@echo off setLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion set LEIN_VERSION=2.0.0-SNAPSHOT if "%LEIN_VERSION:~-9%" == "-SNAPSHOT" ( set SNAPSHOT=YES ) else ( set SNAPSHOT=NO ) set ORIGINAL_PWD=%CD% :: If ORIGINAL_PWD ends with a backslash (such as C:\), :: we need to escape it with a second backslash. if "%ORIGINAL_PWD:~-1%x" == "\x" set "ORIGINAL_PWD=%ORIGINAL_PWD%\" call :FIND_DIR_CONTAINING_UPWARDS project.clj if "%DIR_CONTAINING%" neq "" cd "%DIR_CONTAINING%" :: LEIN_JAR and LEIN_HOME variables can be set manually. if "x%LEIN_HOME%" == "x" ( set LEIN_HOME=%USERPROFILE%\.lein ) if "x%LEIN_JAR%" == "x" set LEIN_JAR=!LEIN_HOME!\self-installs\leiningen-!LEIN_VERSION!-standalone.jar if "%1" == "self-install" goto SELF_INSTALL if "%1" == "upgrade" goto NO_UPGRADE if exist "%~dp0..\src\leiningen\version.clj" ( :: Running from source checkout. call :SET_LEIN_ROOT "%~dp0.." set LEIN_LIBS= for %%j in ("!LEIN_ROOT!\leiningen-core\lib\*") do set LEIN_LIBS=!LEIN_LIBS!%%~fj; set LEIN_LIBS=!LEIN_LIBS! if "x!LEIN_LIBS!" == "x" goto NO_DEPENDENCIES set CLASSPATH=!LEIN_LIBS!!LEIN_ROOT!\leiningen-core\src;!LEIN_ROOT!\leiningen-core\resources;!LEIN_ROOT!\leiningen-core\test;!LEIN_ROOT!\src;!LEIN_ROOT!\resources :: Apply context specific CLASSPATH entries if exist "%~dp0..\.lein-classpath" ( for /f %%i in (%~dp0...lein-classpath) do set CONTEXT_CP=%%i if NOT "x!CONTEXT_CP!"=="x" ( set CLASSPATH=!CONTEXT_CP!;!CLASSPATH! ) ) ) else ( :: Not running from a checkout. if not exist "%LEIN_JAR%" goto NO_LEIN_JAR set CLASSPATH=%LEIN_JAR% if exist ".lein-classpath" ( for /f %%i in (.lein-classpath) do set CONTEXT_CP=%%i if NOT "x!CONTEXT_CP!"=="x" ( set CLASSPATH=!CONTEXT_CP!;!CLASSPATH! ) ) ) if not "x%DEBUG%" == "x" echo CLASSPATH=!CLASSPATH! :: ################################################## call :EnsureIsSet JAVA_CMD java call :EnsureIsSet LEIN_JAVA_CMD %JAVA_CMD% rem if "x%JAVA_CMD%" == "x" set JAVA_CMD="java" if "x%JVM_OPTS%" == "x" set JVM_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% goto RUN :EnsureIsSet rem parameters: Variable DefaultValue rem Variable's value can be empty, if it is then it will be set to the DefaultValue(which is not modified/stripped) rem it will strip all encountered double quotes from Variable and from Variable's value rem this script will fail if Variable contains characters like >, <, |, & or even parentheses or even number of double quotes rem the Variable's value will be surrounded by double quotes (no inner double quotes though, they're all stripped) rem except in the case of DefaultValue which is set as it is SETLOCAL set _var=%~1 call set _result=%%%_var%%% for /f "useback tokens=*" %%a in ('%_result%') do ( set _result=%%~a set _result=%_result:"=% ) ( ENDLOCAL if "x%_result%" == "x" (set %_var%=%2) ELSE (set %_var%="%_result%") ) goto :eof :NO_LEIN_JAR echo. echo %LEIN_JAR% can not be found. echo You can try running "lein self-install" echo or change LEIN_JAR environment variable echo or edit lein.bat to set appropriate LEIN_JAR path. echo. goto EOF :NO_DEPENDENCIES echo. echo Leiningen is missing its dependencies. echo