version org-roam-db--version)
(org-roam-message (format "Upgrading the Org-roam database from version %d to version %d"
version org-roam-db--version))
(org-roam-db-build-cache t))))
(defun org-roam-db--close (&optional db)
"Closes the database connection for database DB.
If DB is nil, closes the database connection for the database in
the current `org-roam-directory'."
(unless db
(setq db (org-roam-db--get-connection)))
(when (and db (emacsql-live-p db))
(emacsql-close db)))
(defun org-roam-db--close-all ()
"Closes all database connections made by Org-roam."
(dolist (conn (hash-table-values org-roam-db--connection))
(org-roam-db--close conn)))
;;;; Database API
;;;;; Initialization
(defun org-roam-db--initialized-p ()
"Whether the Org-roam cache has been initialized."
(and (file-exists-p (org-roam-db--get))
(> (caar (org-roam-db-query [:select (funcall count) :from titles]))
(defun org-roam-db--ensure-built ()
"Ensures that Org-roam cache is built."
(unless (org-roam-db--initialized-p)
(error "[Org-roam] your cache isn't built yet! Please run org-roam-db-build-cache")))
;;;;; Clearing
(defun org-roam-db-clear ()
"Clears all entries in the Org-roam cache."
(when (file-exists-p (org-roam-db--get))
(dolist (table (mapcar #'car org-roam-db--table-schemata))
(org-roam-db-query `[:delete :from ,table]))))
(defun org-roam-db--clear-file (&optional filepath)
"Remove any related links to the file at FILEPATH.
This is equivalent to removing the node from the graph."
(let ((file (file-truename (or filepath
(buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))))
(dolist (table (mapcar #'car org-roam-db--table-schemata))
(org-roam-db-query `[:delete :from ,table
:where (= ,(if (eq table 'links) 'from 'file) $s1)]
;;;;; Insertion
(defun org-roam-db--insert-meta (file hash meta)
"Insert HASH and META for a FILE into the Org-roam cache."
[:insert :into files
:values $v1]
(list (vector file hash meta))))
(defun org-roam-db--insert-links (links)
"Insert LINKS into the Org-roam cache."
[:insert :into links
:values $v1]
(defun org-roam-db--insert-titles (file titles)
"Insert TITLES for a FILE into the Org-roam cache."
[:insert :into titles
:values $v1]
(mapcar (lambda (title)
(vector file title)) titles)))
(defun org-roam-db--insert-headlines (headlines)
"Insert HEADLINES into the Org-roam cache.
Returns t if the insertion was successful, nil otherwise.
Insertions can fail when there is an ID conflict."
(condition-case nil
[:insert :into headlines
:values $v1]
(unless (listp headlines)
(setq headlines (list headlines)))
(lwarn '(org-roam) :error
(format "Duplicate IDs in %s, one of:\n\n%s\n\nskipping..."
(aref (car headlines) 1)
(string-join (mapcar (lambda (hl)
(aref hl 0)) headlines) "\n")))
(defun org-roam-db--insert-tags (file tags)
"Insert TAGS for a FILE into the Org-roam cache."
[:insert :into tags
:values $v1]
(list (vector file tags))))
(defun org-roam-db--insert-ref (file ref)
"Insert REF for FILE into the Org-roam cache.
Returns t if successful, and nil otherwise.
Insertions can fail if the key is already in the database."
(let ((key (cdr ref))
(type (car ref)))
(condition-case nil
[:insert :into refs :values $v1]
(list (vector key file type)))
(lwarn '(org-roam) :error
(format "Duplicate ref %s in:\n\nA: %s\nB: %s\n\nskipping..."
(caar (org-roam-db-query
[:select file :from refs
:where (= ref $v1)]
(vector key)))))
;;;;; Fetching
(defun org-roam-db--get-current-files ()
"Return a hash-table of file to the hash of its file contents."
(let* ((current-files (org-roam-db-query [:select * :from files]))
(ht (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(dolist (row current-files)
(puthash (car row) (cadr row) ht))
(defun org-roam-db--get-titles (file)
"Return the titles of FILE from the cache."
(caar (org-roam-db-query [:select [title] :from titles
:where (= file $s1)
:limit 1]
(defun org-roam-db--get-tags ()
"Return all distinct tags from the cache."
