Merge branch 'master' into more_marginalia


Merged by accepting changes to definition and usage of
This commit is contained in:
Michael Harrison 2011-03-01 12:27:21 -05:00
commit 4f08a7d634
9 changed files with 130 additions and 3319 deletions

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@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ Currently Marginalia can be used in a number of ways as described below.
### Command Line
You can download the [Marginalia 0.3.2 jar including packaged dependencies from Github](
You can download the [Marginalia 0.5.0 jar including packaged dependencies from Github](
Running Marginalia given the jar file linked above is as easy as:
java -jar marginalia-0.3.2-standalone.jar
java -jar marginalia-0.5.0-standalone.jar
This will search the `PWD` for a `src` directory which it will then traverse looking for Clojure source files to parse and generate documentation for. Marginalia also takes specific locations and files to generate docs for:
java -jar marginalia-0.3.2-standalone.jar <file1> <file2> ... <filen>
java -jar marginalia-0.5.0-standalone.jar <file1> <file2> ... <filen>
Arguments can be specific files or directories.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Arguments can be specific files or directories.
To use Marginalia in your own projects simply add the following to your `project.clj` file in the `:dev-dependencies` section:
[marginalia "0.3.2"]
[marginalia "0.5.0"]
After executing `lein deps` you can generate your complete source documentation with the following command:

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject marginalia "0.5.0-alpha"
(defproject marginalia "0.5.0"
:description "lightweight literate programming for clojure -- inspired by [docco]("
:main marginalia.core
:eval-in-leiningen true

View file

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.Clojure = function () {
{ regex: /\b(true|false|nil)\b/g,
css: 'value' },
// (un)quoted symbols
{ regex: /(`|#?'|~@?)[\w-.\/]+/g,
{ regex: /(`|#?'|~@?)[\w-.A-Za-z0-9_&lt;&gt;\-]+/g,
css: 'color1' },
// keywords
{ regex: /:[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+/g,
@ -177,7 +177,8 @@ SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.Clojure = function () {
css: 'preprocessor' },
// clojure.core
{ regex: new ClojureRegExp(this.getKeywords(clojure_core)),
css: 'functions' }
css: 'functions' },
{ regex: /[A-Za-z0-9_&lt;&gt;\-]+/g, css: 'plain'}

View file

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
(defn marg [project & args]
(eval-in-project project
`(marginalia.core/run-marginalia (list ~@args))
`(binding [marginalia.html/*resources* ""]
(marginalia.core/run-marginalia (list ~@args)))
'(require 'marginalia.core)))

View file

@ -179,9 +179,9 @@
[output-file-name files-to-analyze props]
(let [source (uberdoc-html
(map path-to-doc files-to-analyze)
(map path-to-doc files-to-analyze))]
(spit output-file-name source)))
;; ## External Interface (command-line, lein, cake, etc)

View file

@ -26,10 +26,22 @@
(defn slurp-resource
"Stolen from leiningen"
(-> (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))
(.getResourceAsStream resource-name)
(-> (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))
(.getResourceAsStream resource-name)
(catch java.lang.NullPointerException npe
(println (str "Could not locate resources at " resource-name))
(println " ... attempting to fix.")
(let [resource-name (str "./resources/" resource-name)]
(-> (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))
(.getResourceAsStream resource-name)
(catch java.lang.NullPointerException npe
(println (str " STILL could not locate resources at " resource-name ". Giving up!"))))))))
(defn inline-js [resource]
(let [src (slurp-resource resource)]
@ -183,7 +195,7 @@
"(this space intentionally left blank)"]]))
"(this space intentionally left almost blank)"]]))
(defn toc-html [docs]
@ -352,11 +364,6 @@
[:meta {:http-equiv "Content-Type" :content "text/html" :charset "utf-8"}]
[:meta {:name "description" :content (:description project-metadata)}]
(inline-js (str *resources* "jquery-1.4.4.min.js"))
(inline-js (str *resources* "xregexp-min.js"))
(inline-js (str *resources* "shCore.js"))
(inline-js (str *resources* "shBrushClojure.js"))
(inline-js (str *resources* "app.js"))
#_[:script {:type "text/javascript" :src "./../resources/app.js"}]
(inline-css (str *resources* "shCore.css"))
@ -366,6 +373,11 @@
(inline-js (str *resources* "jquery-1.4.4.min.js"))
(inline-js (str *resources* "xregexp-min.js"))
(inline-js (str *resources* "shCore.js"))
(inline-js (str *resources* "shBrushClojure.js"))
(inline-js (str *resources* "app.js"))
[:title (:name project-metadata) " -- Marginalia"]]
@ -393,7 +405,7 @@
(defn uberdoc-html
"This generates a stand alone html file (think `lein uberjar`).
It's probably the only var consumers will use."
[output-file-name docs project-metadata ]
[project-metadata docs]
(opt-resources-html project-metadata)

