Merge search task into mainlein. (har har)

This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2011-05-04 18:07:53 -07:00
parent 1938e64f49
commit e3c1847245
5 changed files with 96 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.1"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]
[clucy "0.2.0"]
[lancet "1.0.0"]
[jline "0.9.94"]
[robert/hooke "1.1.0"]

View file

@ -53,9 +53,7 @@
(let [server# (ServerSocket. ~port 0 (InetAddress/getByName ~host))
acc# (fn [s#]
(let [ins# (.getInputStream s#)
outs# (.getOutputStream s#)
skip-whitespace# @(ns-resolve '~'clojure.main
outs# (.getOutputStream s#)]
(doto (Thread.
#(binding [*in* (-> ins# InputStreamReader.

src/leiningen/search.clj Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
(:use [leiningen.core :only [home-dir repositories-for user-settings]]
[leiningen.util.file :only [delete-file-recursively]])
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string]
[clucy.core :as clucy])
(:import ( ZipFile)
( URL)))
(defn- unzip [source target-dir]
(let [zip (ZipFile. source)
entries (enumeration-seq (.entries zip))
target-file #(io/file target-dir (.getName %))]
(doseq [entry entries :when (not (.isDirectory entry))
:let [f (target-file entry)]]
(.mkdirs (.getParentFile f))
(io/copy (.getInputStream zip entry) f))))
(defn index-location [url]
(io/file (home-dir) "indices" (string/replace url #"[:/]" "_")))
(defn remote-index-location [url]
(format "%s/.index/" url))
(defn- download-index [[id {url :url}]]
(with-open [stream (.openStream (URL. (remote-index-location url)))]
(println "Downloading index from" id "-" url)
(let [tmp ( "lein" "index")]
(try (io/copy stream tmp)
(unzip tmp (index-location url))
(finally (.delete tmp))))))
(defn- download-needed? [[id {:keys [url]}]]
(not (.exists (index-location url))))
(defn ensure-fresh-index [repository]
(try (when (download-needed? repository)
(download-index repository))
(catch _
(defn search-repository [[id {:keys [url]} :as repo] query]
(if (ensure-fresh-index repo)
(clucy/search (clucy/disk-index (.getAbsolutePath (index-location url)))
query (:search-page-size (user-settings) 25) :a)
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println "Warning: couldn't download index for" url))))
(defn parse-result [{:keys [u d]}]
(let [[group artifact version classifier] (.split u "\\|")
group (if (not= group artifact) group)
identifier [(symbol group artifact) version]]
(if d
[identifier d]
(defn- print-results [results]
(doseq [result (sort-by ffirst (map parse-result results))]
(apply println result)))
(defn search
"Search remote repository contents.
The first run will download a set of indices, which will take a
while. Pass in --update as the query to force a fresh download of all
[project query]
;; you know what would be just super? pattern matching.
(if (= "--update" query)
(doseq [[_ {url :url} :as repo] (repositories-for project)]
(delete-file-recursively (index-location url) :silently)
(ensure-fresh-index repo))
(doseq [repo (repositories-for project)]
(print-results (search-repository repo query)))))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
(:require [ :as io])
(:use [clojure.test]
(deftest test-download
(is (= ["segments.gen" "_0.cfx" "timestamp" "_0.cfs" "segments_2"]
(vec (.list (index-location ""))))))
(deftest test-searchy
(binding [remote-index-location (constantly "file://test/")]
(ensure-fresh-index ["test" {:url ""}])
(let [results (search-repository ["test" {:url ""}]
(is (= '#{[[robert/hooke "1.0.0"] "Hooke your functions!"]
[[robert/hooke "1.0.1"] "Hooke your functions!"]
[[robert/hooke "1.0.2"] "Hooke your functions!"]
[[robert/hooke "1.1.0"] "Hooke your functions!"]}
(set (map parse-result results)))))))

test/ Normal file

Binary file not shown.