Generate content for $namespace.html and toc.html

`multidoc!` generates a `toc.html` file containing the toc (with links)
and project info, and a bunch of `$namespace.html` files (one for each
.clj file).
This commit is contained in:
dm3 2011-07-29 03:04:42 +08:00 committed by Fogus
parent 5566664050
commit cb7a90ff93
3 changed files with 58 additions and 30 deletions

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:use [marginalia
[html :only (uberdoc-html)]
[html :only (uberdoc-html index-html single-page-html)]
[parser :only (parse-file)]]
[find-namespaces :only (read-file-ns-decl)]
@ -168,25 +168,17 @@
;; ## Ouput Generation
(defn index-html
[props files]
(defn single-page-html
(str "<html><body>" file "</body></html>"))
(defn filename-contents
[output-dir parsed-file]
[props output-dir all-files parsed-file]
{:name (io/file output-dir (str (:ns parsed-file) ".html"))
:contents (single-page-html parsed-file)})
:contents (single-page-html props parsed-file all-files)})
(defn multidoc!
[output-dir files-to-analyze props]
(let [parsed-files (map path-to-doc files-to-analyze)
index (index-html props parsed-files)
pages (map #(filename-contents output-dir %) parsed-files)]
(doseq [f (conj pages {:name (io/file output-dir "index.html")
pages (map #(filename-contents props output-dir parsed-files %) parsed-files)]
(doseq [f (conj pages {:name (io/file output-dir "toc.html")
:contents index})]
(spit (:name f) (:contents f)))))

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
(defn slurp-resource
"Stolen from leiningen"
(-> (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))
(.getResourceAsStream resource-name)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
;; Markdown processor.
(def mdp (com.petebevin.markdown.MarkdownProcessor.))
(defn md
(defn md
"Markdown string to html converter. Translates strings like:
\"# header!\" -> `\"<h1>header!</h1>\"`
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
outlined above.
ex. (docs-to-html [{:doc-text \"# hello world!\"} {:docstring-text \"I'm a docstring!}])
-> `\"<h1>hello world!</h1><br />\"`
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
(defn opt-resources-html
"Generate script and link tags for optional external javascript and css."
(let [options (:marginalia project-info)
(let [options (:marginalia project-info)
javascript (:javascript options)
css (:css options)]
(html (concat
@ -174,14 +174,31 @@
"(this space intentionally left almost blank)"]]))
(defn toc-html [docs]
(defn link-to-namespace
"Creates an 'a' tag pointing to the `namespace-name`, either as an anchor (if
`anchor?` is true) or as a link to a separate `$namespace-name.html` file.
If `attrs` aren't empty, they are added to the resulting tag."
[namespace-name anchor? & attrs]
[:a (into {:href (if anchor?
(str "#" namespace-name)
(str namespace-name ".html"))}
(defn link-to-toc
"This is a hack, as in the case when `anchor?` is false, the link will contain
a reference to `toc.html` which might not even exist."
(link-to-namespace "toc" anchor? {:class "toc-link"}))
(defn toc-html [props docs]
[:td {:class "docs"}
[:div {:class "toc"}
[:a {:name "toc"} [:h3 "namespaces"]]
(map #(vector :li [:a {:href (str "#" (:ns %))} (:ns %)])
(map #(vector :li (link-to-namespace (:ns %) (:uberdoc? props)))
[:td {:class "codes"} "&nbsp;"]]))
@ -193,16 +210,15 @@
(:ns %))
(defn groups-html [doc]
(defn groups-html [props doc]
[:td {:class "docs"}
[:div {:class "docs-header"}
[:a {:class "anchor" :name (:ns doc) :href (str "#" (:ns doc))}
[:h1 {:class "project-name"}
(:ns doc)]
[:a {:href "#toc" :class "toc-link"}
(link-to-toc (:uberdoc? props))]]]
[:td {:class "codes"}]]
(map section-to-html (:groups doc))
@ -387,7 +403,26 @@
(opt-resources-html project-metadata)
(header-html project-metadata)
(toc-html docs)
(toc-html {:uberdoc? true} docs)
(floating-toc-html docs)
(map groups-html docs)))
(map #(groups-html (:uberdoc? true) %) docs)))
(defn index-html
[project-metadata docs]
(opt-resources-html project-metadata)
(header-html project-metadata)
(toc-html {:uberdoc? false} docs)
"" ;; no floating toc
"")) ;; no contents
(defn single-page-html
[project-metadata doc all-docs]
(opt-resources-html project-metadata)
"" ;; no header
"" ;; no toc
(floating-toc-html all-docs)
(groups-html (:uberdoc? false) doc)))

View file

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
(ns marginalia.test.multidoc
(:require marginalia.core)
(:use clojure.test)
(:use [ :only (file delete-file)]))
(:use [ :only (file)])
(:use [ :only (delete-file-recursively)]))
(def multi-page-project (file "test_projects" "multi_page"))
(def test-project-src (file multi-page-project "src"))
(def test-project-target (file multi-page-project "docs"))
(use-fixtures :each (fn [f]
(delete-file test-project-target true)
(delete-file-recursively test-project-target true)
(.mkdirs test-project-target)
(delete-file test-project-target true)))
;;(delete-file-recursively test-project-target true)))
(def test-metadata {
:dependencies [["some/dep" "0.0.1"]]
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
(defn run-marginalia [source-dir output-dir]
(binding [marginalia.html/*resources* "resources"]
(binding [marginalia.html/*resources* ""]
(marginalia.core/multidoc! output-dir
(marginalia.core/find-clojure-file-paths source-dir)