Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) ad89dd5ccc Initial commit
2012-02-28 15:38:11 +01:00

210 lines
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module DeepMerge
class InvalidParameter < StandardError; end
# Deep Merge core documentation.
# deep_merge! method permits merging of arbitrary child elements. The two top level
# elements must be hashes. These hashes can contain unlimited (to stack limit) levels
# of child elements. These child elements to not have to be of the same types.
# Where child elements are of the same type, deep_merge will attempt to merge them together.
# Where child elements are not of the same type, deep_merge will skip or optionally overwrite
# the destination element with the contents of the source element at that level.
# So if you have two hashes like this:
# source = {:x => [1,2,3], :y => 2}
# dest = {:x => [4,5,'6'], :y => [7,8,9]}
# dest.deep_merge!(source)
# Results: {:x => [1,2,3,4,5,'6'], :y => 2}
# By default, "deep_merge!" will overwrite any unmergeables and merge everything else.
# To avoid this, use "deep_merge" (no bang/exclamation mark)
# Options:
# Options are specified in the last parameter passed, which should be in hash format:
# hash.deep_merge!({:x => [1,2]}, {:knockout_prefix => '--'})
# :preserve_unmergeables DEFAULT: false
# Set to true to skip any unmergeable elements from source
# :knockout_prefix DEFAULT: nil
# Set to string value to signify prefix which deletes elements from existing element
# :sort_merged_arrays DEFAULT: false
# Set to true to sort all arrays that are merged together
# :unpack_arrays DEFAULT: nil
# Set to string value to run "Array::join" then "String::split" against all arrays
# :merge_hash_arrays DEFAULT: false
# Set to true to merge hashes within arrays
# :merge_debug DEFAULT: false
# Set to true to get console output of merge process for debugging
# Selected Options Details:
# :knockout_prefix => The purpose of this is to provide a way to remove elements
# from existing Hash by specifying them in a special way in incoming hash
# source = {:x => ['--1', '2']}
# dest = {:x => ['1', '3']}
# dest.ko_deep_merge!(source)
# Results: {:x => ['2','3']}
# Additionally, if the knockout_prefix is passed alone as a string, it will cause
# the entire element to be removed:
# source = {:x => '--'}
# dest = {:x => [1,2,3]}
# dest.ko_deep_merge!(source)
# Results: {:x => ""}
# :unpack_arrays => The purpose of this is to permit compound elements to be passed
# in as strings and to be converted into discrete array elements
# irsource = {:x => ['1,2,3', '4']}
# dest = {:x => ['5','6','7,8']}
# dest.deep_merge!(source, {:unpack_arrays => ','})
# Results: {:x => ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8'}
# Why: If receiving data from an HTML form, this makes it easy for a checkbox
# to pass multiple values from within a single HTML element
# :merge_hash_arrays => merge hashes within arrays
# source = {:x => [{:y => 1}]}
# dest = {:x => [{:z => 2}]}
# dest.deep_merge!(source, {:merge_hash_arrays => true})
# Results: {:x => [{:y => 1, :z => 2}]}
# There are many tests for this library - and you can learn more about the features
# and usages of deep_merge! by just browsing the test examples
def self.deep_merge!(source, dest, options = {})
# turn on this line for stdout debugging text
merge_debug = options[:merge_debug] || false
overwrite_unmergeable = !options[:preserve_unmergeables]
knockout_prefix = options[:knockout_prefix] || nil
raise InvalidParameter, "knockout_prefix cannot be an empty string in deep_merge!" if knockout_prefix == ""
raise InvalidParameter, "overwrite_unmergeable must be true if knockout_prefix is specified in deep_merge!" if knockout_prefix && !overwrite_unmergeable
# if present: we will split and join arrays on this char before merging
array_split_char = options[:unpack_arrays] || false
# request that we sort together any arrays when they are merged
sort_merged_arrays = options[:sort_merged_arrays] || false
# request that arrays of hashes are merged together
merge_hash_arrays = options[:merge_hash_arrays] || false
di = options[:debug_indent] || ''
# do nothing if source is nil
return dest if source.nil?
