add a per-dependency :native-prefix, addressing #898

This commit is contained in:
Marc Liberatore 2013-02-26 10:20:59 -05:00 committed by Phil Hagelberg
parent 9f1296a639
commit d3a7047c72

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@ -38,11 +38,13 @@
:when dep-project]
(checkout-dep-paths project dep-project))))
(defn extract-native-deps [deps native-path]
(doseq [jar (map #(JarFile. %) deps)
(defn extract-native-deps [files native-path native-prefixes]
(doseq [file files
:let [native-prefix (get native-prefixes file "native/")
jar (JarFile. file)]
entry (enumeration-seq (.entries jar))
:when (.startsWith (.getName entry) "native/")]
(let [f (io/file native-path (subs (.getName entry) (count "native/")))]
:when (.startsWith (.getName entry) native-prefix)]
(let [f (io/file native-path (subs (.getName entry) (count native-prefix)))]
(if (.isDirectory entry)
(.mkdirs f)
(do (.mkdirs (.getParentFile f))
@ -166,6 +168,36 @@
(get-dependencies dependencies-key (assoc project :offline? true))
(throw e)))))
(defn- get-original-dependency
"Return a match to dep (a single dependency vector) in
dependencies (a dependencies vector, such as :dependencies in
project.clj). Matching is done on the basis of the group/artifact id
and version."
[dep dependencies]
(some (fn [v] ; not certain if this is the best matching fn
(when (= (subvec dep 0 2) (subvec v 0 2 )) v))
(defn- get-native-prefix
[[id version & {:as opts}]]
(get opts :native-prefix))
(defn- get-native-prefixes
"Given a dependencies vector (such as :dependencies in project.clj)
and a dependencies tree, as returned by get-dependencies, return a
mapping from the Files those dependencies entail to
the :native-prefix, if any, referenced in the dependencies vector."
[dependencies dependencies-tree]
(let [override-deps (->> (map #(get-original-dependency
% dependencies)
(keys dependencies-tree))
(map get-native-prefix))]
(->> (aether/dependency-files dependencies-tree)
(#(map vector % override-deps))
(filter second)
(filter #(re-find #"\.(jar|zip)$" (.getName (first %))))
(into {}))))
(defn resolve-dependencies
"Delegate dependencies to pomegranate. This will ensure they are
downloaded into ~/.m2/repository and that native components of
@ -175,15 +207,20 @@
Returns a seq of the dependencies' files."
[dependencies-key {:keys [repositories native-path] :as project} & rest]
(let [jars (->> (apply get-dependencies dependencies-key project rest)
(let [dependencies-tree
(apply get-dependencies dependencies-key project rest)
jars (->> dependencies-tree
(filter #(re-find #"\.(jar|zip)$" (.getName %))))]
(filter #(re-find #"\.(jar|zip)$" (.getName %))))
native-prefixes (get-native-prefixes (get project dependencies-key)
(when-not (= :plugins dependencies-key)
(or (when-stale :extract-native [dependencies-key] project
extract-native-deps jars native-path)
extract-native-deps jars native-path native-prefixes)
;; Always extract native deps from SNAPSHOT jars.
(extract-native-deps (filter #(re-find #"SNAPSHOT" (.getName %)) jars)
(defn dependency-hierarchy