David Greenberg 80cf398b50 Allow project's git repository to be different than project root
This allows for other directories to be used for the automatic
repository tagging. This is useful for repositories that contain
multiple projects, such as leiningen-core and leiningen, so that both
will have the correct repository tag information in their pom.xml.
2012-11-28 14:48:28 -05:00

289 lines
16 KiB

;; This is an annotated example of the options that may be set in a
;; project.clj file. It is a fairly contrived example in order to
;; cover all options exhaustively; it shouldn't be considered a
;; representative configuration. For a more detailed explanation of
;; some of the terms run "lein help tutorial".
;; These options apply to Leiningen 2.x. See the 1.x branch for older versions:
;; https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/1.x/sample.project.clj
;; The project is named "sample", and its group-id is "org.example".
(defproject org.example/sample "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" ; version "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
;; Beyond this point you may prepend a form with unquote, or ~, to eval it.
;; The descrption text is searchable from repositories like Clojars.
:description "A sample project"
:url "http://example.org/sample-clojure-project"
;; The mailing list of the project. If the project has multiple mailing
;; lists, use the :mailing-lists key (bound to a seq of mailing list
;; descriptions as below).
:mailing-list {:name "sample mailing list"
:archive "http://example.org/sample-mailing-list-archives"
:other-archives ["http://example.org/sample-list-archive2"
:post "list@example.org"
:subscribe "list-subscribe@example.org"
:unsubscribe "list-unsubscribe@example.org"}
;; The project's license. :distribution should be :repo or :manual;
;; :repo means it is ok for public repositories to host this project's
;; artifacts. A seq of :licenses is also supported.
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License - v 1.0"
:url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
:distribution :repo
:comments "same as Clojure"}
;; Dependencies are listed as [group-id/name version].
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
[org.jclouds/jclouds "1.0" :classifier "jdk15" :scope "test"]
[net.sf.ehcache/ehcache "2.3.1" :extension "pom"]
[log4j "1.2.15" :exclusions [[javax.mail/mail :extension "jar"]
[javax.jms/jms :classifier "*"]
;; Global exclusions are applied across the board, as an alternative
;; to duplication for multiple depedencies with the same excluded libraries.
:exclusions [org.apache.poi/poi
;; Plugins are code that runs in Leiningen itself and usually
;; provides new tasks or hooks.
:plugins [[lein-pprint "1.1.1"]
[lein-assoc "0.1.0"]
[s3-wagon-private "1.1.1"]
[lein-foo "0.0.1" :hooks false]
[lein-bar "0.0.1" :middleware false]]
;; If you configure a custom repository with a self-signed SSL
;; certificate, you will need to add it here. Paths should be either
;; be on Leiningen's classpath or relative to the project root.
:certificates ["blueant.pem"]
;; Each active profile gets merged into the project map. The :dev
;; and :user profiles are active by default, but the latter should be
;; looked up in ~/.lein/profiles.clj rather than set in project.clj.
;; Use the with-profiles higher-order task to run a task with a
;; different set of active profiles.
;; See `lein help profiles` for a detailed explanation.
:profiles {:dev {:resource-paths ["dummy-data"]
:dependencies [[clj-stacktrace "0.2.4"]]}
:debug {:debug true
:injections [(prn (into {} (System/getProperties)))]}
:1.4 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0-alpha1"]]}}
;; Support project-specific task aliases. These are interpreted in
;; the same way as command-line arguments to the lein command. If
;; the alias points to a vector, it uses partial application. For
;; example, "lein with-magic run -m hi.core" would be equivalent to
;; "lein assoc :magic true run -m hi.core". Remember, commas are not
;; considered to be special by argument parsers, they're just part
;; of the preceding argument.
:aliases {"launch" "run"
"dumbrepl" ["trampoline" "run" "-m" "clojure.main/main"]
"test!" ["do" "clean," "deps," "test"]}
;; Normally Leiningen runs the javac and compile tasks before
;; calling any eval-in-project code, but you can override this with
;; the :prep-tasks key to do other things like compile protocol buffers.
:prep-tasks [["protobuf" "compile"] "javac" "compile"]
;; Warns users of earlier versions of Leiningen.
:min-lein-version "2.0.0"
;; Paths to include on the classpath from each project in the
;; checkouts/ directory. (See the FAQ in the Readme for more details
;; about checkout dependencies.) Set this to be a vector of
;; functions that take the target project as argument. Defaults to
;; [:source-paths :compile-path :resource-paths], but you could use
;; the following to share code from the test suite:
:checkout-deps-shares [:source-paths :test-paths
~(fn [p] (str (:root p) "/lib/dev/*"))]
;; Load these namespaces from within Leiningen to pick up hooks from them.
