Merge remote branch 'trptcolin/master'

This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2010-08-08 10:11:36 -07:00
commit c706035812
3 changed files with 68 additions and 17 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns leiningen.core
(:use [clojure.contrib.find-namespaces :only [find-namespaces-on-classpath]]
[clojure.string :only [split]]
[clojure.walk :only [walk]])
(:import [ File])
@ -61,8 +62,6 @@
"--version" "version" "überjar" "uberjar"
"int" "interactive"}))
(def no-project-needed (atom #{"new" "help" "version"}))
(defn task-not-found [& _]
(abort "That's not a task. Use \"lein help\" to list all tasks."))
@ -104,22 +103,60 @@
(replace \_ \-)
(replace \/ \.)))
(defn arglists [task-name not-found]
(:arglists (meta (resolve-task task-name not-found))))
(defn project-needed [task-name not-found]
(some #{'project} (map first (arglists task-name not-found))))
(defn matching-arity [task-name project args not-found]
(let [arg-count (if (project-needed task-name not-found)
(inc (count args))
(count args))]
(some (fn [defined-args]
(if (= '& (last (butlast defined-args)))
(>= arg-count (- (count defined-args) 2))
(= arg-count (count defined-args))))
(arglists task-name not-found))))
(defn apply-task [task-name project args not-found]
(let [task (resolve-task task-name not-found)]
(if (matching-arity task-name project args not-found)
(if (project-needed task-name not-found)
(apply task project args)
(apply task args))
(def arg-separator ",")
(defn ends-in-separator [s]
(re-matches (re-pattern (str ".*" arg-separator)) s))
(defn make-groups [args]
(if (some ends-in-separator args)
(remove #(= [arg-separator] %)
(partition-by #(= arg-separator %)
(map (fn [arg]
(if (ends-in-separator arg)
[(apply str (butlast arg)) arg-separator]
(defn -main
([& [task-name & args]]
(let [task-name (or (@aliases task-name) task-name "help")
project (when-not (@no-project-needed task-name)
project (if (project-needed task-name task-not-found) (read-project))
compile-path (:compile-path project)]
(when compile-path (.mkdirs (File. compile-path)))
(binding [*compile-path* compile-path]
(when project
(load-hooks project))
;; TODO: can we catch only task-level arity problems here?
;; compare args and (:arglists (meta (resolve-task task)))?
(let [task (resolve-task task-name)
value (apply task (if project
(cons project args)
(let [value (apply-task task-name project args task-not-found)]
(when (integer? value)
(System/exit value))))))
([] (apply -main (or *command-line-args* ["help"]))))
(let [arg-groups (make-groups *command-line-args*)]
(dorun (map
(fn [arg-group] (apply -main (or arg-group ["help"])))

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns leiningen.interactive
(:require [clojure.string :as string])
(:use [leiningen.core :only [resolve-task no-project-needed]]))
(:use [leiningen.core :only [apply-task]]))
(defn not-found [& _]
(println "That's not a task. Use \"help\" to list all tasks."))
@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
;; TODO: integrate with tab-completion in jLine
(let [input (.readLine *in*)]
(when input
(let [[task-name & args] (string/split input #"\s")
task (resolve-task task-name not-found)]
(if (@no-project-needed task-name)
(apply task args)
(apply task project args))
(let [[task-name & args] (string/split input #"\s")]
(apply-task task-name project args not-found)

test/test_core.clj Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
(ns test-core
(:use [leiningen.core :only [make-groups]] :reload-all)
(:use [clojure.test]))
(deftest test-make-groups-empty-args
(is (= [[]] (make-groups []))))
(deftest test-make-groups-single-task
(is (= [["pom"]] (make-groups ["pom"]))))
(deftest test-make-groups-without-args
(is (= [["clean"] ["deps"] ["test"]]
(make-groups ["clean," "deps," "test"]))))
(deftest test-make-groups-with-args
(is (= [["test" "test-core"] ["version"]]
(make-groups ["test" "test-core," "version"]))))