Fix eval-in-project and project/read.

This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2011-11-22 13:47:52 -08:00
parent 760afd3e6c
commit da3028a514
4 changed files with 52 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
;; Basically just for re-throwing a more comprehensible error.
(defn- read-dependency-project [dep]
(let [project (.getAbsolutePath (file dep "project.clj"))]
(let [project (.getAbsolutePath (io/file dep "project.clj"))]
(try (project/read project)
(catch Exception e
(throw (Exception. (format "Problem loading %s" project) e))))))
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
(for [d (:checkout-deps-shares project [:source-path
(io/file "checkouts" (.getName dep) (d proj))))))
(str (io/file "checkouts" (.getName dep) (d proj)))))))
(defn resolve-dependencies
"Simply delegate regular dependencies to pomegranate. This will

View file

@ -6,6 +6,36 @@
[leiningen.core.classpath :as classpath])
(:import ( PushbackReader)))
;; # OS detection
(defn- get-by-pattern
"Gets a value from map m, but uses the keys as regex patterns, trying
to match against k instead of doing an exact match."
[m k]
(m (first (drop-while #(nil? (re-find (re-pattern %) k))
(keys m)))))
(def ^{:private true} native-names
{"Mac OS X" :macosx "Windows" :windows "Linux" :linux
"FreeBSD" :freebsd "OpenBSD" :openbsd
"amd64" :x86_64 "x86_64" :x86_64 "x86" :x86 "i386" :x86
"arm" :arm "SunOS" :solaris "sparc" :sparc "Darwin" :macosx})
(defn get-os
"Returns a keyword naming the host OS."
(get-by-pattern native-names (System/getProperty "")))
(defn get-arch
"Returns a keyword naming the host architecture"
(get-by-pattern native-names (System/getProperty "os.arch")))
(defn platform-nullsink []
(io/file (if (= :windows (get-os))
;; # Form Wrangling
(defn- injected-forms
@ -14,7 +44,7 @@
;; TODO: expose a way to disable these
(with-open [rdr (-> "robert/hooke.clj" io/resource io/reader PushbackReader.)]
`(do (ns ~'leiningen.util.injected)
`(do (ns ~'leiningen.core.injected)
~@(doall (take 6 (rest (repeatedly #(read rdr)))))
(ns ~'user))))
@ -41,7 +71,7 @@
;; TODO: this needs to be totally reworked; it doesn't fit well into
;; the whole leiningen-core separation.
(defn prep [{:keys [compile-path checksum-deps] :as project} skip-auto-compile]
(defn prep [{:keys [compile-path checksum-deps] :as project}]
;; (when (and (not (or ;; *skip-auto-compile*
;; skip-auto-compile)) compile-path
;; (empty? (.list (io/file compile-path))))
@ -56,40 +86,12 @@
;; # Subprocess stuff
(defn- get-by-pattern
"Gets a value from map m, but uses the keys as regex patterns, trying
to match against k instead of doing an exact match."
[m k]
(m (first (drop-while #(nil? (re-find (re-pattern %) k))
(keys m)))))
(def ^{:private true} native-names
{"Mac OS X" :macosx "Windows" :windows "Linux" :linux
"FreeBSD" :freebsd "OpenBSD" :openbsd
"amd64" :x86_64 "x86_64" :x86_64 "x86" :x86 "i386" :x86
"arm" :arm "SunOS" :solaris "sparc" :sparc "Darwin" :macosx})
(defn get-os
"Returns a keyword naming the host OS."
(get-by-pattern native-names (System/getProperty "")))
(defn get-arch
"Returns a keyword naming the host architecture"
(get-by-pattern native-names (System/getProperty "os.arch")))
(defn native-arch-path
"Path to the os/arch-specific directory containing native libs."
(when (and (get-os) (get-arch))
(io/file (:native-path project) (name (get-os)) (name (get-arch)))))
(defn platform-nullsink []
(io/file (if (= :windows (get-os))
(defn- as-str [x]
(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named x)
(name x)
@ -160,7 +162,7 @@
set correctly for the project. If the form depends on any requires, put them
in the init arg to avoid the Gilardi Scenario:"
([project form init]
(prep project skip-auto-compile)
(prep project)
;; might only make sense to stringify the form in :subprocess eval
(let [form-string (get-form-string project form init)]
;; TODO: support :eval-in :leiningen, :subprocess, or :classloader (default)

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
(defmacro defproject
"The project.clj file must either def a project map or call this macro."
[project-name version & {:as args}]
`(let [args# (apply hash-map [~@(unquote-project args)])]
`(let [args# ~(unquote-project args)]
(def ~'project
(merge defaults (add-repositories args#)
{:name ~(name project-name)

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns leiningen.core.test.classpath
(:use [clojure.test]
(:require [ :as io]))
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.set :as set]))
(defn m2-file [f]
(io/file (System/getProperty "user.home") ".m2" "repository" f))
@ -44,7 +45,19 @@
(deftest test-classpath
;; Can't test user plugins because anything could be installed.
(with-redefs [leiningen.core.user/plugins (constantly [])]
(with-redefs [leiningen.core.user/plugins (constantly [])
leiningen.core.classpath/checkout-deps-paths (constantly [])]
(is (= classpath (get-classpath project)))))
(deftest test-checkout-deps)
(deftest test-checkout-deps
(let [d1 (io/file (:root project) "checkouts" "d1")]
(.mkdirs d1)
(spit (io/file d1 "project.clj")
(pr-str '(def project {:source-path "src" :compile-path "classes"
:resources-path "resources"})))
(is (= ["checkouts/d1/src" "checkouts/d1/classes" "checkouts/d1/resources"]
(#'leiningen.core.classpath/checkout-deps-paths project)))
;; can't recur from finally
#_(dorun (map #(.delete %) (reverse (file-seq d1))))))))