The setup is similar to that of org-protocol. Here `roam://` links are defined, and need to be associated with an application. The gist of the setup is setting up a Bash script to trim off the `roam://` prefix from the link, causing the desktop application to call `emacsclient path/to/`. ## Linux Create a desktop application. I place mine in `~/.local/share/applications/roam.desktop`: ``` [Desktop Entry] Name=Org-Roam Client Exec=/home/jethro/.local/bin/launch_emacs %u Icon=emacs-icon Type=Application Terminal=false MimeType=x-scheme-handler/roam ``` Note the `Exec` key is set to a bash script poorly named `launch_emacs`. You can set it to whatever you want. Create the corresponding bash script, and make it executable. Here's how it looks like: ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash emacsclient "${1#*:}" ``` Finally, associate `roam://` links with the desktop application by running in your shell: ```bash xdg-mime default roam.desktop x-scheme-handler/roam ``` To disable the "confirm" prompt in Chrome, you can also make Chrome show a checkbox to tick, so that the `Org-Roam Client` app will be used without confirmation. To do this, run in a shell: ```sh sudo mkdir -p /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/ sudo tee /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/external_protocol_dialog.json >/dev/null <<'EOF' { "ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox": true } EOF sudo chmod 644 /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/external_protocol_dialog.json ``` and then restart Chrome (for example, by navigating to ) to make the new policy take effect. See [here]( for more info on the `/etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed` directory and [here]( for information on the `ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox` policy. ## Mac OS One solution to this, recommended in [Issue #115](, is to use [Platypus]( Here are the instructions for setting up with Platypus and Chrome: 1. Create an executable `` script: ```sh #!/usr/bin/env bash /usr/local/bin/emacsclient --no-wait "${1#*:}" ``` 2. Install and launch Platypus (with [Homebrew]( ```sh brew cask install playtpus ``` 3. Playtpus settings: - App Name: `OrgRoam` - Script Type: `env` and `/usr/bin/env` - Script Path: `/path/to/your/` - Tick Accept dropped items and click Settings - Tick Accept dropped files - Tick Register as URI scheme handler - Add `roam` as a protocol - Create the app To disable the "confirm" prompt in Chrome, you can also make Chrome show a checkbox to tick, so that the `OrgRoam` app will be used without confirmation. To do this, run in a shell: ```sh defaults write ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox -bool true ```