fixed map

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2017-04-16 16:18:52 +02:00
parent 4cf88e073d
commit 7716fe39c7
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
3 changed files with 78 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
def inc (fn [x] (+ x 1))
def map (fn [f lst] (if (empty? lst) [] (cons (f (first lst)) (map f (rest lst)))))
def test (fn [name expr] (if expr (prn (str name " OK")) (prn (str name " FAILED"))))
test "map" (= [2 3 4] (map inc [1 2 3]))
test "double map" (= [3 4 5] (map inc (map inc [1 2 3])))

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import Data.Fix
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Protolude
import System.Process hiding (env)
import Text.PrettyPrint (render)
import qualified Text.Show.Pretty as Pr
import Lish.InternalCommands (toArg)
@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ reduceLambda :: SExp -> StateT Env IO SExp
reduceLambda x = do
env <- get
case (Map.lookup "LISH_DEBUG" env) of
Just _ -> liftIO $ do
Just (Str "true") -> liftIO $ do
putText "------"
putStr ("Env: " :: Text)
putStrLn $ Pr.ppShow env

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@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ toArg (Atom x) = do
toArg (Str s) = return $ Just $ toS s
toArg (Num i) = return . Just . toS . show $ i
toArg (Stream (Just h)) = lift $ fmap (Just . Text.strip .toS) (hGetContents h)
toArg (List xs) = do
strs <- traverse toArg (map unFix xs)
return (Just ("["<> (Text.intercalate " " (catMaybes strs)) <> "]"))
toArg _ = return $ Nothing
-- | Print with return line
@ -53,14 +56,6 @@ undef ((Atom name):[]) = do
return Void
undef x = evalErr $ "undef wait an atom got" <> toS (show x)
-- | Export a var as Environment variable
export :: ReduceUnawareCommand
export ((Atom name):v@(Str s):[]) = do
liftIO $ setEnv (toS name) (toS s)
modify (Map.insert name v)
return v
export _ = evalErr $ "eval need an atom and a string (eval foo \"foo\")"
-- | retrieve the value of a var
getenv :: ReduceUnawareCommand
getenv ((Atom varname):[]) = do
@ -107,10 +102,6 @@ toWaitingStream :: ReduceUnawareCommand
toWaitingStream (Stream (Just h) :[]) = return (WaitingStream (Just h))
toWaitingStream _ = return Void
equal :: ReduceUnawareCommand
equal (x:y:[]) = return (Bool (x == y))
equal args = evalErr $ "= need two args, got " <> (toS (show args))
bintest :: (Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> ReduceUnawareCommand
bintest f ((Num x):(Num y):[]) = return $ Bool (f x y)
bintest _ args = evalErr $ "bin test need two numbers got " <> (toS (show args))
@ -153,61 +144,16 @@ fn reducer (p:bodies) = do
fromAtom _ = Nothing
fn _ _ = return Void
emptyCmd :: Command
emptyCmd _ ((List []):[]) = return (Bool True)
emptyCmd _ ((List _):[]) = return (Bool False)
emptyCmd r (x@(Atom _):[]) = do
val <- r x
emptyCmd r (val:[])
emptyCmd r (x@(Lambda _):[]) = do
val <- r x
emptyCmd r (val:[])
emptyCmd _ _ = return Void
firstCmd :: Command
firstCmd _ ((List (x:_)):[]) = return (unFix x)
firstCmd _ ((List _):[]) = return Void
firstCmd r (x@(Atom _):[]) = do
val <- r x
firstCmd r (val:[])
firstCmd r (x@(Lambda _):[]) = do
