var max_history_length = 1000; function jq_load_history(jq) { if (localStorage['mal_history']) { var lines = JSON.parse(localStorage['mal_history']); if (lines.length > max_history_length) { lines = lines.slice(lines.length-max_history_length); } jq.SetHistory(lines); } } function jq_save_history(jq) { var lines = jq.GetHistory(); localStorage['mal_history'] = JSON.stringify(lines); } var readline = { 'readline': function(prompt_str) { return prompt(prompt_str); }}; // Node vs browser behavior var types = {}; if (typeof module === 'undefined') { var exports = types; } // General functions function _obj_type(obj) { if (_symbol_Q(obj)) { return 'symbol'; } else if (_list_Q(obj)) { return 'list'; } else if (_vector_Q(obj)) { return 'vector'; } else if (_hash_map_Q(obj)) { return 'hash-map'; } else if (_nil_Q(obj)) { return 'nil'; } else if (_true_Q(obj)) { return 'true'; } else if (_false_Q(obj)) { return 'false'; } else if (_atom_Q(obj)) { return 'atom'; } else { switch (typeof(obj)) { case 'number': return 'number'; case 'function': return 'function'; case 'string': return obj[0] == '\u029e' ? 'keyword' : 'string'; default: throw new Error("Unknown type '" + typeof(obj) + "'"); } } } function _sequential_Q(lst) { return _list_Q(lst) || _vector_Q(lst); } function _equal_Q (a, b) { var ota = _obj_type(a), otb = _obj_type(b); if (!(ota === otb || (_sequential_Q(a) && _sequential_Q(b)))) { return false; } switch (ota) { case 'symbol': return a.value === b.value; case 'list': case 'vector': if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (var i=0; i 0 ? obj : null; } else if (types._vector_Q(obj)) { return obj.length > 0 ?, 0): null; } else if (types._string_Q(obj)) { return obj.length > 0 ? obj.split('') : null; } else if (obj === null) { return null; } else { throw new Error("seq: called on non-sequence"); } } function apply(f) { var args =, 1); return f.apply(f, args.slice(0, args.length-1).concat(args[args.length-1])); } function map(f, lst) { return{ return f(el); }); } // Metadata functions function with_meta(obj, m) { var new_obj = types._clone(obj); new_obj.__meta__ = m; return new_obj; } function meta(obj) { // TODO: support symbols and atoms if ((!types._sequential_Q(obj)) && (!(types._hash_map_Q(obj))) && (!(types._function_Q(obj)))) { throw new Error("attempt to get metadata from: " + types._obj_type(obj)); } return obj.__meta__; } // Atom functions function deref(atm) { return atm.val; } function reset_BANG(atm, val) { return atm.val = val; } function swap_BANG(atm, f) { var args = [atm.val].concat(, 2)); atm.val = f.apply(f, args); return atm.val; } function js_eval(str) { return interop.js_to_mal(eval(str.toString())); } function js_method_call(object_method_str) { var args =, 1), r = interop.resolve_js(object_method_str), obj = r[0], f = r[1]; var res = f.apply(obj, args); return interop.js_to_mal(res); } // types.ns is namespace of type functions var ns = {'type': types._obj_type, '=': types._equal_Q, 'throw': mal_throw, 'nil?': types._nil_Q, 'true?': types._true_Q, 'false?': types._false_Q, 'number?': types._number_Q, 'string?': types._string_Q, 'symbol': types._symbol, 'symbol?': types._symbol_Q, 'keyword': types._keyword, 'keyword?': types._keyword_Q, 'fn?': types._fn_Q, 'macro?': types._macro_Q, 'pr-str': pr_str, 'str': str, 'prn': prn, 'println': println, 'readline': readline.readline, 'read-string': reader.read_str, 'slurp': slurp, '<' : function(a,b){return a' : function(a,b){return a>b;}, '>=' : function(a,b){return a>=b;}, '+' : function(a,b){return a+b;}, '-' : function(a,b){return a-b;}, '*' : function(a,b){return a*b;}, '/' : function(a,b){return a/b;}, "time-ms": time_ms, 'list': types._list, 'list?': types._list_Q, 'vector': types._vector, 'vector?': types._vector_Q, 'hash-map': types._hash_map, 'map?': types._hash_map_Q, 'assoc': assoc, 'dissoc': dissoc, 'get': get, 'contains?': contains_Q, 'keys': keys, 'vals': vals, 'sequential?': types._sequential_Q, 'cons': cons, 'concat': concat, 'nth': nth, 'first': first, 'rest': rest, 'empty?': empty_Q, 'count': count, 'apply': apply, 'map': map, 'conj': conj, 'seq': seq, 'with-meta': with_meta, 'meta': meta, 'atom': types._atom, 'atom?': types._atom_Q, "deref": deref, "reset!": reset_BANG, "swap!": swap_BANG, 'js-eval': js_eval, '.': js_method_call }; exports.ns = core.ns = ns; if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { } // read function READ(str) { return reader.read_str(str); } // eval function