(let ((rows (org-roam-db-query [:select :distinct [tags] :from tags]))
(dolist (row rows)
(dolist (tag (car row))
(unless (member tag acc)
(push tag acc))))
(defun org-roam-db--connected-component (file)
"Return all files reachable from/connected to FILE, including the file itself.
If the file does not have any connections, nil is returned."
(let* ((query "WITH RECURSIVE
links_of(file, link) AS
(WITH filelinks AS (SELECT * FROM links WHERE NOT \"type\" = '\"cite\"'),
citelinks AS (SELECT * FROM links
JOIN refs ON links.\"to\" = refs.\"ref\"
AND links.\"type\" = '\"cite\"')
SELECT \"from\", \"to\" FROM filelinks UNION
SELECT \"to\", \"from\" FROM filelinks UNION
SELECT \"file\", \"from\" FROM citelinks UNION
SELECT \"from\", \"file\" FROM citelinks),
connected_component(file) AS
(SELECT link FROM links_of WHERE file = $s1
SELECT link FROM links_of JOIN connected_component USING(file))
SELECT * FROM connected_component;")
(files (mapcar 'car-safe (emacsql (org-roam-db) query file))))
(defun org-roam-db--links-with-max-distance (file max-distance)
"Return all files connected to FILE in at most MAX-DISTANCE steps.
This includes the file itself. If the file does not have any
connections, nil is returned."
(let* ((query "WITH RECURSIVE
links_of(file, link) AS
(WITH filelinks AS (SELECT * FROM links WHERE NOT \"type\" = '\"cite\"'),
citelinks AS (SELECT * FROM links
JOIN refs ON links.\"to\" = refs.\"ref\"
AND links.\"type\" = '\"cite\"')
SELECT \"from\", \"to\" FROM filelinks UNION
SELECT \"to\", \"from\" FROM filelinks UNION
SELECT \"file\", \"from\" FROM citelinks UNION
SELECT \"from\", \"file\" FROM citelinks),
-- Links are traversed in a breadth-first search. In order to calculate the
-- distance of nodes and to avoid following cyclic links, the visited nodes
-- are tracked in 'trace'.
connected_component(file, trace) AS
(VALUES($s1, json_array($s1))
SELECT, json_insert(cc.trace, '$[' || json_array_length(cc.trace) || ']', FROM
connected_component AS cc JOIN links_of AS lo USING(file)
-- Avoid cycles by only visiting each file once.
(SELECT count(*) FROM json_each(cc.trace) WHERE json_each.value == == 0
-- Note: BFS is cut off early here.
AND json_array_length(cc.trace) < ($s2 + 1)))
SELECT DISTINCT file, min(json_array_length(trace)) AS distance
FROM connected_component GROUP BY file ORDER BY distance;")
;; In principle the distance would be available in the second column.
(files (mapcar 'car-safe (emacsql (org-roam-db) query file max-distance))))
(defun org-roam-db--file-hash (&optional file-path)
"Compute the hash of FILE-PATH, a file or current buffer."
(let* ((file-p (and file-path))
(file-path (or file-path
(buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
(encrypted-p (and file-path
(string= (org-roam--file-name-extension file-path)
(cond ((and encrypted-p file-p)
(set-buffer-multibyte nil)
(insert-file-contents-literally file-path)
(secure-hash 'sha1 (current-buffer))))
(insert-file-contents file-path)
(secure-hash 'sha1 (current-buffer))))
(secure-hash 'sha1 (current-buffer))))))
;;;;; Updating
(defun org-roam-db--update-meta ()
"Update the metadata of the current buffer into the cache."
(let* ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name)))
(attr (file-attributes file))
(atime (file-attribute-access-time attr))
(mtime (file-attribute-modification-time attr))
(hash (org-roam-db--file-hash)))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from files
:where (= file $s1)]
(org-roam-db--insert-meta file hash (list :atime atime :mtime mtime))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-titles ()
"Update the title of the current buffer into the cache."
(let* ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name)))
(titles (or (org-roam--extract-titles)
(list (org-roam--path-to-slug file)))))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from titles
:where (= file $s1)]
(org-roam-db--insert-titles file titles)))
(defun org-roam-db--update-tags ()
"Update the tags of the current buffer into the cache."
