2020-04-12 14:38:58 +08:00

264 lines
10 KiB

;;; org-roam-graph.el --- Roam Research replica with Org-mode -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright © 2020 Jethro Kuan <>
;; Author: Jethro Kuan <>
;; URL:
;; Keywords: org-mode, roam, convenience
;; Version: 1.0.0-rc1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (dash "2.13") (f "0.17.2") (s "1.12.0") (org "9.3") (emacsql "3.0.0") (emacsql-sqlite "1.0.0"))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; This library provides graphing functionality for org-roam.
;;; Code:
(require 'xml) ;xml-escape-string
(require 's) ;s-truncate, s-replace
(require 'org-roam-macs)
;;;; Declarations
(defvar org-roam-directory)
(declare-function org-roam-db--ensure-built "org-roam-db")
(declare-function org-roam-db-query "org-roam-db")
(declare-function org-roam-db--connected-component "org-roam-db")
(declare-function org-roam--org-roam-file-p "org-roam")
(declare-function org-roam--path-to-slug "org-roam")
;;;; Options
(defcustom org-roam-graph-viewer (executable-find "firefox")
"Path to executable for viewing SVG."
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-executable (executable-find "dot")
"Path to graphing executable."
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-extra-config nil
"Extra options passed to graphviz.
'((\"rankdir\" . \"LR\"))"
:type '(alist)
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-node-extra-config nil
"Extra options for graphviz nodes.
'((\"color\" . \"skyblue\"))"
:type '(alist)
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-edge-extra-config nil
"Extra options for graphviz edges.
'((\"dir\" . \"back\"))"
:type '(alist)
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-edge-cites-extra-config '(("color" . "red"))
"Extra options for graphviz edges for citation links.
'((\"dir\" . \"back\"))"
:type '(alist)
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-max-title-length 100
"Maximum length of titles in graph nodes."
:type 'number
:group 'org-roam)
(defcustom org-roam-graph-exclude-matcher nil
"Matcher for excluding nodes from the generated graph.
Any nodes and links for file paths matching this string is
excluded from the graph.
If value is a string, the string is the only matcher.
If value is a list, all file paths matching any of the strings
are excluded."
:type '(choice
(string :tag "Matcher")
(list :tag "Matchers"))
:group 'org-roam)
(make-obsolete-variable 'org-roam-graph-node-shape 'org-roam-graph-node-extra-config "2020/04/01")
(defcustom org-roam-graph-node-shape "ellipse"
"Shape of graph nodes."
:type 'string
:group 'org-roam)
;;;; Functions
(defun org-roam-graph--expand-matcher (col &optional negate where)
"Return the exclusion regexp from `org-roam-graph-exclude-matcher'.
COL is the symbol to be matched against. if NEGATE, add :not to sql query.
set WHERE to true if WHERE query already exists."
(let ((matchers (cond ((null org-roam-graph-exclude-matcher)
((stringp org-roam-graph-exclude-matcher)
(cons (concat "%" org-roam-graph-exclude-matcher "%") nil))
((listp org-roam-graph-exclude-matcher)
(mapcar (lambda (m)
(concat "%" m "%"))
(error "Invalid org-roam-graph-exclude-matcher"))))
(dolist (match matchers)
(if where
(push :and res)
(push :where res)
(setq where t))
(push col res)
(when negate
(push :not res))
(push :like res)
(push match res))
(nreverse res)))
(defun org-roam-graph--build (node-query)
"Build the graphviz string for NODE-QUERY.
The Org-roam database titles table is read, to obtain the list of titles.
The links table is then read to obtain all directed links, and formatted
into a digraph."
