@echo off setLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion set LEIN_VERSION=2.7.2-SNAPSHOT if "%LEIN_VERSION:~-9%" == "-SNAPSHOT" ( set SNAPSHOT=YES ) else ( set SNAPSHOT=NO ) set ORIGINAL_PWD=%CD% :: If ORIGINAL_PWD ends with a backslash (such as C:\), :: we need to escape it with a second backslash. if "%ORIGINAL_PWD:~-1%x" == "\x" set "ORIGINAL_PWD=%ORIGINAL_PWD%\" call :FIND_DIR_CONTAINING_UPWARDS project.clj if "%DIR_CONTAINING%" neq "" cd "%DIR_CONTAINING%" :: LEIN_JAR and LEIN_HOME variables can be set manually. :: Only set LEIN_JAR manually if you know what you are doing. :: Having LEIN_JAR pointing to one version of Leiningen as well as :: having a different version in PATH has been known to cause problems. if "x%LEIN_HOME%" == "x" ( set LEIN_HOME=!USERPROFILE!\.lein ) SET RC=1 if "x%LEIN_JAR%" == "x" set "LEIN_JAR=!LEIN_HOME!\self-installs\leiningen-!LEIN_VERSION!-standalone.jar" if "%1" == "self-install" goto SELF_INSTALL if "%1" == "upgrade" goto UPGRADE if "%1" == "downgrade" goto UPGRADE if not exist "%~dp0..\src\leiningen\version.clj" goto RUN_NO_CHECKOUT :: Running from source checkout. call :SET_LEIN_ROOT "%~dp0.." set "bootstrapfile=!LEIN_ROOT!\leiningen-core\.lein-bootstrap" rem in .lein-bootstrap there is only one line where each path is concatenated to each other via a semicolon, there's no semicolon at the end rem each path is NOT inside double quotes and may contain spaces (even semicolons but this is not supported here) in their names, rem but they won't/cannot contain double quotes " or colons : in their names (at least on windows it's not allowed/won't work) rem tested when folders contain spaces and when LEIN_ROOT contains semicolon if not "x%DEBUG%" == "x" echo LEIN_ROOT=!LEIN_ROOT! rem if not "%LEIN_ROOT:;=%" == "%LEIN_ROOT%" ( rem oddly enough /G:/ should've worked but doesn't where / they say it's console rem findstr is C:\Windows\System32\findstr.exe echo.!LEIN_ROOT! | findstr /C:";" >nul 2>&1 && ( rem aka errorlevel is 0 aka the string ";" was found echo Your folder structure !LEIN_ROOT! contains at least one semicolon in its name echo This is not allowed and would break things with the generated bootstrap file echo Please correct this by renaming the folders to not contain semicolons in their name del !bootstrapfile! >nul 2>&1 echo You'll also have to recreate the bootstrap file just to be sure it has semicolon-free names inside echo the bootstrap file ^(which was just deleted^) is: !bootstrapfile! echo and the info on how to do that is: goto RUN_BOOTSTRAP ) if not exist !bootstrapfile! goto NO_DEPENDENCIES findstr \^" "!bootstrapfile!" >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 goto PARSE_BOOTSTRAPFILE echo double quotes detected inside file: !bootstrapfile! echo this should not be happening goto RUN_BOOTSTRAP :PARSE_BOOTSTRAPFILE rem will proceed to set LEIN_LIBS and surround each path from bootstrap file in double quotes and separate it from others with a semicolon rem the paths inside the bootstrap file do not already contain double quotes but may contain spaces rem note worthy: the following won't work due to a hard 1022bytes limit truncation in the variable that was set rem set /p LEIN_LIBS=nul 2>&1 if NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 goto TRY_WGET set LAST_HTTP_CLIENT=powershell powershell -Command "& {param($a,$f) $client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $client.Proxy.Credentials =[System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials; $client.DownloadFile($a, $f)}" ""%2"" ""%1"" SET RC=%ERRORLEVEL% goto EXITRC :TRY_WGET call wget --help >nul 2>&1 if NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 