
169 lines
7.1 KiB

pkgs = import (import ./mach_nix/nix/nixpkgs-src.nix) { config = {}; overlays = []; };
python = import ./mach_nix/nix/python.nix { inherit pkgs; };
python_deps = (builtins.attrValues (import ./mach_nix/nix/python-deps.nix { inherit python; fetchurl = pkgs.fetchurl; }));
mergeOverrides = with pkgs.lib; foldr composeExtensions (self: super: { });
autoPatchelfHook = import ./mach_nix/nix/auto_patchelf_hook.nix {inherit (pkgs) fetchurl makeSetupHook writeText;};
extractMeta = python: src: extras:
with builtins;
file = (builtins.readFile "${(import ./lib/extractor).extract_from_src {
py = python;
src = src;
data = fromJSON file;
setup_requires = if hasAttr "setup_requires" data then data.setup_requires else [];
install_requires = if hasAttr "install_requires" data then data.install_requires else [];
name = if hasAttr "name" data then else null;
version = if hasAttr "version" data then data.version else null;
extras_require =
if hasAttr "install_requires" data then
pkgs.lib.flatten (map (extra: data.extras_require."${extra}") extras)
else [];
concat = s1: s2: s1 + "\n" + s2;
all_reqs = builtins.foldl' concat "" (setup_requires ++ install_requires ++ extras_require);
reqs = trace "${all_reqs}" all_reqs;
inherit name version;
is_http_url = url:
with builtins;
if (substring 0 8 url) == "https://" || (substring 0 7 url) == "http://" then true else false;
get_src = src:
with builtins;
if isString src && is_http_url src then (fetchTarball src) else src;
rec {
# the mach-nix cmdline tool derivation
mach-nix = python.pkgs.buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "mach-nix";
version = builtins.readFile ./mach_nix/VERSION;
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = ./.;
propagatedBuildInputs = python_deps;
doCheck = false;
inherit mergeOverrides;
# User might want to access it to choose python version
nixpkgs = pkgs;
# call this to generate a nix expression which contains the python overrides
machNixFile = args: import ./mach_nix/nix/mach.nix args;
# Returns `overrides` and `select_pkgs` which satisfy your requirements
machNix = args:
result = import "${machNixFile args}/share/mach_nix_file.nix";
manylinux =
if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-darwin" then
in {
overrides = result.overrides manylinux autoPatchelfHook;
select_pkgs = result.select_pkgs;
# call this to use the python environment with nix-shell
mkPythonShell = args: (mkPython args).env;
# equivalent to buildPythonPackage of nixpkgs
buildPythonPackage = __buildPython "buildPythonPackage";
# equivalent to buildPythonApplication of nixpkgs
buildPythonApplication = __buildPython "buildPythonApplication";
__buildPython = func: args:
if builtins.isString args then _buildPython func { src = args; } else _buildPython func args;
_buildPython = func: args@{
requirements ? null, # content from a requirements.txt file
disable_checks ? true, # Disable tests wherever possible to decrease build time.
extras ? [],
doCheck ? ! disable_checks,
overrides_pre ? [], # list of pythonOverrides to apply before the machnix overrides
overrides_post ? [], # list of pythonOverrides to apply after the machnix overrides
pkgs ? nixpkgs, # pass custom nixpkgs.
providers ? {}, # define provider preferences
pypi_deps_db_commit ? builtins.readFile ./mach_nix/nix/PYPI_DEPS_DB_COMMIT, # python dependency DB version
pypi_deps_db_sha256 ? builtins.readFile ./mach_nix/nix/PYPI_DEPS_DB_SHA256,
python ? pkgs.python3, # select custom python to base overrides onto. Should be from nixpkgs >= 20.03
_provider_defaults ? with builtins; fromTOML (readFile ./mach_nix/provider_defaults.toml),
with builtins;
src = get_src pass_args.src;
# Extract dependencies automatically if 'requirements' is unset
meta = extractMeta python src extras;
reqs =
with builtins;
if requirements == null then
if builtins.hasAttr "format" args && args.format != "setuptools" then
throw "Automatic dependency extraction is only available for 'setuptools' format."
" Please specify 'requirements' if setuptools is not used."
pname =
if hasAttr "name" args then null
else if hasAttr "pname" args then args.pname
version =
if hasAttr "name" args then null
else if hasAttr "version" args then args.version
else meta.version;
py = python.override { packageOverrides = mergeOverrides overrides_pre; };
result = machNix {
inherit disable_checks providers pypi_deps_db_commit pypi_deps_db_sha256 _provider_defaults;
overrides = overrides_pre;
python = py;
requirements = reqs;
py_final = python.override { packageOverrides = mergeOverrides (
overrides_pre ++ [ result.overrides ] ++ overrides_post
pass_args = removeAttrs args (builtins.attrNames ({
inherit disable_checks overrides_pre overrides_post pkgs providers
requirements pypi_deps_db_commit pypi_deps_db_sha256 python _provider_defaults;
py_final.pkgs."${func}" ( pass_args // {
propagatedBuildInputs = result.select_pkgs py_final.pkgs;
src = src;
inherit doCheck pname version;
# (High level API) generates a python environment with minimal user effort
mkPython =
requirements, # content from a requirements.txt file
disable_checks ? true, # Disable tests wherever possible to decrease build time.
overrides_pre ? [], # list of pythonOverrides to apply before the machnix overrides
overrides_post ? [], # list of pythonOverrides to apply after the machnix overrides
pkgs ? nixpkgs, # pass custom nixpkgs.
providers ? {}, # define provider preferences
pypi_deps_db_commit ? builtins.readFile ./mach_nix/nix/PYPI_DEPS_DB_COMMIT, # python dependency DB version
pypi_deps_db_sha256 ? builtins.readFile ./mach_nix/nix/PYPI_DEPS_DB_SHA256,
python ? pkgs.python3, # select custom python to base overrides onto. Should be from nixpkgs >= 20.03
_provider_defaults ? with builtins; fromTOML (readFile ./mach_nix/provider_defaults.toml)
py = python.override { packageOverrides = mergeOverrides overrides_pre; };
result = machNix {
inherit requirements disable_checks providers pypi_deps_db_commit pypi_deps_db_sha256 _provider_defaults;
overrides = overrides_pre;
python = py;
py_final = python.override { packageOverrides = mergeOverrides (
overrides_pre ++ [ result.overrides ] ++ overrides_post
py_final.withPackages (ps: result.select_pkgs ps)