Please see "Building" in the README. echo. goto EOF :SELF_INSTALL if exist "%LEIN_JAR%" ( echo %LEIN_JAR% already exists. Delete and retry. goto EOF ) for %%f in ("%LEIN_JAR%") do set LEIN_INSTALL_DIR="%%~dpf" if not exist %LEIN_INSTALL_DIR% mkdir %LEIN_INSTALL_DIR% echo Downloading Leiningen now... set HTTP_CLIENT=wget --no-check-certificate -O wget>nul 2>&1 if ERRORLEVEL 9009 ( curl>nul 2>&1 if ERRORLEVEL 9009 goto NO_HTTP_CLIENT set HTTP_CLIENT=curl --insecure -f -L -o ) :: set LEIN_JAR_URL=https://github.com/downloads/technomancy/leiningen/leiningen-%LEIN_VERSION%-standalone.jar set LEIN_JAR_URL=https://cloud.github.com/downloads/technomancy/leiningen/leiningen-%LEIN_VERSION%-standalone.jar %HTTP_CLIENT% "%LEIN_JAR%.pending" %LEIN_JAR_URL% if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( del "%LEIN_JAR%.pending" >nul 2>&1 goto DOWNLOAD_FAILED ) move /y "%LEIN_JAR%.pending" "%LEIN_JAR%" goto EOF :DOWNLOAD_FAILED echo. echo Failed to download %LEIN_JAR_URL% if %SNAPSHOT% == YES echo See README.md for SNAPSHOT build instructions. echo. goto EOF :NO_HTTP_CLIENT echo. echo ERROR: Wget/Curl not found. Make sure at least either of Wget and Curl is echo installed and is in PATH. You can get them from URLs below: echo. echo Wget: "http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/" echo Curl: "http://curl.haxx.se/dlwiz/?type=bin&os=Win32&flav=-&ver=2000/XP" echo. goto EOF :NO_UPGRADE echo. echo Upgrade feature is not available on Windows. Please edit the value of echo variable LEIN_VERSION in file %~f0 echo then run "lein self-install". echo. goto EOF :SET_LEIN_ROOT set LEIN_ROOT=%~f1 goto EOF :: Find directory containing filename supplied in first argument :: looking in current directory, and looking up the parent :: chain until we find it, or run out :: returns result in %DIR_CONTAINING% :: empty string if we don't find it :FIND_DIR_CONTAINING_UPWARDS set DIR_CONTAINING=%CD% set LAST_DIR= :LOOK_AGAIN if "%DIR_CONTAINING%" == "%LAST_DIR%" ( :: didn't find it set DIR_CONTAINING= goto EOF ) if EXIST "%DIR_CONTAINING%\%1" ( :: found it - use result in DIR_CONTAINING goto EOF ) set LAST_DIR=%DIR_CONTAINING% call :GET_PARENT_PATH "%DIR_CONTAINING%\.." set DIR_CONTAINING=%PARENT_PATH% goto LOOK_AGAIN :GET_PARENT_PATH set PARENT_PATH=%~f1 goto EOF :RUN :: We need to disable delayed expansion here because the %* variable :: may contain bangs (as in test!). There may also be special :: characters inside the TRAMPOLINE_FILE. setLocal DisableDelayedExpansion if "%1" == "trampoline" (goto RUN_TRAMPOLINE) else (goto RUN_NORMAL) :RUN_TRAMPOLINE set "TRAMPOLINE_FILE=%TEMP%\lein-trampoline-%RANDOM%.bat" %LEIN_JAVA_CMD% -client %LEIN_JVM_OPTS% ^ -Dleiningen.original.pwd="%ORIGINAL_PWD%" ^ -cp "%CLASSPATH%" clojure.main -e "(use 'leiningen.core.main)(apply -main "%TRAMPOLINE_FILE%" (map str '(%*)))" if not exist "%TRAMPOLINE_FILE%" goto EOF call "%TRAMPOLINE_FILE%" del "%TRAMPOLINE_FILE%" goto EOF :RUN_NORMAL %LEIN_JAVA_CMD% -client %LEIN_JVM_OPTS% ^ -Dleiningen.original.pwd="%ORIGINAL_PWD%" ^ -cp "%CLASSPATH%" clojure.main -m leiningen.core.main %* :EOF