Add command line switches for project.clj options

This commit is contained in:
Meikel Brandmeyer 2011-09-06 22:27:53 +02:00
parent 4df40cb0de
commit 44389e8a31

View file

@ -226,6 +226,15 @@
"Usage: lein marg <options?> <src1> ... <src-n>\n")
[[dir d "Directory into which the documentation will be written" "./docs"]
[file f "File into which the documentation will be written" "uberdoc.html"]
[name n "Project name - if not given will be taken from project.clj"]
[version v "Project version - if not given will be taken from project.clj"]
[desc D "Project description - if not given will be taken from project.clj"]
[deps a "Project dependencies in the form <group1>:<artifact1>:<version1>;<group2>...
If not given will be taken from project.clj"]
[css c "Additional css resources <resource1>;<resource2>;...
If not given will be taken from project.clj."]
[js j "Additional javascript resources <resource1>;<resource2>;...
If not given will be taken from project.clj"]
(let [sources (format-sources (seq src))]
(if-not sources
@ -233,15 +242,29 @@
(println "Wrong number of arguments passed to marginalia.")
(binding [*docs* dir]
(println "Generating uberdoc for the following source files:")
(doseq [s sources]
(println " " s))
(ensure-directory! *docs*)
(uberdoc! (str *docs* "/" file) sources (parse-project-file))
(println "Done generating your documentation, please see"
(str *docs* "/" file))
(println ""))))))
(let [project-clj (when (.exists (io/file "project.clj"))
choose #(or %1 %2)
marg-opts (merge-with choose
{:css (when css (.split css ";"))
:javascript (when js (.split js ";"))}
(:marginalia project-clj))
opts (merge-with choose
{:name name
:version version
:description desc
:dependencies (split-deps deps)
:marginalia marg-opts}
(println "Generating uberdoc for the following source files:")
(doseq [s sources]
(println " " s))
(ensure-directory! *docs*)
(uberdoc! (str *docs* "/" file) sources opts)
(println "Done generating your documentation, please see"
(str *docs* "/" file))
(println "")))))))
(defn -main
"The main entry point into Marginalia."