goto TRY_CURL set LAST_HTTP_CLIENT=wget call wget -O %1 %2 SET RC=%ERRORLEVEL% goto EXITRC :TRY_CURL call curl --help >nul 2>&1 if NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO NO_HTTP_CLIENT rem We set CURL_PROXY to a space character below to pose as a no-op argument set LAST_HTTP_CLIENT=curl set CURL_PROXY= if NOT "x%HTTPS_PROXY%" == "x" set CURL_PROXY="-x %HTTPS_PROXY%" call curl %CURL_PROXY% -f -L -o %1 %2 SET RC=%ERRORLEVEL% goto EXITRC :NO_LEIN_JAR echo. echo %LEIN_JAR% can not be found. echo You can try running "lein self-install" echo or change LEIN_JAR environment variable echo or edit lein.bat to set appropriate LEIN_JAR path. echo. goto EXITRC :NO_DEPENDENCIES echo. echo Leiningen is missing its dependencies. :RUN_BOOTSTRAP echo Please run "lein bootstrap" in the leiningen-core/ directory echo with a stable release of Leiningen. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details. echo. goto EXITRC :SELF_INSTALL if exist "%LEIN_JAR%" ( echo %LEIN_JAR% already exists. Delete and retry. goto EXITRC ) for %%f in ("%LEIN_JAR%") do set LEIN_INSTALL_DIR="%%~dpf" if not exist %LEIN_INSTALL_DIR% mkdir %LEIN_INSTALL_DIR% echo Downloading Leiningen now... set LEIN_JAR_URL=https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/releases/download/%LEIN_VERSION%/leiningen-%LEIN_VERSION%-standalone.zip call :DownloadFile "%LEIN_JAR%.pending" "%LEIN_JAR_URL%" SET RC=%ERRORLEVEL% if not %RC% == 0 goto DOWNLOAD_FAILED if not exist "%LEIN_JAR%.pending" goto DOWNLOAD_FAILED move /y "%LEIN_JAR%.pending" "%LEIN_JAR%" >nul 2>&1 SET RC=%ERRORLEVEL% goto EXITRC :DOWNLOAD_FAILED SET RC=3 del "%LEIN_JAR%.pending" >nul 2>&1 echo. echo Failed to download %LEIN_JAR_URL% echo. echo It is possible that the download failed due to "powershell", echo "curl" or "wget"'s inability to retrieve GitHub's security certificate. echo The suggestions below do not check certificates, so use this only if echo you understand the security implications of not doing so. echo. if "%LAST_HTTP_CLIENT%" == "powershell" ( echo The PowerShell failed to download the latest Leiningen version. echo Try to use "curl" or "wget" to download Leiningen by setting up echo the HTTP_CLIENT environment variable with one of the following echo values: echo. echo a^) set HTTP_CLIENT=wget --no-check-certificate -O echo b^) set HTTP_CLIENT=curl -f -L -k -o echo. echo NOTE: Make sure to *not* add double quotes when setting the value echo of HTTP_CLIENT ) if "%LAST_HTTP_CLIENT%" == "curl" ( echo Curl failed to download the latest Leiningen version. echo Try to use "wget" to download Leiningen by setting up echo the HTTP_CLIENT environment variable with one of the following echo values: echo. echo a^) set HTTP_CLIENT=wget --no-check-certificate -O echo. echo NOTE: Make sure to *not* add double quotes when setting the value echo of HTTP_CLIENT echo. echo If neither curl nor wget can download Leiningen, please seek echo for help on Leiningen's GitHub project issues page. ) if "%LAST_HTTP_CLIENT%" == "wget" ( echo Curl failed to download the latest Leiningen version. echo Try to use "wget" to download Leiningen by setting up echo the HTTP_CLIENT environment variable with one of the following echo values: echo. echo. a^) set HTTP_CLIENT=curl -f -L -k -o echo. echo NOTE: make sure *not* to add double quotes to set the value of echo HTTP_CLIENT echo. echo If neither curl nor wget can download Leiningen, please seek echo for help on Leiningen's GitHub project issues page. ) if %SNAPSHOT% == YES echo See README.md for SNAPSHOT build instructions. echo. goto EOF :UPGRADE set LEIN_BAT=%~dp0%~nx0 set TARGET_VERSION=%2 if "x%2" == "x" set TARGET_VERSION=stable