:hooks [leiningen.hooks.difftest]
;; Predicates to determine whether to run a test or not, take test metadata
;; as argument. See Leiningen tutorial for more information.
:test-selectors {:default (fn [m] (not (or (:integration m) (:regression m))))
:integration :integration
:regression :regression}
;; These namespaces will be AOT-compiled. Needed for gen-class and
;; other Java interop functionality. Put a regex here to compile all
;; namespaces whose names match.
:aot [org.example.sample]
;; The -main function in this namespace will be run at launch
;; (either via `lein run` or from an uberjar). It should be variadic:
;; (ns my.service.runner
;; (:gen-class))
;; (defn -main
;; "Application entry point"
;; [& args]
;; (comment Do app initialization here))
:main my.service.runner
;; Options to change the way the REPL behaves
:repl-options {;; Specify the string to print when prompting for input.
;; defaults to something like (fn [ns] (str *ns* "=> "))
:prompt (fn [ns] (str "your command for <" ns ">, master? " ))
;; Specify the ns to start the REPL in (overrides :main in
;; this case only)
:init-ns foo.bar
;; This expression will run when first opening a REPL, in the
;; namespace from :init-ns or :main if specified
:init (println "here we are in" *ns*)
;; Customize the socket the repl task listens on and
;; attaches to.
:host ""
:port 4001
;; If nREPL takes too long to load it may timeout,
;; increase this to wait longer before timing out.
;; Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds)
:timeout 40000
;; nREPL server customization
;; Only one of #{:nrepl-handler :nrepl-middleware}
;; may be used at a time
;; Use a different server-side nREPL handler
:nrepl-handler (clojure.tools.nrepl.server/default-handler)
;; Add server-side middleware to nREPL stack
:nrepl-middleware [my.nrepl.thing/wrap-amazingness
;; TODO: link to more detailed documentation
;; middleware without appropriate metadata
;; (see clojure.tools.nrepl.middleware/set-descriptor!
;; for details) will simply be appended to the stack
;; of middleware (rather than ordered based on its
;; expectations and requirements)
(fn [handler]
(fn [& args]
(prn :middle args)
(apply handler args)))]}
;; Forms to prepend to every form that is evaluated inside your project.
;; Allows working around the Gilardi Scenario: http://technomancy.us/143
:injections [(require 'clojure.pprint)]
;; Emit warnings on all reflection calls.
:warn-on-reflection true
;; Set this in order to only use the :repositories you list below.
:omit-default-repositories true
;; These repositories will be searched for :dependencies and
;; :plugins and will also be available to deploy to.
:repositories [["java.net" "http://download.java.net/maven/2"]
["sonatype" {:url "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases"
;; If a repository contains releases only setting
;; :snapshots to false will speed up dependencies.
:snapshots false
;; You can also set the policies for how to handle
;; :checksum failures to :fail, :warn, or :ignore.
:checksum :fail
;; How often should this repository be checked
;; for updates? (:daily, :always, or :never)
:update :always
;; You can also apply them to releases only:
:releases {:checksum :fail :update :always}}]
;; Repositories named "snapshots" and "releases" automatically
;; have their :snapshots and :releases disabled as appropriate.
;; Credentials for repositories should *not* be stored
;; in project.clj but in ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg instead,
;; see `lein help deploying` under "Authentication".
"snapshots" "http://blueant.com/archiva/snapshots"
"releases" {:url "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal"
;; Using :env as a value here will cause an
;; enironment variable to be used based on
;; the key; in this case LEIN_PASSWORD.
:username "milgrim" :password :env}]
;; These repositories will be included with :repositories when loading plugins.
;; This would normally be set in a profile for non-public repositories.
;; All the options are the same as in the :repositories map.
:plugin-repositories [["internal-plugin-repo" "http://example.org/repo"]]
;; You can set :update and :checksum policies here to have them
;; apply for all :repositories. Usually you will not set :update
;; directly but apply the "update" profile instead.
:update :always
:checksum :fail
;; the deploy task will give preference to repositories specified in
;; :deploy-repositories, and repos listed there will not be used for
;; dependency resolution.
:deploy-repositories [["releases" "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal/releases"]
["snapshots" "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal/snapshots"]]
;; Fetch dependencies from mirrors. Mirrors override repositories when the key
;; in the :mirrors map matches either the name or URL of a specified
;; repository. All settings supported in :repositories may be set here too.
