diff --git a/example-output/uberdoc.html b/example-output/uberdoc.html index 003b0be..eac8d53 100644 --- a/example-output/uberdoc.html +++ b/example-output/uberdoc.html @@ -2525,37 +2525,8 @@ $(document).ready(function() { font-style: italic !important; color: #2a00ff !important; } -Marginalia Output



lightweight literate programming for clojure -- inspired by docco




dev dependencies


cake plugin namespaces

  • marginalia.tasks

(this space intentionally left blank)

Leiningen plugin for running marginalia against your project.

- -


- -
  1. Add [marginalia "0.2.0"] to your project.clj's :dev-dependencies section.
  2. -
  3. run lein marg from your project's root directory.
  4. -
(ns leiningen.marg
-  (:use [marginalia.core]))
-(defn marg [project & args]
-  (run-marginalia args))

You can pass a file, directory, multiple files and/or directories to marginalia like so:

- -
$ lein marg  # runs marginalia on all the cljs found in your ./src dir.
-$ lein marg ./path/to/files  # runs marginalia on all cljs found in ./path/to/files
-$ lein marg ./path/to/file.clj  # runs marginalia on ./path/to/file.clj only.
-$ lein marg ./path/to/one.clj ./path/to/another.clj
-$ lein marg ./path/to/dir ./path/to/some/random.clj
- -

This allows you to control the order in which sections appear in the generated -documentation. For example, in marginalia's docs, the leiningen.marg namespace -forced to the bottom of the namespace ordering by using this command:

- -
$ lein marg ./src/marginalia ./src/leiningen

Core provides all of the functionality around parsing clojure source files +Marginalia Output



lightweight literate programming for clojure -- inspired by docco




dev dependencies


cake plugin namespaces

  • marginalia.tasks

(this space intentionally left blank)

Core provides all of the functionality around parsing clojure source files into an easily consumable format.

(ns marginalia.core
   (:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
@@ -2569,7 +2540,9 @@ into an easily consumable format.

(def *comment* #"^\s*;;\s?")
(def *divider-text* "\n;;DIVIDER\n")
 (def *divider-html* #"\n*<span class=\"c[1]?\">;;DIVIDER</span>\n*")

File System Utilities


Performs roughly the same task as the UNIX ls. That is, returns a seq of the filenames +at a given directory. If a path to a file is supplied, then the seq contains only the +original path given.

 (defn ls
@@ -2580,36 +2553,38 @@ into an easily consumable format.

 (defn mkdir [path]
-  (.mkdirs (io/file path)))
+ (.mkdirs (io/file path)))

Ensure that the directory specified by path exists. If not then make it so. +Here is a snowman ☃

-(defn ensure-directory! [path]
+(defn ensure-directory!
+  [path]
   (when-not (ls path)
     (mkdir path)))
 (defn dir? [path]
   (.isDirectory (java.io.File. path)))

Returns a seq of clojure file paths (strings) in alphabetical depth-first order (I think?).

-(defn find-clojure-file-paths [dir]
+(defn find-clojure-file-paths
+  [dir]
   (->> (java.io.File. dir)
        (filter #(re-find #"\.clj$" (.getAbsolutePath %)))
-       (map #(.getAbsolutePath %))))

Project Info Parsing

+ (map #(.getAbsolutePath %))))

Project Info Parsing

Marginalia will parse info out of your project.clj to display in the generated html file's header.


TODO: add pom.xml support.


TODO add pom.xml support.


Parses a project.clj file and returns a map in the following form

ex. {:name 
-     :version
-     :dependencies
-     :dev-dependencies
-     etc...}
+ :version
+ :dependencies
+ :dev-dependencies
+ etc...}

by reading the defproject form from your project.clj to obtain name and @@ -2671,28 +2646,28 @@ version, then merges in the rest of the defproject forms (:dependencies

(defn docstring-line? [line sections]
   (let [l (last sections)
         last-code-text (get l :code-text "")]
-    (try

Is the last line's code-text a defn, and does the -current line start with a quote?

+ (try

Last line contain defn && +last line not contain what looks like a param vector && +current line start with a quote

-       (and (re-find #"\(defn" last-code-text)

Is the last line's code-text a deftask, and does the + (and (re-find #"\(defn" last-code-text) + (not (re-find #"\[.*\]" last-code-text))

Is the last line's code-text a deftask, and does the current line start with a quote?