val <- r x
firstCmd r (val:[])
firstCmd _ _ = return Void
restCmd :: Command
restCmd _ ((List (_:xs)):[]) = return (List xs)
restCmd _ ((List _):[]) = return Void
restCmd r (x@(Atom _):[]) = do
val <- r x
restCmd r (val:[])
restCmd r (x@(Lambda _):[]) = do
val <- r x
restCmd r (val:[])
restCmd _ _ = return Void
consCmd :: Command
consCmd _ (x:(List ls):[]) = return (List (Fix x:ls))
consCmd r (x:y@(Atom _):[]) = do
val <- r y
consCmd r (x:val:[])
consCmd r (x:y@(Lambda _):[]) = do
val <- r y
consCmd r (x:val:[])
consCmd _ _ = return Void
strictCommands :: [(Text,ReduceUnawareCommand)]
strictCommands = [ ("prn", prn)
, ("pr", pr)
, (">", toWaitingStream)
, ("replace", replace)
, ("undef",undef)
, ("export",export)
, ("getenv",getenv)
, ("$",getenv)
, ("str",str)
, ("atom",atom)
, ("=",equal)
-- binary operators
, ("+",binop (+))
, ("-",binop (-))
@ -247,11 +193,80 @@ lishIf reduceLambda (sexp:sexp1:sexp2:[]) = do
_ -> evalErr "first argument to if must be a Bool"
lishIf _ _ = evalErr "if need a bool, a then body and an else one"
emptyCmd :: Command
emptyCmd _ ((List []):[]) = return (Bool True)
emptyCmd _ ((List _):[]) = return (Bool False)
emptyCmd r (x@(Atom _):[]) = do
val <- r x
emptyCmd r (val:[])
emptyCmd r (x@(Lambda _):[]) = do
val <- r x
emptyCmd r (val:[])
emptyCmd _ _ = return Void
firstCmd :: Command
firstCmd reducer ((List (x:_)):[]) = reducer (unFix x)
firstCmd _ ((List _):[]) = return Void
firstCmd r (x@(Atom _):[]) = do
val <- r x
firstCmd r (val:[])
firstCmd r (x@(Lambda _):[]) = do
val <- r x
firstCmd r (val:[])
firstCmd _ _ = return Void
restCmd :: Command
restCmd _ ((List (_:xs)):[]) = return (List xs)
restCmd _ ((List _):[]) = return Void
restCmd r (x@(Atom _):[]) = do
val <- r x
restCmd r (val:[])
restCmd r (x@(Lambda _):[]) = do
val <- r x
restCmd r (val:[])
restCmd _ _ = return Void
consCmd :: Command
consCmd r (x:(List ls):[]) = do
xreduced <- r x
return (List (Fix xreduced:ls))
consCmd r (x:y@(Atom _):[]) = do
val <- r y
consCmd r (x:val:[])
consCmd r (x:y@(Lambda _):[]) = do
val <- r y
consCmd r (x:val:[])
consCmd _ _ = return Void
equal :: Command
equal r ((List xs):(List ys):[]) = do
reducedListX <- traverse r (map unFix xs)
reducedListY <- traverse r (map unFix ys)
return (Bool (reducedListX == reducedListY))
equal r (x:y:[]) = do
reducedX <- r x
reducedY <- r y
return (Bool (reducedX == reducedY))
equal _ args = evalErr $ "= need two args, got " <> (toS (show args))
-- | Export a var as Environment variable
export :: Command
export _ ((Atom name):v@(Str s):[]) = do
liftIO $ setEnv (toS name) (toS s)
modify (Map.insert name v)
return v
export r (n:value:[]) = do
reducedVal <- r value
export r (n:reducedVal:[])
export _ _ = evalErr $ "eval need an atom and a string (eval foo \"foo\")"
unstrictCommands :: [(Text,InternalCommand)]
unstrictCommands = [ ("if", InternalCommand "if" lishIf)
, ("def", InternalCommand "def" def)
, ("fn", InternalCommand "fn" fn)
, ("do", InternalCommand "do" doCommand)
, ("=", InternalCommand "=" equal)
, ("export", InternalCommand "export" export)
-- list ops
, ("empty?",InternalCommand "empty?" emptyCmd)
, ("first",InternalCommand "first" firstCmd)