View file

@ -79,6 +79,19 @@
(replace #"\n\s*\n" "\n")
(replace #"\n\s*\)" ")")))
(defn- internal-strip-docstring
[R internal-ds]
(reduce (fn [raw docstring]
(str \" (-> docstring
(replace "\"" "\\\""))
(defn get-var-docstring [nspace-sym sym]
(-> `(var ~(symbol (str nspace-sym) (str sym))) eval meta :doc)
@ -101,6 +114,25 @@
(strip-docstring docstring raw)
(if nspace sym nspace-sym)])))
(defn- extract-impl-docstring
(filter string? (rest fn-body)))
(defn- extract-internal-docstrings
(mapcat #(extract-impl-docstring %)
(defmethod dispatch-form 'defprotocol
[form raw nspace-sym]
(let [[ds r s] (extract-common-docstring form raw nspace-sym)]
(let [internal-dses (if ds
(extract-internal-docstrings (nthnext form 3))
(extract-internal-docstrings (nthnext form 2)))]
[ds r s]
{:internal-docstrings internal-dses}))))
(defmethod dispatch-form 'ns
[form raw nspace-sym]
(let [[ds r s] (extract-common-docstring form raw nspace-sym)]
@ -118,9 +150,8 @@
[form raw nspace-sym]
(extract-common-docstring form raw nspace-sym))
(defmethod dispatch-form 'defprotocol
(defmethod dispatch-form 'defn-
[form raw nspace-sym]
;; this needs some work to extract embedded docstrings
(extract-common-docstring form raw nspace-sym))
(defmethod dispatch-form 'defmulti

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
(* x x))
(defprotocol Relation
"Defines a relation... duh!"
(select [this predicate]
"Confines the query to rows for which the predicate is true
@ -86,3 +87,63 @@
"This is a docstring. On the left."
(defn strict-eval-op-fn
"`strict-eval-op-fn` is used to define functions of the above pattern for fuctions such as `+`, `*`, etc. Cljs special forms defined this way are applyable, such as `(apply + [1 2 3])`.
Resulting expressions are wrapped in an anonymous function and, down the line, `call`ed, like so:
(+ 1 2 3) -> (function(){...}.call(this, 1 2 3)"
[op inc-ind-str ind-str op nl]
"(function() {" nl
"var _out = arguments[0];" nl
"for(var _i=1; _i<arguments.length; _i++) {" nl
"_out = _out " op " arguments[_i];")
"}" nl
"return _out;")
'(defn special-forms []
{'def handle-def
'fn handle-fn
'fn* handle-fn
'set! handle-set
'let handle-let
'defn handle-defn
'aget handle-aget
'aset handle-aset
'if handle-if
'while handle-while
'when handle-when
'doto handle-doto
'-> handle-->
'->> handle-->>
'not handle-not
'do handle-do
'cond handle-cond
'= (make-lazy-op '==)
'> (make-lazy-op '>)
'< (make-lazy-op '<)
'>= (make-lazy-op '>=)
'<= (make-lazy-op '<=)
'or (make-lazy-op '||)
'and (make-lazy-op '&&)
'doseq handle-doseq
'instanceof handle-instanceof
'gensym handle-gensym
'gensym-str handle-gensym-str})
'(defn greater [a b]
(>= a b))
(greater 2 1) => truthy)
'(file->tickets commits)