# if dest doesn't exist, then simply copy source to it
if !(dest) && overwrite_unmergeable
dest = source; return dest
puts "#{di}Source class: #{source.class.inspect} :: Dest class: #{dest.class.inspect}" if merge_debug
if source.kind_of?(Hash)
puts "#{di}Hashes: #{source.inspect} :: #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
source.each do |src_key, src_value|
if dest.kind_of?(Hash)
puts "#{di} looping: #{src_key.inspect} => #{src_value.inspect} :: #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
if dest[src_key]
puts "#{di} ==>merging: #{src_key.inspect} => #{src_value.inspect} :: #{dest[src_key].inspect}" if merge_debug
dest[src_key] = deep_merge!(src_value, dest[src_key], options.merge(:debug_indent => di + ' '))
else # dest[src_key] doesn't exist so we want to create and overwrite it (but we do this via deep_merge!)
puts "#{di} ==>merging over: #{src_key.inspect} => #{src_value.inspect}" if merge_debug
# note: we rescue here b/c some classes respond to "dup" but don't implement it (Numeric, TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass among maybe others)
src_dup = src_value.dup # we dup src_value if possible because we're going to merge into it (since dest is empty)
rescue TypeError
src_dup = src_value
dest[src_key] = deep_merge!(src_value, src_dup, options.merge(:debug_indent => di + ' '))
else # dest isn't a hash, so we overwrite it completely (if permitted)
if overwrite_unmergeable
puts "#{di} overwriting dest: #{src_key.inspect} => #{src_value.inspect} -over-> #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
dest = overwrite_unmergeables(source, dest, options)
elsif source.kind_of?(Array)
puts "#{di}Arrays: #{source.inspect} :: #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
# if we are instructed, join/split any source arrays before processing
if array_split_char
puts "#{di} split/join on source: #{source.inspect}" if merge_debug
source = source.join(array_split_char).split(array_split_char)
if dest.kind_of?(Array)
dest = dest.join(array_split_char).split(array_split_char)
# if there's a naked knockout_prefix in source, that means we are to truncate dest
if source.index(knockout_prefix)
dest = clear_or_nil(dest); source.delete(knockout_prefix)
if dest.kind_of?(Array)
if knockout_prefix
print "#{di} knocking out: " if merge_debug
# remove knockout prefix items from both source and dest
source.delete_if do |ko_item|
retval = false
item = ko_item.respond_to?(:gsub) ? ko_item.gsub(%r{^#{knockout_prefix}}, "") : ko_item
if item != ko_item
print "#{ko_item} - " if merge_debug
retval = true
puts if merge_debug
puts "#{di} merging arrays: #{source.inspect} :: #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
source_all_hashes = source.all? { |i| i.kind_of?(Hash) }
dest_all_hashes = dest.all? { |i| i.kind_of?(Hash) }
if merge_hash_arrays && source_all_hashes && dest_all_hashes
# merge hashes in lists
list = []
dest.each_index do |i|
list[i] = deep_merge!(source[i] || {}, dest[i],
options.merge(:debug_indent => di + ' '))
list += source[dest.count..-1] if source.count > dest.count
dest = list
dest = dest | source
dest.sort! if sort_merged_arrays
elsif overwrite_unmergeable
puts "#{di} overwriting dest: #{source.inspect} -over-> #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
dest = overwrite_unmergeables(source, dest, options)
else # src_hash is not an array or hash, so we'll have to overwrite dest
puts "#{di}Others: #{source.inspect} :: #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
dest = overwrite_unmergeables(source, dest, options)
puts "#{di}Returning #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
end # deep_merge!
# allows deep_merge! to uniformly handle overwriting of unmergeable entities
def self.overwrite_unmergeables(source, dest, options)
merge_debug = options[:merge_debug] || false
overwrite_unmergeable = !options[:preserve_unmergeables]
knockout_prefix = options[:knockout_prefix] || false
di = options[:debug_indent] || ''
if knockout_prefix && overwrite_unmergeable
if source.kind_of?(String) # remove knockout string from source before overwriting dest
src_tmp = source.gsub(%r{^#{knockout_prefix}},"")
elsif source.kind_of?(Array) # remove all knockout elements before overwriting dest
src_tmp = source.delete_if {|ko_item| ko_item.kind_of?(String) && ko_item.match(%r{^#{knockout_prefix}}) }
src_tmp = source
if src_tmp == source # if we didn't find a knockout_prefix then we just overwrite dest
puts "#{di}#{src_tmp.inspect} -over-> #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
dest = src_tmp
else # if we do find a knockout_prefix, then we just delete dest
puts "#{di}\"\" -over-> #{dest.inspect}" if merge_debug
dest = ""
elsif overwrite_unmergeable
dest = source
def self.clear_or_nil(obj)
if obj.respond_to?(:clear)
obj = nil
end # module DeepMerge