added environment

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2017-02-20 23:26:21 +01:00
parent 63561b3f7f
commit fa3b14c5d6
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
5 changed files with 95 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: Lib
, Lish.Core
, Lish.Eval
, Lish.InternalCommands
, Lish.Parser
, Lish.Types

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@ -6,17 +6,14 @@ module Lish.Core
) where
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust)
import GHC.IO.Handle (Handle, hGetContents)
import GHC.IO.Handle (hGetContents)
import Pipes
import Prelude (String, lines, lookup)
import Prelude (lines)
import Protolude hiding (for, many, show, (<|>))
import System.Console.Haskeline
import System.Process
import Text.Parsec (ParseError)
import Lish.InternalCommands
import Lish.Eval
import Lish.Parser
import Lish.Types
@ -36,41 +33,6 @@ mainLoop = do
eval (parseCmd ("(" <> line <> ")"))
toStdIn :: SExp -> Maybe Handle
toStdIn (WaitingStream h) = h
toStdIn _ = Nothing
shellErr :: String -> IO SExp
shellErr errmsg = do
putStrLn ("Error: " <> errmsg)
return Void
executeShell :: SExp -> IO SExp
executeShell (Lambda args) = do
res <- (mapM toArg args) >>= return . catMaybes
let argsHandle = (filter isJust (map toStdIn args))
stdinhandle = case argsHandle of
(Just h:_) -> UseHandle h
_ -> Inherit
case (map toS res) of
(cmd:sargs) -> do
result <- trySh $ createProcess (proc cmd sargs) { std_in = stdinhandle
, std_out = CreatePipe }
case result of
Right (_, mb_hout, _, _) -> return $ Stream mb_hout
Left ex -> shellErr ("[shell 1/2] " <> (show (Lambda args)) <> "\n[shell 2/2] " <> show ex)
_ -> shellErr "empty lambda!"
trySh :: IO a -> IO (Either IOException a)
trySh = Exception.try
executeShell _ = shellErr "[shell] not a lambda!"
-- | Evaluate a command line
eval :: Either ParseError SExp -> InputT IO ()
eval parsed = case parsed of
Right sexp -> liftIO (reduceLambda sexp >>= evalReduced)
Left err -> outputStrLn (show err)
evalReduced :: SExp -> IO ()
evalReduced Void = return ()
evalReduced (Stream Nothing) = return ()
@ -87,12 +49,7 @@ evalReduced (WaitingStream (Just h)) = do
runEffect (for producer (lift . putStrLn))
evalReduced x = putStrLn (show x)
reduceLambda :: SExp -> IO SExp
reduceLambda (Lambda exprs) = do
reduced <- mapM reduceLambda exprs
case reduced of
(Atom f:args) -> case lookup f internalCommands of
Just fn -> fn args
_ -> executeShell (Lambda reduced)
_ -> executeShell (Lambda reduced)
reduceLambda x = return x
eval :: Either ParseError SExp -> InputT IO ()
eval parsed = case parsed of
Right sexpr -> liftIO (reduceLambda (EnvSExp sexpr []) >>= evalReduced .sexp)
Left err -> outputStrLn (show err)

src/Lish/Eval.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Lish parser
module Lish.Eval
( reduceLambda
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Protolude
import System.Process hiding (env)
import Prelude (lookup)
import Lish.Types hiding (show)
import Lish.InternalCommands
-- | The main evaluation function
-- TODO: its real type should be something isomorphic to
-- (SExp,Environment) -> IO (SExp, Environment)
reduceLambda :: EnvSExp -> IO EnvSExp
reduceLambda (EnvSExp { sexp = (Lambda exprs)
, env = environment
}) = do
reduced <- mapM reduceLambda (map (\sexpr -> EnvSExp sexpr environment) exprs)
case reduced of
(EnvSExp { sexp = Atom f, env = cmdenv}:args)
-> case lookup f internalCommands of
Just fn -> fn args
_ -> executeShell (Lambda (map sexp reduced)) >>= \s -> return $ EnvSExp { sexp = s, env = cmdenv }
_ -> executeShell (Lambda (map sexp reduced)) >>= \s -> return $ EnvSExp { sexp = s, env = environment }
reduceLambda x = return x
-- | take a SExp
toStdIn :: SExp -> Maybe Handle
toStdIn (WaitingStream h) = h
toStdIn _ = Nothing
shellErr :: Text -> IO SExp
shellErr errmsg = do
putText ("Error: " <> errmsg)
return Void
-- | Execute a shell command
executeShell :: SExp -> IO SExp
executeShell (Lambda args) = do
res <- (mapM toArg args) >>= return . catMaybes
let argsHandle = (filter isJust (map toStdIn args))
stdinhandle = case argsHandle of
(Just h:_) -> UseHandle h
_ -> Inherit
case (map toS res) of
(cmd:sargs) -> do
result <- trySh $ createProcess (proc cmd sargs) { std_in = stdinhandle
, std_out = CreatePipe }
case result of
Right (_, mb_hout, _, _) -> return $ Stream mb_hout
Left ex -> shellErr ("[shell 1/2] " <> (show (Lambda args)) <> "\n[shell 2/2] " <> show ex)
_ -> shellErr "empty lambda!"
trySh :: IO a -> IO (Either IOException a)
trySh = Exception.try
executeShell _ = shellErr "[shell] not a lambda!"

View file

@ -20,29 +20,39 @@ toArg _ = return $ Nothing
prn :: Command
prn args = do
strs <- catMaybes <$> (mapM toArg args)
putText (Text.intercalate " " strs)
return Void
strs <- catMaybes <$> (mapM (toArg . sexp) args)
putText $ (Text.intercalate " " strs) <> "\n"
return EnvSExp { sexp = Void
, env = (mconcat (map env args))
pr :: Command
pr args = do
strs <- catMaybes <$> (mapM toArg args)
strs <- catMaybes <$> (mapM (toArg . sexp) args)
putText (Text.intercalate " " strs)
return Void
return EnvSExp { sexp = Void
, env = (mconcat (map env args))
evalErr :: Text -> IO SExp
evalErr :: Text -> IO EnvSExp
evalErr errmsg = do
putText $ "EvalError: " <> errmsg
return Void
return (EnvSExp Void empty)
replace :: Command
replace ((Str old):(Str new):(Str str):[]) =
return . Str $ Text.replace old new str
replace args@((EnvSExp { sexp = (Str old)}) :
(EnvSExp { sexp = (Str new)}) :
(EnvSExp { sexp = (Str str)}) :
[]) =
return $ EnvSExp { sexp = Str $ Text.replace old new str
, env = (mconcat (map env args))}
replace _ = evalErr "replace should take 3 String arguments"
toWaitingStream :: Command
toWaitingStream ((Stream (Just h)):[]) = return (WaitingStream (Just h))
toWaitingStream _ = return Void
toWaitingStream (EnvSExp { sexp = Stream (Just h)
, env = environment }:[]) =
return $ EnvSExp (WaitingStream (Just h)) environment
toWaitingStream _ = return (EnvSExp Void empty)
internalCommands :: [(Text,Command)]
internalCommands = [ ("prn", prn)

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
-- | Lish types
module Lish.Types
( SExp(..)
, EnvSExp(..)
, show
, CmdStream
, Command
@ -36,5 +37,6 @@ repr (Stream _) = "<stream>"
repr (WaitingStream _) = "<w-stream>"
type CmdStream = Maybe Handle
type Command = [SExp] -> IO SExp
type Env = [(Text,SExp)]
data EnvSExp = EnvSExp { sexp :: SExp , env :: Env}
type Command = [EnvSExp] -> IO EnvSExp