#!/usr/bin/env bash VERSION="1.2.1-SNAPSHOT" # Make sure classpath is in unix format for manipulating, then put # it back to windows format when we use it if [ "$OSTYPE" = "cygwin" ]; then CLASSPATH=`cygpath -up $CLASSPATH` fi if [ $USER = "root" ] && [ "$LEIN_ROOT" == "" ]; then echo "WARNING: You're currently running as root; probably by accident." echo "Press control-C to abort or Enter to continue as root." echo "Set LEIN_ROOT to disable this warning." read fi CLASSPATH="$(ls -1 lib/dev/*jar 2> /dev/null | tr \\n \:)":src/:$CLASSPATH LEIN_JAR="$HOME/.m2/repository/leiningen/leiningen/$VERSION/leiningen-$VERSION-standalone.jar" CLOJURE_JAR="$HOME/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.2.0-beta1/clojure-1.2.0-beta1.jar" NULL_DEVICE=/dev/null # normalize $0 on certain BSDs if [ "$(dirname "$0")" = "." ]; then SCRIPT="$(which $(basename "$0"))" else SCRIPT="$0" fi # resolve symlinks to the script itself portably while [ -h "$SCRIPT" ] ; do ls=`ls -ld "$SCRIPT"` link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then SCRIPT="$link" else SCRIPT="`dirname "$SCRIPT"`/$link" fi done ORIGINAL_PWD=$PWD while [ ! -r "$PWD/project.clj" ] && [ "$PWD" != "/" ] && [ ! $NOT_FOUND ] do cd .. if [ "$(dirname "$PWD")" == "/" ]; then NOT_FOUND=0 cd $ORIGINAL_PWD fi done BIN_DIR="$(dirname "$SCRIPT")" if [ -r "$BIN_DIR/../src/leiningen/core.clj" ]; then # Running from source checkout LEIN_DIR="$(dirname "$BIN_DIR")" LEIN_LIBS="$(find -H $LEIN_DIR/lib -mindepth 2> /dev/null 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | tr \\0 \:)" CLASSPATH="$LEIN_DIR/src:$LEIN_LIBS:$CLASSPATH:$LEIN_JAR" if [ "$LEIN_LIBS" = "" -a "$1" != "self-install" -a ! -r "$LEIN_JAR" ]; then echo "Leiningen is missing its dependencies. Please run \"lein self-install\"." exit 1 fi else # Not running from a checkout CLASSPATH="$LEIN_JAR:$CLASSPATH" if [ ! -r "$LEIN_JAR" -a "$1" != "self-install" ]; then echo "Leiningen is not installed. Please run \"lein self-install\"." exit 1 fi fi HTTP_CLIENT="wget -O" if type -p curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then HTTP_CLIENT="curl -f -L -o" fi JAVA_CMD=${JAVA_CMD:-"java"} # If you're packaging this for a package manager (.deb, homebrew, etc) # you need to remove the self-install and upgrade functionality. if [ "$1" = "self-install" ]; then echo "Downloading Leiningen now..." LEIN_DIR=`dirname "$LEIN_JAR"` mkdir -p "$LEIN_DIR" LEIN_URL="http://github.com/downloads/technomancy/leiningen/leiningen-$VERSION-standalone.jar" $HTTP_CLIENT "$LEIN_JAR" "$LEIN_URL" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to download $LEIN_URL" if [[ $VERSION == *SNAPSHOT ]]; then echo "See README.md for SNAPSHOT build instructions." fi rm $LEIN_JAR exit 1 fi elif [ "$1" = "upgrade" ]; then if [[ $VERSION == *SNAPSHOT ]]; then echo "The upgrade task is only meant for stable releases." echo "See the \"Hacking\" section of the README." exit 1 fi if [ ! -w "$SCRIPT" ]; then echo "You do not have permission to upgrade the installation in $SCRIPT" exit 1 else echo "The script at $SCRIPT will be upgraded to the latest stable version." echo -n "Do you want to continue [Y/n]? " read RESP case "$RESP" in y|Y|"") echo echo "Upgrading..." LEIN_SCRIPT_URL="http://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/raw/stable/bin/lein" $HTTP_CLIENT "$SCRIPT" "$LEIN_SCRIPT_URL" \ && chmod +x "$SCRIPT" \ && echo && $SCRIPT self-install && echo && echo "Now running" `$SCRIPT version` exit $?;; *) echo "Aborted." exit 1;; esac fi else if [ "$OSTYPE" = "cygwin" ]; then # When running on Cygwin, use Windows-style paths for java CLOJURE_JAR=`cygpath -w "$CLOJURE_JAR"` CLASSPATH=`cygpath -wp "$CLASSPATH"` NULL_DEVICE=NUL fi if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo $CLASSPATH echo $CLOJURE_JAR fi if ([ "$1" = "repl" ] || [ "$1" = "interactive" ] || [ "$1" = "int" ]) && [ -z $INSIDE_EMACS ] && [ $TERM != "dumb" ]; then # Use rlwrap if it's available, otherwise fall back to JLine RLWRAP=`which rlwrap` if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then JLINE=jline.ConsoleRunner fi fi # The -Xbootclasspath argument is optional here: if the jar # doesn't exist everything will still work, it will just have a # slower JVM boot. # TODO: add more to the boot classpath exec $RLWRAP $JAVA_CMD -Xbootclasspath/a:"$CLOJURE_JAR" -client $JAVA_OPTS \ -cp "$CLASSPATH" -Dleiningen.version="$VERSION" $JLINE \ clojure.main -e "(use 'leiningen.core)(-main)" $NULL_DEVICE $@ fi