This commit is contained in:
zkim 2010-12-23 02:53:17 -07:00
parent 191fe3b35e
commit c7aa687e88

View file

@ -58,11 +58,11 @@
(defn parse-project-file
"Parses a project.clj file and returns a map in the following form
ex. {:name
by reading the `defproject` form from your project.clj to obtain name and
version, then merges in the rest of the defproject forms (`:dependencies`, etc)."
@ -128,32 +128,32 @@
last-code-text (get l :code-text "")]
;; Is the last line's code-text a defn, and does the
;; current line start with a quote?
;; Last line contain defn &&
;; last line not contain what looks like a param vector &&
;; current line start with a quote
(and (re-find #"\(defn" last-code-text)
(not (re-find #"\[.*\]" last-code-text))
(re-find #"^\"" (str/trim (str line))))
;; Is the last line's code-text a deftask, and does the
;; current line start with a quote?
(and (re-find #"\(deftask" last-code-text)
(and (re-find #"^\(deftask" (str/trim last-code-text))
(re-find #"^\"" (str/trim (str line))))
;; Is the last line's code-text the start of a ns
;; decl, and does the current line start with a quote?
(and (re-find #"\(ns" last-code-text)
(and (re-find #"^\(ns" last-code-text)
(re-find #"^\"" (str/trim (str line))))
;; Is the prev line a docstring line, the current line _not_
;; start with a ( or [ or {, and the current line not an empty string?
;; Is the prev line a docstring, prev line not end with a quote,
;; and the current line empty?
(and (:docstring-text l)
(not (re-find #"^\(" (str/trim (str line))))
(not (re-find #"^\[" (str/trim (str line))))
(not (re-find #"^\{" (str/trim (str line))))
(not= "" (str/trim (str line))))
(not (re-find #"\"$" (str/trim (:docstring-text l)))))
;; Is the prev line a docstring, the prev line not end with a quote,
;; and the current line not an empty string?
(and (:docstring-text l)
(not (re-find #"\"$" (str/trim (:docstring-text l))))
(not (re-find #"[^\\]\"$" (str/trim (:docstring-text l))))
(= "" (str/trim (str line)))))
(catch Exception e nil))))
(defn parse [src]
(loop [[line & more] (line-seq src) cnum 1 dnum 0 sections []]
(if line
@ -251,6 +251,7 @@
(run-marginalia sources))
;; # Example Usage