Joel Martin db4c329aff All: perf test, Makefile refactor, add *host-language*
- bash,make,postscript: quasiquote of vectors
- Fix Java slurp
- add time function to core.mal
    - switches on *host-language* for make time-secs vs time-ms
- Ignore */experiments directories
2014-04-17 21:49:07 -05:00

146 lines
4.6 KiB

# Command line settings
PYTHON = python
# Settings
IMPLS = bash c clojure cs java js make mal php ps python ruby
step0 = step0_repl
step1 = step1_read_print
step2 = step2_eval
step3 = step3_env
step4 = step4_if_fn_do
step5 = step5_tco
step6 = step6_file
step7 = step7_quote
step8 = step8_macros
step9 = step9_interop
stepA = stepA_more
EXCLUDE_TESTS = test^make^step5 test^mal^step0 test^mal^step5 test^mal^step9 test^java^step9 test^cs^step9
EXCLUDE_PERFS = perf^mal # TODO: fix this
# Utility functions
STEP_TEST_FILES = $(strip $(wildcard $(1)/tests/$($(2)).mal) $(wildcard tests/$($(2)).mal))
bash_STEP_TO_PROG = bash/$($(1)).sh
c_STEP_TO_PROG = c/$($(1))
clojure_STEP_TO_PROG = clojure/src/$($(1)).clj
cs_STEP_TO_PROG = cs/$($(1)).exe
java_STEP_TO_PROG = java/src/main/java/mal/$($(1)).java
js_STEP_TO_PROG = js/$($(1)).js
make_STEP_TO_PROG = make/$($(1)).mk
mal_STEP_TO_PROG = mal/$($(1)).mal
php_STEP_TO_PROG = php/$($(1)).php
ps_STEP_TO_PROG = ps/$($(1)).ps
python_STEP_TO_PROG = python/$($(1)).py
ruby_STEP_TO_PROG = ruby/$($(1)).rb
bash_RUNSTEP = bash ../$(2) $(3)
c_RUNSTEP = ../$(2) $(3)
clojure_RUNSTEP = lein with-profile +$(1) trampoline run $(3)
cs_RUNSTEP = mono ../$(2) --raw $(3)
java_RUNSTEP = mvn -quiet exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="mal.$($(1))" -Dexec.args="--raw$(if $(3), $(3),)"
js_RUNSTEP = node ../$(2) $(3)
make_RUNSTEP = make -f ../$(2) $(3)
mal_RUNSTEP = $(call $(MAL_IMPL)_RUNSTEP,$(1),$(call $(MAL_IMPL)_STEP_TO_PROG,stepA),../$(2),") #"
php_RUNSTEP = php ../$(2) $(3)
ps_RUNSTEP = $(4)gs -q -dNODISPLAY -- ../$(2) $(3)$(4)
python_RUNSTEP = $(PYTHON) ../$(2) $(3)
ruby_RUNSTEP = ruby ../$(2) $(3)
# Extra options to pass to
cs_TEST_OPTS = --redirect
mal_TEST_OPTS = --start-timeout 30 --test-timeout 120
# Derived lists
STEPS = $(sort $(filter step%,$(.VARIABLES)))
IMPL_TESTS = $(foreach impl,$(IMPLS),test^$(impl))
STEP_TESTS = $(foreach step,$(STEPS),test^$(step))
ALL_TESTS = $(filter-out $(EXCLUDE_TESTS),\
$(strip $(sort \
$(foreach impl,$(IMPLS),\
$(foreach step,$(STEPS),test^$(impl)^$(step))))))
IMPL_STATS = $(foreach impl,$(IMPLS),stats^$(impl))
IMPL_STATS_LISP = $(foreach impl,$(IMPLS),stats-lisp^$(impl))
IMPL_PERF = $(filter-out $(EXCLUDE_PERFS),$(foreach impl,$(IMPLS),perf^$(impl)))
# Build rules
# Build a program in 'c' directory
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $(@)) $(notdir $(@))
# Allow test, test^STEP, test^IMPL, and test^IMPL^STEP
$(IMPL_TESTS): $$(filter $$@^%,$$(ALL_TESTS))
$(STEP_TESTS): $$(foreach step,$$(subst test^,,$$@),$$(filter %^$$(step),$$(ALL_TESTS)))
$(ALL_TESTS): $$(call $$(word 2,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@)))_STEP_TO_PROG,$$(word 3,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@))))
@$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
$(foreach step,$(word 3,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
cd $(if $(filter mal,$(impl)),$(MAL_IMPL),$(impl)); \
$(foreach test,$(call STEP_TEST_FILES,$(impl),$(step)),\
echo '----------------------------------------------'; \
echo 'Testing $@, step file: $+, test file: $(test)'; \
echo 'Running: ../ $(call $(impl)_TEST_OPTS) ../$(test) -- $(call $(impl)_RUNSTEP,$(step),$(+))'; \
../ $(call $(impl)_TEST_OPTS) ../$(test) -- $(call $(impl)_RUNSTEP,$(step),$(+)))))
test: $(ALL_TESTS)
tests: $(ALL_TESTS)
# Stats rules
stats: $(IMPL_STATS)
stats-lisp: $(IMPL_STATS_LISP)
@echo "----------------------------------------------"; \
$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
echo "Stats for $(impl):"; \
$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(impl) stats)
@echo "----------------------------------------------"; \
$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
echo "Stats (lisp only) for $(impl):"; \
$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(impl) stats-lisp)
# Performance test rules
perf: $(IMPL_PERF)
@echo "----------------------------------------------"; \
$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
cd $(if $(filter mal,$(impl)),$(MAL_IMPL),$(impl)); \
echo "Performance test for $(impl):"; \
echo 'Running: $(call $(impl)_RUNSTEP,stepA,$(call $(impl)_STEP_TO_PROG,stepA),../tests/perf1.mal)'; \
$(call $(impl)_RUNSTEP,stepA,$(call $(impl)_STEP_TO_PROG,stepA),../tests/perf1.mal); \
echo 'Running: $(call $(impl)_RUNSTEP,stepA,$(call $(impl)_STEP_TO_PROG,stepA),../tests/perf2.mal)'; \
$(call $(impl)_RUNSTEP,stepA,$(call $(impl)_STEP_TO_PROG,stepA),../tests/perf2.mal))