Remove interactive and test! tasks.

This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2011-11-19 20:45:47 -08:00
parent 7d993c2c09
commit c7583008eb
4 changed files with 5 additions and 98 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns leiningen.compile
"Compile Clojure source into .class files."
(:use [leiningen.deps :only [deps find-deps-files]]
[leiningen.core :only [defdeprecated user-settings *interactive?*]]
[leiningen.core :only [defdeprecated user-settings]]
[leiningen.javac :only [javac]]
[leiningen.classpath :only [get-classpath-string]]
[ :only [file resource reader copy]]
@ -122,8 +122,7 @@
(when (and ~(:shutdown-agents project false)
(not= "1.5" (System/getProperty
~(not *interactive?*))
;; work around java's command line handling on windows
;; This isn't perfect, but works for what's

View file

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
(ns leiningen.interactive
"Enter interactive task shell."
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io])
(:use [leiningen.core :only [apply-task exit *interactive?*]]
[leiningen.test :only [*exit-after-tests*]]
[leiningen.repl :only [repl-server repl-socket-on
copy-out-loop poll-repl-connection]]
[leiningen.compile :only [eval-in-project]]))
(def welcome "Welcome to Leiningen. Type help for a list of commands.")
(def prompt "lein> ")
(defn not-found [& _]
(println "That's not a task. Use help to list all tasks."))
(defn- eval-client-loop [reader buffer socket]
(let [len (.read reader buffer)]
(when-not (neg? len)
(.write *out* buffer 0 len)
(.flush *out*)
(when-not (.isClosed socket)
(Thread/sleep 100)
(recur reader buffer socket)))))
(defn eval-in-repl [connect project form & [_ _ init]]
(let [[reader writer socket] (connect)]
(.write writer (str "(do " (pr-str init)
(pr-str form) "\n" '
(.close *in*) ")\n"))
(.flush writer)
(try (eval-client-loop reader (make-array Character/TYPE 1000) socket)
(catch Exception e
(.printStackTrace e) 1)
(.close reader)
(.close writer)))))
(defn print-prompt []
(print prompt)
(defn task-repl [project]
(loop [input (.readLine *in*)]
(when (and input (not= input "exit"))
(let [[task-name & args] (string/split input #"\s")]
;; TODO: don't start a second repl server for repl task
(try (apply-task task-name project args not-found)
;; TODO: not sure why, but repl seems to put an extra EOF on *in*
(when (= "repl" task-name)
(.read *in*))
(catch Exception e
(println (.getMessage e))))
(recur (.readLine *in*))))))
(defn interactive
"Enter an interactive task shell. Aliased to \"int\"."
(.delete (io/file "/tmp/bugger-all"))
(let [[port host] (repl-socket-on project)]
(println welcome)
(binding [*interactive?* true]
(eval-in-project project (repl-server project host port
:prompt '(fn [])
:caught '(fn [t]
(println (.getMessage t))
(.printStackTrace t)
(.close *in*))))))
(let [connect #(poll-repl-connection port 0 vector)]
(binding [eval-in-project (partial eval-in-repl connect)
*exit-after-tests* false
*interactive?* true
exit (fn exit [& _] (prn))]
(task-repl project)))

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns leiningen.repl
"Start a repl session either with the current project or standalone."
(:require [clojure.main])
(:use [leiningen.core :only [exit user-settings *interactive?*]]
(:use [leiningen.core :only [exit user-settings]]
[leiningen.compile :only [eval-in-project]]
[leiningen.deps :only [find-deps-files deps]]
[leiningen.trampoline :only [*trampoline?*]]
@ -76,9 +76,8 @@
(if ~*trampoline?*
(clojure.main/repl ~@options)
(do (when-not ~*interactive?*
(println "REPL started; server listening on"
~host "port" ~port))
(do (println "REPL started; server listening on"
~host "port" ~port)
;; block to avoid shutdown-agents

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
(ns leiningen.test!
"Run the project's tests after cleaning and fetching dependencies."
(:refer-clojure :exclude [test])
(:use [leiningen.clean :only [clean]]
[leiningen.deps :only [deps]]
[leiningen.test :only [test]]))
(defn test!
"Run a project's tests after cleaning and fetching dependencies."
[project & nses]
(apply test (doto project clean deps) nses))