Made comments block adjacent to code block part of their documentation.

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Buduroi 2011-01-16 21:56:49 -05:00
parent 6317084736
commit 6985245bc1

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@ -64,18 +64,20 @@
;; HACK: to handle types
(catch Exception _)))
(defn extract-docstring [form raw nspace-sym]
(if (re-find #"^(def|ns)" (-> form first name))
(let [sym (-> form second)
_ (when-not nspace-sym (require sym))
nspace (find-ns sym)]
(let [docstring (if nspace
(-> nspace meta :doc)
(get-var-docstring nspace-sym sym))]
(strip-docstring docstring raw)
(if nspace sym nspace-sym)]))
[nil raw nspace-sym]))
(defn extract-docstring [m raw nspace-sym]
(let [raw (join "\n" (subvec raw (-> m :start dec) (:end m)))
form (:form m)]
(if (re-find #"^(def|ns)" (-> form first name))
(let [sym (-> form second)
_ (when-not nspace-sym (require sym))
nspace (find-ns sym)]
(let [docstring (if nspace
(-> nspace meta :doc)
(get-var-docstring nspace-sym sym))]
(strip-docstring docstring raw)
(if nspace sym nspace-sym)]))
[nil raw nspace-sym])))
(defn- ->str [m]
(replace (-> m :form .content) #"^;+\s*" ""))
@ -85,6 +87,9 @@
:start (:start f)
:end (:end s)})
(defn adjacent? [f s]
(= (-> f :end) (-> s :start dec)))
(defn arrange-in-sections [parsed-code raw-code]
(loop [sections []
f (first parsed-code)
@ -97,11 +102,18 @@
(and (comment? f) (re-find #"^;\s" (-> f :form .content)))
(recur sections s (first nn) (next nn) nspace)
;; merging comments block
(and (comment? f) (comment? s)
(= (-> f :end) (-> s :start dec)))
(and (comment? f) (comment? s) (adjacent? f s))
(recur sections (merge-comments f s)
(first nn) (next nn)
;; adjacent comments are added as extra documentation to code block
(and (comment? f) (not (comment? s)) (adjacent? f s))
(let [[doc code nspace] (extract-docstring s raw-code nspace)]
(recur (conj sections (assoc s
:type :code
:raw code
:docstring (str doc "\n\n" (->str f))))
s (first nn) (next nn) nspace))
;; adding comment section
(comment? f)
(recur (conj sections (assoc f :type :comment :raw (->str f)))
@ -110,16 +122,12 @@
;; adding code section
(let [raw-code (join "\n" (subvec raw-code (-> f :start dec) (:end f)))
[docstring raw-code nspace]
(extract-docstring (:form f) raw-code nspace)]
(let [[doc code nspace] (extract-docstring f raw-code nspace)]
(recur (conj sections (assoc f
:type :code
:raw raw-code
:docstring docstring))
(first nn) (next nn)
:raw code
:docstring doc))
s (first nn) (next nn) nspace)))
(defn parse [source-string]