echo The script at %LEIN_BAT% will be upgraded to the latest %TARGET_VERSION% version. set /P ANSWER=Do you want to continue (Y/N)? if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} goto YES_UPGRADE if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} goto YES_UPGRADE echo Aborted. goto EXITRC :YES_UPGRADE echo Downloading latest Leiningen batch script... set LEIN_BAT_URL=https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/raw/%TARGET_VERSION%/bin/lein.bat set TEMP_BAT=%~dp0temp-lein-%RANDOM%%RANDOM%.bat call :DownloadFile "%LEIN_BAT%.pending" "%LEIN_BAT_URL%" if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto EXEC_UPGRADE del "%LEIN_BAT%.pending" >nul 2>&1 echo Failed to download %LEIN_BAT_URL% goto EXITRC :EXEC_UPGRADE move /y "%LEIN_BAT%.pending" "%TEMP_BAT%" >nul 2>&1 echo. echo Upgrading... set LEIN_JAR= call "%TEMP_BAT%" self-install ( rem This is self-modifying batch code. Use brackets to pre-load the exit command. rem This way, script execution does not depend on whether the replacement script rem has that command at the *very same* file position as the calling batch file. move /y "%TEMP_BAT%" "%LEIN_BAT%" >nul 2>&1 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% ) :NO_HTTP_CLIENT echo. echo ERROR: Neither PowerShell, Wget, or Curl could be found. echo Make sure at least one of these tools is installed echo and is in PATH. You can get them from URLs below: echo. echo PowerShell: "http://www.microsoft.com/powershell" rem echo Wget: "http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/" rem Note: Stale URL. HTTP 404. rem Alternative: wget64.exe compiled by J. Simoncic, rename to wget.exe rem MD5 1750c130c5daca8b347d3f7e34824c9b rem Check: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/abf507f8240ed41aac74c9df6de558c88c2f11d7770f0298135f1cc544b9c08b/analysis/ echo Wget: "https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/" echo Curl: "http://curl.haxx.se/dlwiz/?type=bin&os=Win32&flav=-&ver=2000/XP" echo. goto EXITRC :SET_LEIN_ROOT set LEIN_ROOT=%~f1 goto EOF :: Find directory containing filename supplied in first argument :: looking in current directory, and looking up the parent :: chain until we find it, or run out :: returns result in %DIR_CONTAINING% :: empty string if we don't find it :FIND_DIR_CONTAINING_UPWARDS set DIR_CONTAINING=%CD% set LAST_DIR= :LOOK_AGAIN if "%DIR_CONTAINING%" == "%LAST_DIR%" ( :: didn't find it set DIR_CONTAINING= goto EOF ) if EXIST "%DIR_CONTAINING%\%1" ( :: found it - use result in DIR_CONTAINING goto EOF ) set LAST_DIR=%DIR_CONTAINING% call :GET_PARENT_PATH "%DIR_CONTAINING%\.." set DIR_CONTAINING=%PARENT_PATH% goto LOOK_AGAIN :GET_PARENT_PATH set PARENT_PATH=%~f1 goto EOF :RUN :: We need to disable delayed expansion here because the %* variable :: may contain bangs (as in test!). There may also be special :: characters inside the TRAMPOLINE_FILE. setLocal DisableDelayedExpansion set "TRAMPOLINE_FILE=%TEMP%\lein-trampoline-%RANDOM%.bat" del "%TRAMPOLINE_FILE%" >nul 2>&1 set ERRORLEVEL= set RC=0 "%LEIN_JAVA_CMD%" -client %LEIN_JVM_OPTS% ^ -Dclojure.compile.path="%DIR_CONTAINING%/target/classes" ^ -Dleiningen.original.pwd="%ORIGINAL_PWD%" ^ -cp "%CLASSPATH%" clojure.main -m leiningen.core.main %* SET RC=%ERRORLEVEL% if not %RC% == 0 goto EXITRC if not exist "%TRAMPOLINE_FILE%" goto EOF call "%TRAMPOLINE_FILE%" del "%TRAMPOLINE_FILE%" >nul 2>&1 goto EOF :PROCESSPATH rem will surround each path with double quotes before appending it to LEIN_LIBS for /f "tokens=1* delims=;" %%a in ("%tmpline%") do ( set LEIN_LIBS=!LEIN_LIBS!"%%a"; set tmpline=%%b ) if not "%tmpline%" == "" goto PROCESSPATH goto EOF :EXITRC exit /B %RC% :EOF