**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc)* - [Leiningen Plugins](#leiningen-plugins) - [Writing a Plugin](#writing-a-plugin) - [Local development](#local-development) - [Task Arguments](#task-arguments) - [Documentation and subtasks](#documentation-and-subtasks) - [Code Evaluation](#code-evaluation) - [Evaluating In Project Context](#evaluating-in-project-context) - [Other Plugin Contents](#other-plugin-contents) - [Profiles](#profiles) - [Hooks](#hooks) - [Project Middleware](#project-middleware) - [Maven Wagons](#maven-wagons) - [VCS Methods](#vcs-methods) - [Requiring Plugins](#requiring-plugins) - [Clojure Version](#clojure-version) - [Upgrading Existing Plugins](#upgrading-existing-plugins) - [Projects vs Standalone Execution](#projects-vs-standalone-execution) - [Overriding Built-in Tasks](#overriding-built-in-tasks) - [1.x Compatibility](#1x-compatibility) - [Project-specific Tasks](#project-specific-tasks) - [Have Fun](#have-fun) [Japanese](ja/PLUGINS_ja.md) # Leiningen Plugins Leiningen tasks are simply functions named $TASK in a leiningen.$TASK namespace. So writing a Leiningen plugin is just a matter of creating a project that contains such a function, but much of this documentation applies equally to the tasks that ship with Leiningen itself. Using the plugin is a matter of declaring it in the `:plugins` entry of the project map. If a plugin is a matter of user convenience rather than a requirement for running the project, users should place the plugin declaration in the `:user` profile in `~/.lein/profiles.clj` instead of directly in the `project.clj` file. ## Writing a Plugin Start by generating a new project with `lein new plugin myplugin`, and edit the `myplugin` defn in the `leiningen.myplugin` namespace. You'll notice the `project.clj` file has `:eval-in-leiningen true`, which causes all tasks to operate inside the leiningen process rather than starting a subprocess to isolate the project's code. Plugins need not declare a dependency on Clojure itself; in fact [all of Leiningen's own dependencies](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/stable/project.clj) will be available. See the `lein-pprint` directory [in the Leiningen source](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/tree/stable/lein-pprint) for a sample of a very simple plugin. When emitting output, please use `leiningen.core.main/info`, `leiningen.core.main/warn`, and `leiningen.core.main/debug` rather than `println` since these will respect the user's output settings. ### Local development When you're ready to test your plugin in a separate project you can include it via the following (example a plugin named sample-plugin): ``` lein install Created ~/sample-plugin/target/sample-plugin-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar Wrote ~/sample-plugin/pom.xml Installed jar and pom into local repo. ``` This will build a jar using the :version listed in the plugin's project.clj file (see above for example project.clj) and install it into your local m2 repository (~/.m2/repository) After this step completes you can now list your plugin in your separate project with the version outputted from above. This example would look like this: ``` ... :plugins [[sample-plugin "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]] ... ``` During local development, having to re-run `lein install` in your plugin project and then switch to a test project can be very cumbersome. In order to avoid this annoyance, you can do the following: 1. If you haven't done it yet, run `lein install` in the plugin's project directory. 2. Just to make sure, run `lein help ` in your test project directory. A help message for your plugin should be displayed now. Or an exception originating in your plugin. 3. Add the path to the `src` directory of your plugin to the file `.lein-classpath` in your test project directory. Probably you'll have to create that file. 4. If your plugin depends on another library that you are also working on, then that needs to be added to `.lein-classpath` with the classpath separator, either `:` for unix, or `;` for Windows. The same goes for your plugin's other direct dependencies. Run `lein classpath` in order to get an idea how the contents of `.lein-classpath` are supposed to look. 5. Remove the entry for your plugin from the test project's `project.clj`. Otherwise it would override what you've added to `.lein-classpath`, because Leiningen loads those things before it loads plugins. ### Task Arguments The first argument to your task function should be the current project. It will be a map which is based on the `project.clj` file, but it also has `:name`, `:group`, `:version`, and `:root` keys added in, among other things. Try using the `lein-pprint` plugin to see what project maps look like; you can invoke the `pprint` task to examine any project or combination of profiles. If you want your task to take parameters from the command-line invocation, you can make the function take more than one argument. In order to underscore the fact that tasks are just Clojure functions, arguments which act as flags are usually accepted as `:keywords` rather than unixy traditional `--dashed` syntax. Note that all arguments are still passed in as strings; it's