is_pair(x) { return types._sequential_Q(x) && x.length > 0; } function quasiquote(ast) { if (!is_pair(ast)) { return [types._symbol("quote"), ast]; } else if (types._symbol_Q(ast[0]) && ast[0].value === 'unquote') { return ast[1]; } else if (is_pair(ast[0]) && ast[0][0].value === 'splice-unquote') { return [types._symbol("concat"), ast[0][1], quasiquote(ast.slice(1))]; } else { return [types._symbol("cons"), quasiquote(ast[0]), quasiquote(ast.slice(1))]; } } function is_macro_call(ast, env) { return types._list_Q(ast) && types._symbol_Q(ast[0]) && env.find(ast[0]) && env.get(ast[0])._ismacro_; } function macroexpand(ast, env) { while (is_macro_call(ast, env)) { var mac = env.get(ast[0]); ast = mac.apply(mac, ast.slice(1)); } return ast; } function eval_ast(ast, env) { if (types._symbol_Q(ast)) { return env.get(ast); } else if (types._list_Q(ast)) { return { return EVAL(a, env); }); } else if (types._vector_Q(ast)) { var v = { return EVAL(a, env); }); v.__isvector__ = true; return v; } else if (types._hash_map_Q(ast)) { var new_hm = {}; for (k in ast) { new_hm[EVAL(k, env)] = EVAL(ast[k], env); } return new_hm; } else { return ast; } } function _EVAL(ast, env) { while (true) { //printer.println("EVAL:", printer._pr_str(ast, true)); if (!types._list_Q(ast)) { return eval_ast(ast, env); } // apply list ast = macroexpand(ast, env); if (!types._list_Q(ast)) { return eval_ast(ast, env); } if (ast.length === 0) { return ast; } var a0 = ast[0], a1 = ast[1], a2 = ast[2], a3 = ast[3]; switch (a0.value) { case "def!": var res = EVAL(a2, env); return env.set(a1, res); case "let*": var let_env = new Env(env); for (var i=0; i < a1.length; i+=2) { let_env.set(a1[i], EVAL(a1[i+1], let_env)); } ast = a2; env = let_env; break; case "quote": return a1; case "quasiquote": ast = quasiquote(a1); break; case 'defmacro!': var func = EVAL(a2, env); func._ismacro_ = true; return env.set(a1, func); case 'macroexpand': return macroexpand(a1, env); case "try*": try { return EVAL(a1, env); } catch (exc) { if (a2 && a2[0].value === "catch*") { if (exc instanceof Error) { exc = exc.message; } return EVAL(a2[2], new Env(env, [a2[1]], [exc])); } else { throw exc; } } case "do": eval_ast(ast.slice(1, -1), env); ast = ast[ast.length-1]; break; case "if": var cond = EVAL(a1, env); if (cond === null || cond === false) { ast = (typeof a3 !== "undefined") ? a3 : null; } else { ast = a2; } break; case "fn*": return types._function(EVAL, Env, a2, env, a1); default: var el = eval_ast(ast, env), f = el[0]; if (f.__ast__) { ast = f.__ast__; env = f.__gen_env__(el.slice(1)); } else { return f.apply(f, el.slice(1)); } } } } function EVAL(ast, env) { var result = _EVAL(ast, env); return (typeof result !== "undefined") ? result : null; } // print function PRINT(exp) { return printer._pr_str(exp, true); } // repl var repl_env = new Env(); var rep = function(str) { return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env)); }; // core.js: defined using javascript for (var n in core.ns) { repl_env.set(types._symbol(n), core.ns[n]); } repl_env.set(types._symbol('eval'), function(ast) { return EVAL(ast, repl_env); }); repl_env.set(types._symbol('*ARGV*'), []); // core.mal: defined using the language itself rep("(def! *host-language* \"javascript\")") rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"); rep("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))"); rep("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"); rep("(def! inc (fn* [x] (+ x 1)))"); rep("(def! gensym (let* [counter (atom 0)] (fn* [] (symbol (str \"G__\" (swap! counter inc))))))"); rep("(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) (let* (condvar (gensym)) `(let* (~condvar ~(first xs)) (if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))"); if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.argv.length > 2) { repl_env.set(types._symbol('*ARGV*'), process.argv.slice(3)); rep('(load-file "' + process.argv[2] + '")'); process.exit(0); } // repl loop if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) { // Synchronous node.js commandline mode rep("(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))"); while (true) { var line = readline.readline("user> "); if (line === null) { break; } try { if (line) { printer.println(rep(line)); } } catch (exc) { if (exc instanceof reader.BlankException) { continue } if (exc instanceof Error) { console.warn(exc.stack) } else { console.warn("Error: " + printer._pr_str(exc, true)) } } } }