:mirrors {"central" {:name "Ibiblio"
:url "http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/maven2"}
#"clojars" {:name "Internal nexus"
:url "http://mvn.local/nexus/releases"
:repo-manager true}}
;; Prevent Leiningen from checking the network for dependencies.
;; This wouldn't normally be set in project.clj; it would come from a profile.
:offline? true
;; Override location of the local maven repository. Relative to project root.
:local-repo "local-m2"
;; If you'd rather use a different directory structure, you can set these.
;; Paths that contain "inputs" are vectors, "outputs" are strings.
:source-paths ["src" "src/main/clojure"]
:java-source-paths ["src/main/java"] ; Java source is stored separately.
:test-paths ["test" "src/test/clojure"]
:resource-paths ["src/main/resource"] ; non-code files included in classpath/jar
:compile-path "target/classes" ; for .class files
:native-path "src/native" ; where to extract native dependencies
:target-path "target/" ; where to place the project's jar file
:jar-name "sample.jar" ; name of the jar produced by 'lein jar'
:uberjar-name "sample-standalone.jar" ; as above for uberjar
;; Options to pass to java compiler for java source,
;; exactly the same as command line arguments to javac
:javac-options ["-target" "1.6" "-source" "1.6" "-Xlint:-options"]
;; Leave the contents of :source-paths out of jars (for AOT projects)
:omit-source true
;; Files with names matching any of these patterns will be excluded from jars
:jar-exclusions [#"(?:^|/).svn/"]
;; Same thing, but for uberjars.
:uberjar-exclusions [#"META-INF/DUMMY.SF"]
;; Add arbitrary jar entries. Supports :path, :paths, :bytes, and :fn types.
:filespecs [{:type :path :path "config/base.clj"}
;; directory paths are included recursively
{:type :paths :paths ["config/web" "config/cli"]}
;; programmatically-generated content can use :bytes
{:type :bytes :path "project.clj"
;; strings or byte arrays are accepted
:bytes ~(slurp "project.clj")}
;; :fn filespecs take the project as an argument and
;; should return a filespec map of one of the other types.
{:type :fn :fn (fn [p]
{:type :bytes :path "git-log"
:bytes (:out (clojure.java.shell/sh
"git" "log" "-n" "1"))})}]
;; Set arbitrary key/value pairs for the jar's manifest.
:manifest {"Project-awesome-level" "super-great"
;; function values will be called with the project as an argument.
"Class-Path" ~#(clojure.string/join
(leiningen.core.classpath/get-classpath %))
;; symbol values will be resolved to find a function to call.
"Grunge-level" my.plugin/calculate-grunginess}
;; You can set JVM-level options here.
:jvm-opts ["-Xmx1g"]
;; Control the context in which your project code is evaluated.
;; Defaults to :subprocess, but can also be :leiningen (for plugins)
;; or :classloader (experimental) to avoid starting a subprocess.
:eval-in :leiningen
;; Enable bootclasspath optimization. This improves boot time but interferes
;; with using things like pomegranate at runtime and using Clojure 1.2.
:bootclasspath true
;; Set parent for working with in a multi-module maven project
:parent [org.example/parent "0.0.1" :relative-path "../parent/pom.xml"]
;; Extensions here will be propagated to the pom but not used by Leiningen.
:extensions [[org.apache.maven.wagon/wagon-webdav "1.0-beta-2"]
[foo/bar-baz "1.0"]]
;; Include <scm> tag in generated pom.xml file. All key/value pairs
;; appear exactly as configured. If absent, Leiningen will try to
;; use information from a .git directory.
:scm {:name "git"
:tag "098afd745bcd"
:url ""
;; Allows you to use a repository in a different directory than the
;; project's root, for instance, if you had multiple projects in a
;; single git repository.
:dir ".."}
;; include arbitrary xml in generated pom.xml file
:pom-addition [:developers [:developer [:name "My Name"]]])
;;; Environment Variables used by Leiningen
;; JAVA_CMD - executable to use for java(1)
;; JVM_OPTS - extra options to pass to the java command
;; DEBUG - increased verbosity
;; LEIN_HOME - directory in which to look for user settings
;; LEIN_SNAPSHOTS_IN_RELEASE - allow releases to depend on snapshots
;; LEIN_REPL_HOST - interface on which to connect to nREPL server
;; LEIN_REPL_PORT - port on which to start or connect to nREPL server
;; http_proxy - host and port to proxy HTTP connections through
;; http_no_proxy - pipe-separated list of hosts which may be accessed directly