Fixed a couple docs content width problems, cleaned up indentation, fixed incorrect escaping in code blocks (but not inline code spans), fixed a incorrect markdown parsing of headers in docstrings.

This commit is contained in:
zkim 2010-12-21 23:04:34 -07:00
parent 579b4fbf17
commit 57fef7c435
2 changed files with 71 additions and 34 deletions

View file

@ -43,13 +43,17 @@
;; TODO: add pom.xml support.
(defn parse-project-file
"Parses a project.clj file and returns a map in the following form:
ex. {:name
ex. {:name
Basically, it reads a `defproject` to obtain name and version, then
merges the rest of the defproject forms (a key value list)."
@ -64,9 +68,10 @@
:version (nth project-form 2)}
(apply hash-map (drop 3 project-form))))
(catch Exception e
(throw (Exception. (str "There was a problem reading the project definition from " path)))))))
#_(println (read-project-file "./project.clj"))
(throw (Exception.
"There was a problem reading the project definition from "
(defn usage []
(println "marginalia <src1> ... <src-n>"))
@ -107,7 +112,7 @@
:else (recur (merge-line (first lines) cur-group) groups (rest lines)))))
;; hacktastic, these ad-hoc checks should be replaced with something
;; Hacktastic, these ad-hoc checks should be replaced with something
;; more robust.
(defn docstring-line? [line sections]
(let [l (last sections)
@ -124,7 +129,7 @@
(re-find #"^\"" (str/trim (str line))))
;; Is the prev line a docstring line, the current line _not_
;; start with a ( or [, and the current line not an empty string?
(and (:docstring-text l)
(and (:docstring-text wl)
(not (re-find #"^\(" (str/trim (str line))))
(not (re-find #"^\[" (str/trim (str line))))
(not= "" (str/trim (str line))))
@ -186,9 +191,15 @@
2. Project metadata obtained from `parse-project-file`.
3. The path to spit the result (`output-file-name`)"
(let [docs (map path-to-doc files-to-analyze)
source (uberdoc-html output-file-name (parse-project-file) (map path-to-doc files-to-analyze))]
source (uberdoc-html
(map path-to-doc files-to-analyze))]
(spit output-file-name source)))
(use 'clojure.pprint)
(pprint (path-to-doc "./src/marginalia/core.clj"))
(defn -main [sources]
"main docstring
@ -205,12 +216,9 @@
(ensure-directory! "./docs")
(uberdoc! "./docs/uberdoc.html" sources)
(println "Done generating your docs, please see ./docs/marg.html")
(println "Done generating your docs, please see ./docs/uberdoc.html")
#_(-main (find-clojure-file-paths "./src"))
;; # Example Usage

View file

@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
"# Utilities for converting parse results into html.
## Plus a few other goodies.
Here's a random code block (println \"hi!\")
Like I said:
* utils for docs -> html
* other goodies"
* other goodies
hello world"
(:use [hiccup.core :only (html escape-html)]
[ :only (doctype)])
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
@ -21,8 +25,8 @@
(defn css [& rules]
"Quick and dirty dsl for inline css rules, similar to hiccup.
ex. (css [:h1 {:color \"blue\"}] [:div.content p {:text-indent \"1em\"}])
-> h1 {color: blue;} div.content p {text-indent: 1em;}"
ex. `(css [:h1 {:color \"blue\"}] [:div.content p {:text-indent \"1em\"}])`
-> `h1 {color: blue;} div.content p {text-indent: 1em;}`"
(html [:style {:type "text/css"}
(apply str (map css-rule rules))]))
@ -65,14 +69,6 @@
-> \"<h1>header!</h1>"
(.markdown mdp s))
(defn remove-leading-trailing-quote
"Used in docstring pre-processing to remove the leading and trailing `\"` characters."
(-> s
(str/replace #"\"$" "")
(str/replace #"^\"" "")))
(defn replace-special-chars
"Inserts those fancy ->'s into doc sections."
@ -81,11 +77,25 @@
;; As a result of docifying then grouping, you'll end up with a seq like this one:
;; [{:docs [{:docs-text "Some doc text"}]
;; :codes [{code-text "(def something \"hi\")"}]}]
;; :codes [{:code-text "(def something \"hi\")"}]}]
;; `docs-to-html` and `codes-to-html` convert their respective entries into html,
;; and `group-to-html` calls them on each seq item to do so.
(defn prep-docs-text [s] s)
(defn prep-docstring-text [s]
(-> s
(str/replace #"\\\"" "\"")
(str/replace #"^\s\s\"" "")
(str/replace #"^\s\s\s" "")
(str/replace #"\"$" "")
;; Don't escape code blocks
((fn [t]
(if (re-find #"^\s\s\s\s" t)
(escape-html t))))))
(defn docs-to-html
"Converts a docs section to html by threading each doc line through the forms
@ -96,17 +106,22 @@
(->> docs
(map #(or (:docs-text %)
(str/replace (:docstring-text %) #"\\\"" "\"")))
(map remove-leading-trailing-quote)
(map escape-html)
(map #(if (:docs-text %)
(prep-docs-text (:docs-text %))
(prep-docstring-text (:docstring-text %))))
(map replace-special-chars)
(interpose "\n")
(apply str)
(defn codes-to-html [codes]
(html [:pre {:class "brush: clojure"} (apply str (interpose "\n" (map escape-html (map :code-text codes))))]))
(html [:pre {:class "brush: clojure"}
(->> codes
(map :code-text)
(map escape-html)
(interpose "\n")
(apply str))]))
(defn group-to-html [group]
@ -159,7 +174,10 @@
(defn floating-toc-html [docs]
[:div {:id "floating-toc"}
(map #(vector :li {:class "floating-toc-li" :id (str "floating-toc_" (:ns %))} (:ns %)) docs)]])
(map #(vector :li {:class "floating-toc-li"
:id (str "floating-toc_" (:ns %))}
(:ns %))
(defn groups-html [doc]
@ -263,12 +281,15 @@
[:p {:margin-top "8px"}]
[:tr {:margin "0px"
:padding "0px"}]
[ {:width "45%"
[ {:width "410px"
:max-width "410px"
:vertical-align "top"
:margin "0px"
:padding-left "55px"
:padding-right "20px"
:border "none"}]
[ :pre {:font-size "12px"
:overflow "hidden"}]
[ {:width "55%"
:background-color "#F5F5FF"
:vertical-align "top"
@ -279,6 +300,14 @@
:font-size "10pt"
:border-left "solid #E5E5EE 1px"}]
[:td.spacer {:padding-bottom "40px"}]
[:pre :code {:display "block"
:padding "4px"}]
[:code {:background-color "ghostWhite"
:border "solid #DEDEDE 1px"
:padding-left "3px"
:padding-right "3px"
:font-size "14px"}]
[:.syntaxhighlighter :code {:font-size "13px"}]
[:.footer {:text-align "center"}]))
(defn page-template [header toc floating-toc content]