up to your function to call `read-string` on the arguments if you want keywords, symbols, integers, etc. Keep this in mind when calling other tasks as functions too. Most tasks may only be run in the context of another project. If your task can be run outside a project directory, add `^:no-project-needed` as metadata to your task defn to indicate so. Your task must still accept a project as its first argument, but it will be allowed to be nil. Leiningen will still pass you the project as first argument, if lein is called from within a project. If called outside of a project, lein will send in profile information from `$HOME/.lein/profiles.clj` and similar sources as a map similar to a project map. Other tools using the `leiningen-core` library (IDE integration, etc) may decide to just pass in nil. To distinguish between a project and non-project, check for the `:root` key. If it's set, then you are in a project, otherwise you are not. ### Documentation and subtasks The `lein help` task uses docstrings. A namespace-level docstring will be used as the short summary if present; if not then it will take the first line of your function's docstring. Try to keep the summary under 68 characters for formatting purposes. The full docstring can of course be much longer but should still be wrapped at 80 columns. The function's arglists will also be shown, so pick argument names that are clear and descriptive. If you set `:help-arglists` in the function's metadata, it will be used instead for those cases where alternate arities exist that aren't intended to be exposed to the user. Be sure to explain all these arguments in the docstring. Note that all your arguments will be strings, so it's up to you to call `read-string` on them if you want keywords, numbers, or symbols. Often more complicated tasks get divided up into subtasks. Placing `:subtasks` metadata on a task defn which contains a vector of subtask vars will allow `lein help $TASK_CONTAINING_SUBTASKS` to list them. This list of subtasks will show the first line of the docstring for each subtask. The full help for a subtask can be viewed via `lein help $TASK_CONTAINING_SUBTASKS $SUBTASK`. Note that Leiningen doesn't have a mechanism for automatically invoking subtasks. You'll have to do that yourself in the main task. A dumb implementation of it all might look like this: ```clojure (defn my-task "Automatically write all the project's code." {:subtasks [#'my-subtask-0 #'my-subtask-1]} [project & [sub-name]] (case sub-name "my-subtask-0" (my-subtask-0 project args) "my-subtask-1" (my-subtask-1 project args) nil :not-implemented-yet (leiningen.core.main/warn "Unknown task."))) ``` Leiningen will intercept calls to `lein $MYTASK help` by default and turn them into `lein help $MYTASK`. If your task provides its own help subtask you can add `^:pass-through-help` metadata to your task defn to opt-out of this behaviour. ## Code Evaluation Plugin functions run inside Leiningen's process, so they have access to all the existing Leiningen functions. The public API of Leiningen should be considered all public functions inside the `leiningen.core.*` namespaces not labeled with `^:internal` metadata as well as each individual task functions. Other non-task functions in task namespaces should be considered internal and may change inside point releases. ### Evaluating In Project Context Many tasks need to execute code inside the context of the project itself. The `leiningen.core.eval/eval-in-project` function is used for this purpose. It accepts a project argument as well as a form to evaluate, and the final (optional) argument is another form called `init` that is evaluated up-front before the main form. This may be used to require a namespace earlier in order to avoid the [Gilardi Scenario](https://technomancy.us/143). Inside the `eval-in-project` call the project's own classpath will be active and Leiningen's own internals and plugins will not be available. You can modify the project map before you pass it into `eval-in-project`. However, it's recommended that you make your modifications by merging a profile in so users can override your changes if necessary. Use `leiningen.core.project/merge-profiles` to make your changes: ```clj (def swank-profile {:dependencies [['swank-clojure "1.4.3"]]}) (defn swank "Launch swank server for Emacs to connect. Optionally takes PORT and HOST." [project port host & opts] (let [profile (or (:swank (:profiles project)) swank-profile) project (project/merge-profiles project [profile])] (eval-in-project project `(swank.core/-main ~@opts) '(require 'swank.core)))) ``` The code in the `swank-clojure` dependency is needed inside the project, so it's declared in its own profile map and merged in. However, we defer to the `:swank` profile in the project map if it's present so that the user can pick their own version of the dependency if they like rather than relying on the hard-coded profile in the plugin. Note that the snippet above is not a good example of a plugin since it simply wraps `eval-in-project` and `merge-profiles`. If that is all you want, you can do it without implementing a plugin; just define an alias that uses the `with-profiles` and `run` tasks to call the function you need. Before `eval-in-project` is invoked, Leiningen must "prep" a project, usually by ensuring that all Java code and all necessary Clojure code has been AOT compiled to bytecode. This is done by running all the tasks in the `:prep-tasks` key of the project, which defaults to `["javac" "compile"]`. If your plugin requires another kind of prepping, (for instance, compiling protocol buffers) you can instruct users to add another entry to `:prep-tasks`. Note that this task will be invoked for **every** `eval-in-project`, so take care that it runs quickly if nothing has changed since the last run. ## Other Plugin Contents Plugins are primarily about providing tasks, but they can also contain profiles, hooks, middleware, wagons (dependency transport methods), and vcs methods. ### Profiles If there is configuration that is likely to be used by many projects using your plugin, yet for some reason you can't make that configuration active by default, you can include profiles inside your plugin. Create a file called `resources/myplugin/profiles.clj` in your plugin that contains a map: ```clj {:default {:x "y and z"} :extra {:other "settings"}} ``` Each value here is a profile that your users can merge into their project. You can do this explicitly on a per-invocation basis using `with-profile`: $ lein with-profile plugin.myplugin/extra test Users can also have profiles activated automatically by changing the `:default` profile: ```clj :profiles {:default [:base :system :user :provided :dev :plugin.myplugin/default] :other {...}} ``` Everything in the `:default` profile is active for all non-`with-profile` task invocations except for those which produce downstream artifacts, like `jar`, `uberjar`, and `pom`. ### Hooks You can modify the behaviour of built-in Leiningen tasks to a degree using hooks. Hook functionality is provided by the [Robert Hooke](https://github.com/technomancy/robert-hooke) library, which is included with Leiningen. Inspired by clojure.test's fixtures functionality, hooks are functions which wrap other functions (often tasks) and may alter their behaviour by binding other vars, altering the return value, only running the function conditionally, etc. The `add-hook` function takes a var of the task it's meant to apply to and a function to perform the wrapping: ```clj (ns lein-integration.plugin (:require [robert.hooke] [leiningen.test])) (defn add-test-var-println [f & args] `(binding [~'clojure.test/assert-expr (fn [msg# form#] (println "Asserting" form#) ((.getRawRoot #'clojure.test/assert-expr) msg# form#))] ~(apply f args))) ;; Place the body of the activate function at the top-level for ;; compatibility with Leiningen 1.x (defn activate [] (robert.hooke/add-hook #'leiningen.test/form-for-testing-namespaces #'add-test-var-println)) ``` Hooks compose, so be aware that your hook may be running inside another hook. See [the documentation for Hooke](https://github.com/technomancy/robert-hooke/blob/master/README.md) for more details. Note that calls to `add-hook` should use the var for both the first and second argument so that hooks can be loaded repeatedly without re-adding the hook. This is because in Clojure bare functions cannot be compared for equality, but vars can. If you want your hooks to be loaded automatically when other projects include your plugin, activate them in a function called `plugin-name.plugin/hooks`. So in the example above the plugin is called `lein-integration`, and the function `lein-integration.plugin/hooks` is automatically called to activate hooks when the `lein-integration` plugin is loaded. Hooks can also be loaded manually by setting the `:hooks` key in project.clj to a seq of vars to call to activate your hooks. For backward compatibility, you can also specify namespaces instead of vars in `:hooks`, and the `activate` function in that namespace will be called. Note: automatic hooks are activated before manually specified hooks. ### Project Middleware Project middleware is just a function that is called on a project map returning a new project map. Middleware gives a plugin the power to do any kind of transformation on the project map. However, problems with middleware can be difficult to debug due to their flexibility and opaqueness. If you can do what you need using profiles inside your plugins instead, that is a much more declarative, introspectable way to do things which will save a lot of headache down the line. The following middleware injects additional javac options into the project map, but only if there are any java source paths in the project: ```clj (ns lein-inject.plugin (:require [leiningen.core.project :as p])) (def javac-params-profile {:javac-options ^:prepend ["-target" "1.6" "-source" "1.6"]}) (defn middleware [project] (if (seq (:java-source-paths project)) (p/merge-profiles project [javac-params-profile]) project)) ``` Like hooks, middleware will be applied automatically for plugins if you put it in `plugin-name.plugin/middleware`. You can also load middleware manually by setting the `:middleware` key in project.clj to a seq of vars to call to transform your project map. Note that automatic middleware is applied before manually specified middleware. Also note that the currently active middleware depends on which profiles