            (re-find #"^\"" (str/trim (str line))))
-       (and (re-find #"\(deftask" last-code-text)

Is the last line's code-text the start of a ns + (and (re-find #"^\(deftask" (str/trim last-code-text))

Is the last line's code-text the start of a ns decl, and does the current line start with a quote?

            (re-find #"^\"" (str/trim (str line))))
-       (and (re-find #"\(ns" last-code-text)

Is the prev line a docstring line, the current line not -start with a ( or [ or {, and the current line not an empty string?

+ (and (re-find #"^\(ns" last-code-text)

Is the prev line a docstring, prev line not end with a quote, +and the current line empty?

            (re-find #"^\"" (str/trim (str line))))
-       (and (:docstring-text l)
-            (not (re-find #"^\(" (str/trim (str line))))
-            (not (re-find #"^\[" (str/trim (str line))))
-            (not (re-find #"^\{" (str/trim (str line))))

Is the prev line a docstring, the prev line not end with a quote, + (and (:docstring-text l)

Is the prev line a docstring, the prev line not end with a quote, and the current line not an empty string?

            (not= "" (str/trim (str line))))
            (not (re-find #"\"$" (str/trim (:docstring-text l)))))
        (and (:docstring-text l)
-            (not (re-find #"\"$" (str/trim (:docstring-text l))))
+            (not (re-find #"[^\\]\"$" (str/trim (:docstring-text l))))
             (= "" (str/trim (str line)))))
-      (catch Exception e nil))))
+ (catch Exception e nil)))) +
 (defn parse [src]
   (loop [[line & more] (line-seq src) cnum 1 dnum 0 sections []]
@@ -2743,7 +2718,8 @@ I wonder?

  • The path to spit the result (output-file-name)
  • -(defn uberdoc! [output-file-name files-to-analyze]
    +(defn uberdoc!
    +  [output-file-name files-to-analyze]
       (let [docs (map path-to-doc files-to-analyze)
             source (uberdoc-html
    @@ -2784,7 +2760,8 @@ Multi line

     (defn -main
    -  (run-marginalia sources))

    Example Usage

    + (run-marginalia sources)) +

    Example Usage


    Command line example

    @@ -2826,7 +2803,8 @@ Multi line

    ex. (css [:h1 {:color "blue"}] [:div.content p {:text-indent "1em"}])h1 {color: blue;} div.content p {text-indent: 1em;}

    -(defn css [& rules]
    +(defn css
    +  [& rules]
       (html [:style {:type "text/css"}
              (apply str (map css-rule rules))]))

    Stolen from leiningen

    @@ -2852,10 +2830,11 @@ Multi line

    based) for display through html & css.

    Markdown processor.

    (def mdp (com.petebevin.markdown.MarkdownProcessor.))

    Markdown string to html converter. Translates strings like "# header! -→ "<h1>header!</h1>

    (def mdp (com.petebevin.markdown.MarkdownProcessor.))

    Markdown string to html converter. Translates strings like "# header!

    -(defn md [s]
    +(defn md 
    +   -> \"<h1>header!</h1>"
    +  [s]
       (.markdown mdp s))

    Inserts super-fancy characters into the doc section.

     (defn replace-special-chars
    @@ -2932,7 +2911,33 @@ outlined above.

    (html [:div {:class "plugins"} [:h3 "cake plugin namespaces"] [:ul - (map #(vector :li %) tasks)]])))


    overloaded? Maybe we should consider redistributing

    + (map #(vector :li %) tasks)]])))

    Load Optional Resources

    + +

    Use external Javascript and CSS in your documentation. For example: +To format Latex math equations, download the +MathJax Javascript library to the docs +directory and then add

    + +
    :marginalia {:javascript ["mathjax/MathJax.js"]}
    + +

    to project.clj. Below is a simple example of both inline and block +formatted equations.

    + +

    When \(a \ne 0\), there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are +$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$


    Generate script and link tags for optional external javascript and css.

    +(defn opt-resources-html
    +  [project-info]
    +  (let [options (:marginalia project-info) 
    +        javascript (:javascript options)
    +        css (:css options)]
    +    (html (concat
    +           (when javascript
    +             (map #(vector :script {:type "text/javascript" :src %}) javascript))
    +           (when css
    +             (map #(vector :link {:tyle "text/css" :rel "stylesheet" :href %}) css))))))


    overloaded? Maybe we should consider redistributing

    header numbers instead of adding classes to all the h1 tags.