(let ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name)))
(tags (org-roam--extract-tags)))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from tags
:where (= file $s1)]
(when tags
(org-roam-db--insert-tags file tags))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-refs ()
"Update the ref of the current buffer into the cache."
(let ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from refs
:where (= file $s1)]
(when-let ((ref (org-roam--extract-ref)))
(org-roam-db--insert-ref file ref))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-links ()
"Update the file links of the current buffer in the cache."
(let ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from links
:where (= from $s1)]
(when-let ((links (org-roam--extract-links)))
(org-roam-db--insert-links links))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-headlines ()
"Update the file headlines of the current buffer into the cache."
(let* ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
(org-roam-db-query [:delete :from headlines
:where (= file $s1)]
(when-let ((headlines (org-roam--extract-headlines)))
(org-roam-db--insert-headlines headlines))))
(defun org-roam-db--update-file (&optional file-path)
"Update Org-roam cache for FILE-PATH."
(when (org-roam--org-roam-file-p file-path)
(let ((buf (or (and file-path
(find-file-noselect file-path t))
(with-current-buffer buf
(emacsql-with-transaction (org-roam-db)
(when org-roam-enable-headline-linking
(org-roam-buffer--update-maybe :redisplay t)))))
(defun org-roam-db-build-cache (&optional force)
"Build the cache for `org-roam-directory'.
If FORCE, force a rebuild of the cache from scratch."
(interactive "P")
(when force (delete-file (org-roam-db--get)))
(org-roam-db--close) ;; Force a reconnect
(org-roam-db) ;; To initialize the database, no-op if already initialized
(let* ((gc-cons-threshold org-roam-db-gc-threshold)
(org-roam-files (org-roam--list-all-files))
(current-files (org-roam-db--get-current-files))
(file-count 0)
(headline-count 0)
(link-count 0)
(tag-count 0)
(title-count 0)
(ref-count 0)
(deleted-count 0))
(emacsql-with-transaction (org-roam-db)
;; Two-step building
;; First step: Rebuild files and headlines
(dolist (file org-roam-files)
(let* ((attr (file-attributes file))
(atime (file-attribute-access-time attr))
(mtime (file-attribute-modification-time attr)))
(let ((contents-hash (org-roam-db--file-hash file)))
(unless (string= (gethash file current-files)
(condition-case nil
(org-roam--with-temp-buffer file
(org-roam-db--clear-file file)
[:insert :into files
:values $v1]
(vector file contents-hash (list :atime atime :mtime mtime)))
(setq file-count (1+ file-count))
(when org-roam-enable-headline-linking
(when-let ((headlines (org-roam--extract-headlines file)))
(when (org-roam-db--insert-headlines headlines)
(setq headline-count (1+ headline-count))))))
(setq org-roam-files (remove file org-roam-files))
(org-roam-db--clear-file file)
(lwarn '(org-roam) :warning
"Skipping unreadable file while building cache: %s" file)))))))
;; Second step: Rebuild the rest
(dolist (file org-roam-files)
(let ((contents-hash (org-roam-db--file-hash file)))
(unless (string= (gethash file current-files)
(org-roam--with-temp-buffer file
(when-let (links (org-roam--extract-links file))
[:insert :into links
:values $v1]
(setq link-count (1+ link-count)))
(when-let (tags (org-roam--extract-tags file))
[:insert :into tags
:values $v1]
(vector file tags))
(setq tag-count (1+ tag-count)))
(let ((titles (or (org-roam--extract-titles)
(list (org-roam--path-to-slug file)))))
(org-roam-db--insert-titles file titles)
(setq title-count (+ title-count (length titles))))
(when-let* ((ref (org-roam--extract-ref)))
(when (org-roam-db--insert-ref file ref)
(setq ref-count (1+ ref-count))))))
(remhash file current-files)))
(dolist (file (hash-table-keys current-files))
;; These files are no longer around, remove from cache...
(org-roam-db--clear-file file)
(setq deleted-count (1+ deleted-count))))
(org-roam-message "files: Δ%s, headlines: Δ%s, links: Δ%s, tags: Δ%s, titles: Δ%s, refs: Δ%s, deleted: Δ%s"
(provide 'org-roam-db)
;;; org-roam-db.el ends here