import json import os import subprocess as sp import sys import tempfile from argparse import ArgumentParser from os.path import realpath, dirname from textwrap import dedent from mach_nix.ensure_nix import ensure_nix from mach_nix.versions import PyVer pwd = dirname(realpath(__file__)) def gen(args, return_expr=False): with open(args.r) as f: requirements = o_file = tempfile.mktemp() py_ver = PyVer(args.python) cmd = f'nix-build {pwd}/nix/call_mach.nix -o {o_file}' \ f' --argstr requirements "{requirements}"' \ f' --argstr python_attr python{py_ver.digits()}' \ f' --arg prefer_nixpkgs {json.dumps((not args.prefer_new))}' proc =, shell=True, stdout=sys.stderr) if proc.returncode: exit(1) with open(f"{o_file}/share/mach_nix_file.nix") as src: expr = if return_expr: return expr if getattr(args, 'o', None): with open(args.o, 'w') as dest: dest.write(expr) print(f"Expression written to {args.o}") else: print(expr) def env(args): target_dir = expr = gen(args, return_expr=True) machnix_file = f"{target_dir}/machnix.nix" shell_nix_file = f"{target_dir}/shell.nix" default_nix_file = f"{target_dir}/default.nix" python_nix_file = f"{target_dir}/python.nix" python_nix_content = dedent(f""" let result = import ./machnix.nix; nixpkgs_commit = "{open(pwd + "/nix/NIXPKGS_COMMIT").read().strip()}"; nixpkgs_sha256 = "{open(pwd + "/nix/NIXPKGS_SHA256").read().strip()}"; pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball {{ name = "nixpkgs"; url = "${{nixpkgs_commit}}"; sha256 = nixpkgs_sha256; }}) {{ config = {{}}; overlays = []; }}; python = pkgs.python37; manylinux1 = pkgs.pythonManylinuxPackages.manylinux1; overrides = result.overrides manylinux1 pkgs.autoPatchelfHook; py = pkgs.python37.override {{ packageOverrides = overrides; }}; in py.withPackages (ps: result.select_pkgs ps) """) if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): if os.path.exists(target_dir): print(f'Error: {target_dir} already exists and is not a directory!') exit(1) os.mkdir(target_dir) with open(machnix_file, 'w') as machnix: machnix.write(expr) with open(python_nix_file, 'w') as python: python.write(python_nix_content) with open(shell_nix_file, 'w') as shell: shell.write("(import ./python.nix).env\n") with open(default_nix_file, 'w') as default: default.write("import ./shell.nix\n") print(f"\nInitialized python environment in {target_dir}\n" f"To activate it, execute: 'nix-shell {target_dir}'") def print_be_patient(): print("Generating python environment... If you run this the first time, the python package index " "and dependency graph (~200MB) need to be downloaded. Please stay patient!", file=sys.stderr) def main(): common_arguments = ( (('-p', '--python'), dict( help='select python version (default: 3.7)', choices=('2.7', '3.5', '3.6', '3.7', '3.8'), default='3.7')), (('-r',), dict( help='path to requirements.txt file', metavar='requirements.txt', required=True)), (('--prefer-new',), dict( action='store_true', help='Prefer newer python package versions instead of the ones from nixpkgs. ' 'This might increase build times significantly since no cache can be used')) ) parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', '-V', help='show program version', action='store_true') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command') gen_parser = subparsers.add_parser('gen', help='generate a nix expression') gen_parser.add_argument('-o', help='output file. defaults to stdout', metavar='python.nix') env_parser = subparsers.add_parser('env', help='set up a venv-style environment') env_parser.add_argument('directory', help='target directory to create the environment') for p in (gen_parser, env_parser): for args, kwargs in common_arguments: p.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: with open(f"{pwd}/VERSION") as f: print(f"mach-nix: {}") exit(0) if args.command not in ('gen', 'env'): parser.print_usage() exit(1) ensure_nix() print_be_patient() if args.command == 'gen': gen(args) elif args.command == 'env': env(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()