are active. This means we need to reapply the middleware functions to the project map whenever the active profiles change. We accomplish this by storing the fresh project map and starting from that whenever we call `merge-profiles`, `unmerge-profiles` or `set-profiles`. It also means your middleware functions shouldn't have any non-idempotent side-effects since they could be called repeatedly. If you need to include a profile in the project map, please add it as a plugin profile and ask your users to add it to the `:base` profile as outlined in the "Plugin" subsection of "Other Plugin Contents" in this document. This makes the "injection" more explicit and easier to debug. The only times one should use middleware to inject values into the project map is if the profiles has to be programmatically computed, or if you have to modify the project map in a way that is not possible with `merge-profiles`. ### Maven Wagons [Pomegranate](https://github.com/cemerick/pomegranate) (the library used by Leiningen to resolve dependencies) supports registering "wagon" factories. Wagons are used to handle non-standard transport protocols for repositories, and are looked up based on the protocol of the repository url. If your plugin needs to register a wagon factory, it can do so by providing a `leiningen/wagons.clj` file containing a map of protocols to functions that return wagon instances for the protocol. For example, the following `wagons.clj` will register a wagon factory function for `dav:` urls: ```clj {"dav" #(org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.webdav.WebDavWagon.)} ``` See [S3 wagon private](https://github.com/technomancy/s3-wagon-private) or [lein-webdav](https://github.com/tobias/lein-webdav) for full examples of plugins using this technique. ### VCS Methods Leiningen ships with a `vcs` task which performs a handful of release-related version control tasks via multimethods. Out of the box it contains implementations for Git, but plugins can add support for more systems by including a `leiningen.vcs.$SYSTEM` namespace. All namespaces under the `leiningen.vcs.` prefix will be loaded when the `vcs` task is invoked. These namespaces should simply define methods for the `defmulti`s in `leiningen.vcs` that invoke the specific version control system. ## Requiring Plugins To use a plugin in your project, just add a `:plugins` key to your project.clj with the same format as `:dependencies`. In addition to the options allowed by `:dependencies`, `:plugins` also allows you to disable auto-loading of hooks or middleware. ```clj (defproject foo "0.1.0" :plugins [[lein-pprint "1.1.1"] [lein-foo "0.0.1" :hooks false] [lein-bar "0.0.1" :middleware false]]) ``` ## Clojure Version Leiningen 2.5.2 and on uses Clojure 1.7.0. If you need to use a different version of Clojure from within a Leiningen plugin, you can use `eval-in-project` with a dummy project argument: ```clj (eval-in-project {:dependencies '[[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]]} '(println "hello from" *clojure-version*)) ``` ## Upgrading Existing Plugins Earlier versions of Leiningen had a few differences in the way plugins worked, but upgrading shouldn't be too difficult. The biggest difference between 1.x and 2.x is that `:dev-dependencies` have been done away with. There are no longer any dependencies that exist both in Leiningen's process and the project's process; Leiningen only sees `:plugins` and the project only sees `:dependencies`, though both these maps can be affected by the currently-active profiles. If your project doesn't need to use `eval-in-project` at all, it should be relatively easy to port; it's just a matter of updating any references to Leiningen functions which may have moved. All `leiningen.utils.*` namespaces have gone away, and `leiningen.core` has become `leiningen.core.main`. Plugins that do use `eval-in-project` should just be aware that the plugin's own dependencies and source will not be available to the project. If your plugin currently has code that needs to run in both contexts it must be split into multiple projects, one for `:plugins` and one for `:dependencies`. See the example of `lein-swank` above to see how to inject `:dependencies` in `eval-in-project` calls. ## Projects vs Standalone Execution Some Leiningen tasks can be executed from any directory (e.g. `lein repl`). Some only make sense in the context of a project. To check whether Leiningen is running in the context of a project (that is, if a `project.clj` is present in the current directory), check for the `:root` key in the project map: ``` clojure (if (:root project) (comment "Running in a project directory") (comment "Running standalone")) ``` If your plugin may run outside the context of the project entirely, you should still leave room in the arguments list for a project map; just expect that it will be nil if there's no project present. Use `^:no-project-needed` metadata to indicate this is acceptable. In Leiningen 1.x, having a task function return a numeric value was a way to signal the process's exit code. In Leiningen 2.x, tasks should call the `leiningen.core.main/abort` function when a fatal error is encountered. If the `leiningen.core.main/*exit-process?