Fixed #87. First, the if comparison in read-keyword was never true because a Character and an int were compared. Second, the call to readToken was passing in an int instead of a char and causing an IllegalArgExc

This commit is contained in:
fogus 2012-03-06 10:54:42 -05:00
parent bb036ffc91
commit bb2cb58bae
3 changed files with 42 additions and 20 deletions

View file

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
[[lein-clojars "0.6.0"]
[jline "0.9.94"]
;; lein vimclojure& #starts the nailgun server
[org.clojars.autre/lein-vimclojure "1.0.0"]]
[org.clojars.autre/lein-vimclojure "1.0.0"]
[lein-marginalia "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
;;Needed for testing Latex equation formatting. You must download
;;and install MathJax in you doc directory.
:marginalia {:javascript ["mathjax/MathJax.js"]})

View file

@ -69,23 +69,28 @@
(defmethod print-method DoubleColonKeyword [dck ^ out]
(.write out (str \: (.content dck))))
(letfn [(read-token [reader c]
(defmethod print-dup DoubleColonKeyword [dck ^ out]
(print-method dck out))
(defn ^:private read-token [reader c]
(call-method clojure.lang.LispReader :readToken
[ Character/TYPE]
nil reader c))
(match-symbol [s]
(defn ^:private match-symbol [s]
(call-method clojure.lang.LispReader :matchSymbol
nil s))]
nil s))
(defn read-keyword [reader colon]
(let [c (.read reader)]
(if (= \: c)
(-> (read-token reader c)
(if (= (int \:) c)
(-> (read-token reader (char c))
(do (.unread reader c)
(-> (read-token reader colon)
(defn set-keyword-reader [reader]
(aset (get-field clojure.lang.LispReader :macros nil)
@ -115,7 +120,14 @@
(try (. clojure.lang.LispReader
(read reader false nil false))
(catch Exception ex
(throw (Exception. (str "Problem parsing near line " start))))))
(let [msg (str "Problem parsing near line " start
" <" (.readLine reader) ">"
" original reported cause is "
(.getCause ex) " -- "
(.getMessage ex))
e (RuntimeException. msg)]
(.setStackTrace e (.getStackTrace ex))
(throw e)))))
end (.getLineNumber reader)
code {:form form :start start :end end}
comments @top-level-comments]

View file

@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
(ns problem-cases.general
"A place to examine poor parser behavior. These should go in tests when they get written.")
{:foo 43}
{::foo 42}
(defn ^:private private-fn "private docstring" [])
(defn public-fn "docstring" []
(let [x (private-fn)]
(count x)))
;; Should have only this comment in the left margin.
;; See [](