Leiningen NEWS -- history of user-visible changes = 1.0.1 / 2009-12-10 * Added bash completion. * Honor $JAVA_OPTS. * Fix new task. * Add version task. * Use jline for repl task. * Fix pom task for Java 1.5 compatibility. = 1.0.0 / 2009-12-05 * Source, test, and compilation paths can be set in project.clj. * Project code runs in an isolated classloader; can now compile/test projects that require a different version of Clojure from Leiningen. (Does not support 1.0's test-is yet.) * Install task no longer requires maven to be installed. * Only compile namespaces whose .class files are older than .clj files. * Add "new" task for generating blank projects. * Set tag when generating pom.xml. * Include pom.xml, pom.properties, and more detailed manifest in jars. * Summarize pass/fail counts from test runs across all namespaces. * Accept a list of namespaces for test task rather than testing all. * Create $PROJECT-standalone.jar file from uberjar to distinguish from regular jar files. * Plugins have more flexibility to set the classpath and other arguments for running project code. * Add resources/ directory to classpath and generated jars. * Start Leiningen faster by using -Xbootclasspath argument. = 0.5.0 / 2009-11-17 * Initial release!