Un-generalize code injection. Use for Hooke only.

There's too much opportunity for collision to make this a generalized
feature; let's just use it to get the six forms required for add-hook
and thus retest/test selectors.
This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2011-05-06 20:05:55 -07:00
parent fa3782bb5f
commit be641e770d
3 changed files with 13 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
(def *skip-auto-compile* false)
(def ^{:doc "A list of namespaces to inject into project subprocesses."}
injected-namespaces (atom ['robert.hooke]))
(defn- regex?
"Returns true if we have regex class"
@ -130,21 +127,15 @@
(defn- get-jvm-args [project]
(concat (get-input-args) (:jvm-opts project) (:jvm-opts (user-settings))))
(defn- injected-namespace-forms [ns-name]
(with-open [rdr (-> ns-name ns->path resource reader PushbackReader.)]
(doall (take-while #(not= ::done %)
(repeatedly #(read rdr false ::done))))))
(defn- get-injected-form [injected-namespaces]
;; Note: there's a posibility of conflicts here if a project
;; requires a newer (say) hooke than Leiningen's, but since this
;; injection doesn't affect clojure.core/*loaded-libs*, if the
;; project requires hooke, it will load over the injected copy.
(mapcat injected-namespace-forms injected-namespaces))
(defn- injected-forms []
(with-open [rdr (-> "robert/hooke.clj" resource reader PushbackReader.)]
`(do (ns ~'leiningen.util.injected)
~@(doall (take 6 (rest (repeatedly #(read rdr)))))
(ns ~'user))))
(defn get-readable-form [java project form init]
(let [form `(do ~init
~@(get-injected-form @injected-namespaces)
(set! ~'*warn-on-reflection*
~(:warn-on-reflection project))
@ -165,9 +156,8 @@
;; TODO: split this function up
(defn eval-in-project
"Executes form in an isolated classloader with the classpath and compile path
set correctly for the project. Pass in a handler function to have it called
with the java task right before executing if you need to customize any of its
properties (classpath, library-path, etc)."
set correctly for the project. If the form depends on any requires, put them
in the init arg to avoid the Gilardi Scenario: http://technomancy.us/143"
[project form & [handler skip-auto-compile init]]
(when skip-auto-compile
(println "WARNING: eval-in-project's skip-auto-compile arg is deprecated."))

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(defn- form-for-hook-selectors [selectors]
`(when (seq ~selectors)
(resolve 'clojure.test/test-var)
(fn test-var-with-selector [test-var# var#]
(when (reduce #(or %1 (%2 (assoc (meta var#) ::var var#)))

View file

@ -64,3 +64,7 @@
(delete-file-recursively (file (:root tricky-name-project) "classes") :silent)
(is (zero? (compile tricky-name-project)))
(is (empty? (.list (file (:root tricky-name-project) "classes")))))
(deftest test-injection
(is (zero? (eval-in-project sample-project