Anthony Grimes 7a7945880f Move reply and lein-newnew to lein's own project.clj.
The only reason this wasn't possible before was because the classpath
was being cached in .lein-classpath, giving the appearance of those
dependencies not being seen.
2012-02-07 16:12:14 -06:00

26 lines
1 KiB

;; This is Leiningen's own project configuration. See doc/TUTORIAL.md
;; file as well as sample.project.clj for help writing your own.
(defproject leiningen "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Automate Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire."
:url "https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen"
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"}
:dependencies [[leiningen-core "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[clucy "0.2.2"]
[useful "0.7.6-alpha1"]
[lein-newnew "0.2.2"]
[reply "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[org.clojars.ninjudd/data.xml "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"]]
:test-selectors {:default (complement :busted)}
:eval-in-leiningen true)
;;; Release Checklist
;; * update NEWS, bin/lein, bin/lein.bat, project.clj, pom
;; * rm -rf lib classes, compile :all, generate uberjar, upload
;; * test self-install
;; * git tag
;; * push, push tags, update stable branch
;; * announce on mailing list
;; * bump version numbers (bin/lein, bin/lein.bat, project.clj)
;; * regenerate pom.xml