Move absolutize-path call into merge-profiles.

Otherwise merge-profiles isn't any good for keys that involve paths
outside leiningen.core.project/read.
This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2012-02-07 18:15:03 -08:00
parent 1c0f2099f9
commit c48f6ee9df

View file

@ -63,6 +63,21 @@
(defn- absolutize [root path]
(if (coll? path) ; paths can be either strings or collections of strings
(map (partial absolutize root) path)
(str (if (.startsWith path "/")
(io/file root path)))))
(defn- absolutize-path [project key]
(if (re-find #"-path$" (name key))
(update-in project [key] (partial absolutize (:root project)))
(defn- absolutize-paths [project]
(reduce absolutize-path project (keys project)))
(def default-profiles
"Profiles get merged into the project map. The :dev and :user
profiles are active by default."
@ -147,22 +162,9 @@
(defn merge-profiles
"Look up and merge the given profile names into the project map."
[project profiles-to-apply]
(with-meta (reduce merge-profile project
(profiles-for project profiles-to-apply))
{:without-profiles project}))
(defn- absolutize [root path]
(if (coll? path) ; paths can be either strings or collections of strings
(map (partial absolutize root) path)
(str (io/file root path))))
(defn- absolutize-path [project key]
(if (re-find #"-path$" (name key))
(update-in project [key] (partial absolutize (:root project)))
(defn- absolutize-paths [project]
(reduce absolutize-path project (keys project)))
(-> (reduce merge-profile project (profiles-for project profiles-to-apply))
(with-meta {:without-profiles project})))
(defn ensure-dynamic-classloader []
(let [thread (Thread/currentThread)
@ -199,6 +201,6 @@
(let [project (merge-profiles @project profiles)]
(load-plugins project)
(load-hooks project)
(absolutize-paths project))))
([file] (read file [:dev :user :default]))
([] (read "project.clj")))