(ns test-plugin (:use [leiningen.plugin] :reload) (:use [clojure.test])) (deftest test-plugin-standalone-filename (is (= (plugin-standalone-filename "tehgroup" "tehname" "0.0.1") "tehgroup-tehname-0.0.1.jar")) (is (= (plugin-standalone-filename nil "tehname" "0.0.1") "tehname-0.0.1.jar"))) (deftest test-extract-name-and-group (is (= (extract-name-and-group "tehgroup/tehname") ["tehname" "tehgroup"])) (is (= (extract-name-and-group "tehname") ["tehname" nil]))) (deftest test-help (is (= "Arguments: ([subtask project-name version]) Manage user-level plugins. Subtasks available: install Download, package, and install plugin jarfile into ~/.lein/plugins Syntax: lein plugin install [GROUP/]ARTIFACT-ID VERSION You can use the same syntax here as when listing Leiningen dependencies. uninstall Delete the plugin jarfile Syntax: lein plugin uninstall [GROUP/]ARTIFACT-ID VERSION\n" (with-out-str (plugin "help"))))) ;; TODO: figure out a clever way to actually test instaling ;; (deftest test-install ;; (install "lein-plugin" "0.1.0") ;; )