Fix repl in interactive task.

Still a bit of a mystery why we need an extra keypress after exiting
the repl.
This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2011-03-03 18:55:00 -08:00
parent e56e201019
commit ee9932ad11
2 changed files with 5 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -50,6 +50,9 @@
(let [[task-name & args] (string/split input #"\s")]
;; TODO: don't start a second repl server for repl task
(try (apply-task task-name project args not-found)
;; TODO: not sure why, but repl seems to put an extra EOF on *in*
(when (= "repl" task-name)
(.read *in*))
(catch Exception e
(println (.getMessage e))))
@ -67,6 +70,6 @@
(let [connect #(poll-repl-connection port 0 vector)]
(binding [eval-in-project (partial eval-in-repl connect)
*exit-after-tests* false
exit (fn [_] (println "\n"))]
exit (fn exit [& _] (prn))]
(task-repl project)))

View file

@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
(.start (Thread. #(copy-out-loop reader)))
(loop [reader reader, writer writer]
(let [input (read-line)]
;; TODO: ^D is not being honored
(when (and input (not= "" input))
(.write writer (str input "\n"))
(.flush writer)
@ -137,4 +136,4 @@ Running outside a project directory will start a standalone repl session."
(clojure.main/with-bindings (println (eval server-form)))
(eval-in-project project server-form)))
(poll-repl-connection port retries repl-client)