This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2017-04-05 22:03:40 +02:00
parent 1d6d51c75b
commit 43ad544de9
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
2 changed files with 25 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ checkType ctx expr ty = infer ctx expr >>= \ inferedType ->
else Left (TypeError ("Expected Type" <> show ty
<> " but got type " <> show inferedType))
isReduced :: SExp -> Bool
isReduced (Atom _) = False
isReduced (Lambda _) = False
isReduced _ = True
-- | The main evaluation function
-- its real type should be something isomorphic to
-- (SExp,Environment) -> IO (SExp, Environment)
@ -64,10 +69,8 @@ reduceLambda :: SExp -> StateT Env IO SExp
reduceLambda (Lambda (Fix expr:fexprs)) = do
let exprs = map unFix fexprs
reduced <- reduceLambda expr
redred <- reduceLambda reduced
if redred /= reduced
then reduceLambda (Lambda . map Fix $ (reduced:exprs))
else do
if isReduced reduced
then do
-- DEBUG --env <- get
-- DEBUG --liftIO $ do
-- DEBUG -- putText "Lambda:"
@ -87,16 +90,19 @@ reduceLambda (Lambda (Fix expr:fexprs)) = do
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> do
reducedArgs <- mapM reduceLambda exprs
executeShell (Lambda . map Fix $ ((Atom f):reducedArgs))
executeCommand (Command (Fix (Str f))
(map Fix reducedArgs))
f@(Fn _ _ _ _) -> applyFn f exprs
s -> do
reducedArgs <- mapM reduceLambda exprs
executeShell (Lambda . map Fix $ (s:reducedArgs))
executeCommand $ Command (Fix s) (map Fix reducedArgs)
else reduceLambda (Lambda . map Fix $ (reduced:exprs))
reduceLambda command@(Command _ _) = executeCommand command
reduceLambda (Atom x) = do
env <- get
case Map.lookup x env of
Just s -> return s
_ -> return $ Atom x
_ -> return $ Str x
reduceLambda x = return x
applyFn :: SExp -> ReduceUnawareCommand
@ -138,24 +144,25 @@ shellErr errmsg = do
return Void
-- | Execute a shell command
executeShell :: SExp -> StateT Env IO SExp
executeShell (Lambda args) = do
executeCommand :: SExp -> StateT Env IO SExp
executeCommand (Command (Fix (Str cmdName)) args) = do
res <- (mapM toArg (map unFix args)) >>= return . catMaybes
let argsHandle = (filter isJust (map toStdIn (map unFix args)))
stdinhandle = case argsHandle of
(Just h:_) -> UseHandle h
_ -> Inherit
case (map toS res) of
(cmd:sargs) -> do
result <- lift $ trySh $ createProcess (proc cmd sargs) { std_in = stdinhandle
, std_out = CreatePipe }
sargs -> do
result <- lift . trySh $
createProcess (proc (toS cmdName) sargs)
{ std_in = stdinhandle
, std_out = CreatePipe }
case result of
Right (_, mb_hout, _, _) -> return $ Stream mb_hout
Left ex -> shellErr ("Unknow fn or cmd: "
<> toS cmd
<> toS cmdName
<> "\n" <> show ex)
_ -> shellErr "empty lambda!"
trySh :: IO a -> IO (Either IOException a)
trySh = Exception.try
executeShell _ = shellErr "[shell] not a lambda!"
executeCommand _ = shellErr "[shell] not a lambda!"

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@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ data ExprF a = Atom Text
, closure :: Env
, types :: ([LishType],LishType)
| Command { _cmdName :: a
, _cmdArgs :: [a]}
| Stream CmdStream
| WaitingStream CmdStream
deriving (Eq,Show,Functor)
@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ repr (Str s) = "\"" <> toS s <> "\""
repr (List sexprs) = "[" <> (Text.intercalate " " sexprs) <> "]"
repr (Lambda sexprs) = "(" <> (Text.intercalate " " sexprs) <> ")"
repr Void = "ε"
repr (Command n args) = "($ " <> n <> (Text.intercalate " " args) <> ")"
repr (Fn p _ _ _) = "" <> (Text.intercalate "." p) <> ". ... )"
repr (Stream _) = "<stream>"
repr (WaitingStream _) = "<w-stream>"