*` var is bound to true, then this will trigger an exit, but in some contexts (like `with-profiles`) it will simply trigger an exception and go on to the next task. ## Overriding Built-in Tasks Normally if you create a plugin containing (say) a `leiningen.compile` namespace, it won't be used when `lein compile` is run; the built-in task will override it. If you'd like to shadow a built-in task, you can either create an alias or put it in the `leiningen.plugin.compile` namespace. ## 1.x Compatibility Once you've identified the changes necessary to achieve compatibility with 2.x, you can decide whether you'd like to support 1.x and 2.x in the same codebase. In some cases it may be easier to simply keep them in separate branches, but sometimes it's better to support both. Luckily the strategy of using `:plugins` and adding in `:dependencies` just for calls to `eval-in-project` works fine in Leiningen 1.7. If you use functions that moved in 2.x, you can try requiring and resolving at runtime rather than compile time and falling back to the 1.x versions of the function if it's not found. Again the `lein-swank` plugin provides an example of a compatibility shim: ```clj (defn eval-in-project "Support eval-in-project in both Leiningen 1.x and 2.x." [project form init] (let [[eip two?] (or (try (require 'leiningen.core.eval) [(resolve 'leiningen.core.eval/eval-in-project) true] (catch java.io.FileNotFoundException _)) (try (require 'leiningen.compile) [(resolve 'leiningen.compile/eval-in-project)] (catch java.io.FileNotFoundException _)))] (if two? (eip project form init) (eip project form nil nil init)))) ``` Of course if the function has changed arities or has disappeared entirely this may not be feasible, but it should suffice in most cases. Most widely-used functions which have changed in 2.x can be used from the [leinjacker](https://github.com/sattvik/leinjacker) project, which provides a compatibility shim supporting both 1.x and 2.x. Another key change is that `:source-path`, `:resources-path`, `:java-source-path`, and `:test-path` have changed to `:source-paths`, `:resource-paths`, `:java-source-paths`, and `:test-paths`, and they should be vectors now instead of single strings. The old `:dev-resources` key is now just another entry to the `:resource-paths` vector that's only present when the `:dev` profile is active. Allowing the task to run outside a project directory is tricky to do in a backwards-compatible way since 1.x is overly-clever and actually inspects your argument list to figure out if it should pass in a project argument, while 2.x simply always passes it in and just allows it to be nil if it's not present. You can try checking the first argument to see if it's a project map, but if you have more than two arities this can get very tricky; it may just be better to maintain separate branches of your codebase in this situation. ### Project-specific Tasks Occasionally, the need arises for a task to be included in a project's codebase. However, this is much less common than people think. If you simply have some code that needs to be invoked from the command-line it's much simpler to have your code run in a `-main` function inside your project and invoke it with an alias like `lein garble`: ```clj :aliases {"garble" ["run" "-m" "myproject.garble" "supergarble"]} ``` Note that aliases vectors result in partially applied task functions, so with the above config, `lein garble seventeen` would be equivalent to `lein run -m myproject.garble supergarble seventeen` (or `(myproject.garble/-main "supergarble" "seventeen")` from the repl). The arguments in the alias are concatenated to the arguments provided when it's invoked. You only need to write a Leiningen task if you need to operate outside the context of your project, for instance if you need to adjust the project map before calling `eval-in-project` or some other task where you need direct access to Leiningen internals. You can even read values from the project map with an alias: ```clj :aliases {"garble" ["run" "-m" "myproject.garble" :project/version]} ``` This will splice the value of the project map's `:version` field into the argument list so that the `-main` function running inside the project code gets access to it. The vast majority of these cases are already covered by [existing plugins](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/wiki/plugins), but if you have a case that doesn't exist and for some reason can't spin it off into its own separate plugin, you can enable this behavior by placing the `foo.clj` file defining the new task in `tasks/leiningen/` and add `tasks` to your `.lein-classpath`: ``` $ ls README.md project.clj src tasks test $ ls -R tasks leiningen tasks/leiningen: foo.clj $ echo -ne ":tasks" | cat >> .lein-classpath $ lein foo Hello, Foo! ``` Note that in most cases it's better to spin off tasks into their own plugin projects; using `.lein-classpath` is mainly appropriate for experimentation or cases when there isn't enough time to create a proper plugin. ## Have Fun Please add your plugin to [the list on the wiki](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/wiki/plugins) once it's ready. Hopefully the plugin mechanism is simple and flexible enough to let you bend Leiningen to your will.