    (defn header-html [project-info]
    @@ -3111,7 +3116,8 @@ outlined above.

    & inline-css) to be able to package the output as a single file (uberdoc if you will). It goes without saying that all this is WIP and will prabably change in the future.

    -(defn page-template [header toc floating-toc content]
    +(defn page-template
    +  [opt-resources header toc floating-toc content]
        (doctype :html5)
    @@ -3130,6 +3136,7 @@ saying that all this is WIP and will prabably change in the future.

    header-css floating-toc-css general-css + opt-resources [:title "Marginalia Output"]] [:body [:table @@ -3156,6 +3163,7 @@ It's probably the only var consumers will use.

    (defn uberdoc-html [output-file-name project-metadata docs] (page-template + (opt-resources-html project-metadata) (header-html project-metadata) (toc-html docs) (floating-toc-html docs) @@ -3165,7 +3173,7 @@ It's probably the only var consumers will use.


    1. In your project.clj, add [marginalia "0.2.0"] to your:dev-dependenciesandmarginalia.tasksto:tasks`
    2. +
    3. In your project.clj, add [marginalia "0.2.1"] to your:dev-dependenciesandmarginalia.tasksto:tasks`
    4. Run cake marg from within your project directory.
    (ns marginalia.tasks
    @@ -3175,5 +3183,44 @@ Optionally, you can pass files or directories to control what documentation is g
     (deftask marg
       {files :marg}
    -  (run-marginalia files))

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/marginalia/core.clj b/src/marginalia/core.clj index f6059ea..9a6bffd 100644 --- a/src/marginalia/core.clj +++ b/src/marginalia/core.clj @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ (defn dir? [path] (.isDirectory (java.io.File. path))) -(defn find-clojure-file-paths [dir] +(defn find-clojure-file-paths "Returns a seq of clojure file paths (strings) in alphabetical depth-first order (I think?)." + [dir] (->> (java.io.File. dir) (file-seq) (filter #(re-find #"\.clj$" (.getAbsolutePath %))) @@ -201,12 +202,13 @@ ;; ## Ouput Generation -(defn uberdoc! [output-file-name files-to-analyze] +(defn uberdoc! "Generates an uberdoc html file from 3 pieces of information: 1. Results from processing source files (`path-to-doc`) 2. Project metadata obtained from `parse-project-file`. 3. The path to spit the result (`output-file-name`)" + [output-file-name files-to-analyze] (let [docs (map path-to-doc files-to-analyze) source (uberdoc-html output-file-name diff --git a/src/marginalia/html.clj b/src/marginalia/html.clj index 3fc7e75..82b6918 100644 --- a/src/marginalia/html.clj +++ b/src/marginalia/html.clj @@ -22,11 +22,12 @@ (str (apply str (interpose " " (map name sels))) "{" (apply str (map #(str (name (key %)) ":" (val %) ";") props)) "}"))) -(defn css [& rules] +(defn css "Quick and dirty dsl for inline css rules, similar to hiccup. ex. `(css [:h1 {:color \"blue\"}] [:div.content p {:text-indent \"1em\"}])` -> `h1 {color: blue;} div.content p {text-indent: 1em;}`" + [& rules] (html [:style {:type "text/css"} (apply str (map css-rule rules))])) @@ -57,9 +58,10 @@ ;; Markdown processor. (def mdp (com.petebevin.markdown.MarkdownProcessor.)) -(defn md [s] +(defn md "Markdown string to html converter. Translates strings like \"# header!\" -> \"


    " + [s] (.markdown mdp s)) (defn replace-special-chars @@ -345,10 +347,11 @@ [:.syntaxhighlighter :code {:font-size "13px"}] [:.footer {:text-align "center"}])) -(defn page-template [opt-resources header toc floating-toc content] +(defn page-template "Notice that we're inlining the css & javascript for [SyntaxHighlighter](http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/) (`inline-js` & `inline-css`) to be able to package the output as a single file (uberdoc if you will). It goes without saying that all this is WIP and will prabably change in the future." + [opt-resources header toc floating-toc content] (html (doctype :html5) [:html