#-*- mode: org -*- #+startup: overview #+startup: hidestars #+TODO: TODO | INPROGRESS | DONE Leiningen TODOs * For 1.0 ** DONE Remove install task dependency on having Maven installed :Phil: ** DONE Use -Xbootclasspath where possible :Dan: ** DONE Don't write manifest, pom, etc. to disk when jarring :Dan: ** DONE Don't put uberjar in ~/.m2 :Phil: ** DONE Perform compilation in either a subprocess or with a separate classloader ** DONE Allow test task to take namespaces as an argument ** DONE System/exit appropriately when testing based on pass/fail :Phil: ** DONE Fix eval-in-project to let plugins pass in extra args ** DONE Resources directory added to classpath (for properties, etc) *** This would be a good way for clojure code to have access to lein's vers * Post 1.0 ** TODO doc generation ** TODO user config file for activating plugins across all projects ** TODO write shell wrappers ** TODO move repl task from shell script to clojure code ** TODO advise existing tasks from plugins ** Plugin Ideas: *** Code statistics (LOC, doc coverage, etc) *** Graph output for dependencies between namespaces *** Start web server for web-related projects *** Multi-module builds * Low Priority ** TODO Slim jar task ** TODO Source jar task ** TODO Run failed tests task ** TODO Remove duplication between deps.clj and pom.clj ** TODO Help task should display arglist