Alex Osborne 3f299cc560 Fix lein run first argument bugs.
There were three related problems:

1) The first argument was always parsed with read-string, even
   when defaulting to the :main namespace.  This caused
   non-numeric first arguments to throw:

   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Unable to
   resolve symbol: foo in this context

   Avoid read-string entirely and update the unit tests to use an
   unreadable string instead of a number to make the problem obvious.

   This problem was reported by Marek Kubica on the Clojure
   mailing list.

2) When using an alias the alias keyword was passed to -main as the
   first argument.  This is inconsistent with how the -m and :main
   simply pass the program arguments, not the namespace or -m flag.

3) There was no way to pass "-m" or a string beginning with ":"
   as a first argument to the run program.  Added "--" as an option
   to escape these.
2010-12-24 23:41:23 +11:00

36 lines
1.2 KiB

(ns test-run
(:use [clojure.test]
[clojure.java.io :only [delete-file]]
[leiningen.core :only [read-project]]
[leiningen.util.file :only [tmp-dir]]))
(def out-file (format "%s/lein-test" tmp-dir))
(def project (binding [*ns* (find-ns 'leiningen.core)]
(read-project "test_projects/tricky-name/project.clj")))
(use-fixtures :each (fn [f]
(delete-file out-file :silently)))
(deftest test-basic
(is (zero? (run project "/unreadable")))
(is (= "nom:/unreadable" (slurp out-file))))
(deftest test-alt-main
(is (zero? (run project "-m" "org.domain.tricky-name.munch" "/unreadable")))
(is (= ":munched (\"/unreadable\")" (slurp out-file))))
(deftest test-aliases
(is (zero? (run project ":bbb" "/unreadable")))
(is (= "BRUNCH" (slurp out-file)))
(delete-file out-file :silently)
(is (zero? (run project ":mmm" "/unreadable")))
(is (= ":munched (\"/unreadable\")" (slurp out-file))))
(deftest test-escape-args
(is (zero? (run project "--" ":bbb")))
(is (= "nom::bbb" (slurp out-file)))
(is (zero? (run project "--" "-m")))
(is (= "nom:-m" (slurp out-file))))