Fix a bug in deps :why.

No need to use walk-deps; in fact that just makes it more confusing.
This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2017-06-06 12:10:25 -07:00
parent e1d27074e5
commit ed22c49489

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@ -25,17 +25,16 @@
(doseq [[dep version level] steps]
(print-dep [dep version] level)))
(defn- why-finder [target]
(let [path (atom [])]
(fn [[dep version] level]
(cond (= target dep) (do (when (= (count @path) (inc level))
(swap! path pop))
(print-path (conj @path [dep version level])))
(< (count @path) (inc level)) (swap! path conj [dep version level])
(= (count @path) (inc level)) (do (swap! path pop)
(swap! path conj
[dep version level]))
(> (count @path) (inc level)) (swap! path pop)))))
(defn- why-deps
([deps target path]
(doseq [[[dep version] subdeps] deps]
(when (= target dep)
(doall (map-indexed #(println (apply str (repeat %1 " ")) %2)
(conj path [dep version]))))
(when subdeps
(why-deps subdeps target (conj path [dep version])))))
([deps target]
(why-deps deps target [])))
@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ force them to be updated, use `lein -U $TASK`."
([project command target]
(when-not (re-find #"^:why+$" command)
(main/abort "Unknown deps command" command))
(walk-deps (classpath/managed-dependency-hierarchy :dependencies
(why-deps (classpath/managed-dependency-hierarchy :dependencies
(why-finder (symbol target)))))
(symbol target))))