(let* ((nodes (org-roam-db-query node-query))
`[:with selected :as [:select [file] :from ,node-query]
:select :distinct [to from] :from links
:where (and (in to selected) (in from selected))])
`[:with selected :as [:select [file] :from ,node-query]
:select :distinct [file from]
:from links :inner :join refs :on (and (= links:to refs:ref) (= links:type "cite"))
:where (and (in file selected) (in from selected))])
(edges (org-roam-db-query edges-query))
(edges-cites (org-roam-db-query edges-cites-query)))
(insert "digraph \"org-roam\" {\n")
(dolist (option org-roam-graph-extra-config)
(insert (concat " "
(car option)
(cdr option)
(insert (format " node [%s];\n"
(->> org-roam-graph-node-extra-config
(mapcar (lambda (n)
(concat (car n) "=" (cdr n))))
(s-join ","))))
(insert (format " edge [%s];\n"
(->> org-roam-graph-edge-extra-config
(mapcar (lambda (n)
(concat (car n) "=" (cdr n))))
(s-join ","))))
(dolist (node nodes)
(let* ((file (xml-escape-string (car node)))
(title (or (caadr node)
(org-roam--path-to-slug file)))
(shortened-title (s-truncate org-roam-graph-max-title-length title))
(node-properties (list (cons "label" (s-replace "\"" "\\\"" shortened-title))
(cons "URL" (concat "org-protocol://roam-file?file="
(url-hexify-string file)))
(cons "tooltip" (xml-escape-string title)))))
(format " \"%s\" [%s];\n"
(->> node-properties
(mapcar (lambda (n)
(concat (car n) "=" "\"" (cdr n) "\"")))
(s-join ","))))))
(dolist (edge edges)
(insert (format " \"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n"
(xml-escape-string (car edge))
(xml-escape-string (cadr edge)))))
(insert (format " edge [%s];\n"
(->> org-roam-graph-edge-cites-extra-config
(mapcar (lambda (n)
(concat (car n) "=" (cdr n))))
(s-join ","))))
(dolist (edge edges-cites)
(insert (format " \"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n"
(xml-escape-string (car edge))
(xml-escape-string (cadr edge)))))
(insert "}")
(defun org-roam-graph-build (&optional node-query)
"Generate a graph showing the relations between nodes in NODE-QUERY.
For building and showing the graph in a single step see `org-roam-graph-show'."
(unless org-roam-graph-executable
(user-error "Can't find %s executable. Please check if it is in your path"
(let* ((temp-dot (expand-file-name "" temporary-file-directory))
(temp-graph (expand-file-name "graph.svg" temporary-file-directory))
(node-query (or node-query `[:select [file titles]
:from titles
,@(org-roam-graph--expand-matcher 'file t)]))
(graph (org-roam-graph--build node-query)))
(with-temp-file temp-dot
(insert graph))
(call-process org-roam-graph-executable nil 0 nil temp-dot "-Tsvg" "-o" temp-graph)
(defun org-roam-graph--open (file)
"Open FILE using `org-roam-graph-viewer', with `view-file' as a fallback."
(if (and org-roam-graph-viewer (executable-find org-roam-graph-viewer))
(call-process org-roam-graph-viewer nil 0 nil file)
(view-file temp-graph)))
(defun org-roam-graph-show (&optional node-query)
"Generate and display a graph showing the relations between nodes in NODE-QUERY.
The graph is generated using `org-roam-graph-build' and subsequently displayed
using `org-roam-graph-viewer', if it refers to a valid executable, or using
`view-file' otherwise."
(org-roam-graph--open (org-roam-graph-build node-query)))
(defun org-roam-graph-build-connected-component (&optional max-distance)
"Like `org-roam-graph-build', but only include nodes connected to the current entry.
If MAX-DISTANCE is non-nil, only nodes within the given number of steps are shown."
(interactive "P")
(unless (org-roam--org-roam-file-p)
(user-error "Not in an Org-roam file"))
(let* ((file (file-truename (buffer-file-name)))
(files (or (if (and max-distance (>= (prefix-numeric-value max-distance) 0))
(org-roam-db--links-with-max-distance file max-distance)
(org-roam-db--connected-component file))
(list file)))
(query `[:select [file titles]
:from titles
:where (in file [,@files])]))
(org-roam-graph-build query)))
(defun org-roam-graph-show-connected-component (&optional max-distance)
"Like `org-roam-graph-show', but only include nodes connected to the current entry.
If MAX-DISTANCE is non-nil, only nodes within the given number of steps are shown."
(interactive "P")
(org-roam-graph--open (org-roam-graph-build-connected-component max-distance)))
(provide 'org-roam-graph)
;;; org-roam-graph.el ends here