fix unmerge-profiles to work with composite profiles

Previously, you could not unmerge composite profiles. So, if the
currently active profiles were [:default], which is a composite of
[:dev :user :base], then (unmerge-profiles project :dev) would do
nothing. To fix this, we have to keep track of both :included-profiles
and :excluded-profiles.

I also combined apply-profiles and reset-profiles into a single function
called reset-profiles with an optional excluded-profiles argument and
renamed apply-profiles-raw to apply-profiles.
This commit is contained in:
Justin Balthrop 2012-08-20 15:05:30 -07:00
parent a28cd82bd0
commit badeefc6db

View file

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
:else (doto latter (println "has a type mismatch merging profiles."))))
(defn- apply-profiles-raw [project profiles]
(defn- apply-profiles [project profiles]
;; We reverse because we want profile values to override the project, so we
;; need "last wins" in the reduce, but we want the first profile specified by
;; the user to take precedence.
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
(lookup-profile profiles result))
(vector? profile)
(apply-profiles-raw {} (map (partial lookup-profile profiles) profile))
(apply-profiles {} (map (partial lookup-profile profiles) profile))
:else profile))
@ -219,17 +219,16 @@
(defn- project-profiles [project]
(utils/read-file (io/file (:root project) "profiles.clj")))
(defn- profiles-for
(defn- read-profiles
"Read profiles from a variety of sources.
We check Leiningen's defaults, the profiles.clj file in ~/.lein/profiles.clj,
the profiles.clj file in the project root, and the :profiles key from the
project map."
[project profiles]
(let [profile-map (merge @default-profiles (user/profiles)
(:profiles project) (project-profiles project))]
(map (partial lookup-profile profile-map) profiles)))
(merge @default-profiles (user/profiles)
(:profiles project) (project-profiles project)))
(defn ensure-dynamic-classloader []
(let [thread (Thread/currentThread)
@ -305,37 +304,38 @@
context (ssl/make-sslcontext (into (ssl/default-trusted-certs) certs))]
(ssl/register-scheme (ssl/https-scheme context))))
(defn- apply-profiles
"Look up and merge the given profiles into the project map."
[project profiles]
(-> (apply-profiles-raw project (profiles-for project profiles))
(vary-meta update-in [:without-profiles] (fnil normalize project))
(vary-meta update-in [:included-profiles] concat profiles)))
(defn reset-profiles
"Compute a fresh version of the project map with the specified profiles active
and the appropriate middleware applied."
[project profiles]
(-> (:without-profiles (meta project) project)
(vary-meta dissoc :without-profiles :included-profiles)
(apply-profiles profiles)
(defn- reset-profiles
"Compute a fresh version of the project map with middleware applied, including
and excluding the specified profiles."
[project include-profiles & [exclude-profiles]]
(let [without-profiles (:without-profiles (meta project) project)
profile-map (apply dissoc (read-profiles project) exclude-profiles)
profiles (map (partial lookup-profile profile-map) include-profiles)]
(-> without-profiles
(apply-profiles profiles)
(vary-meta merge {:without-profiles without-profiles
:included-profiles include-profiles
:excluded-profiles exclude-profiles})
(defn merge-profiles
"Compute a fresh version of the project map with the given profiles merged
into list of active profiles and the appropriate middleware applied."
[project profiles]
(reset-profiles project (concat (:included-profiles (meta project))
(let [{:keys [included-profiles excluded-profiles]} (meta project)]
(reset-profiles project
(concat included-profiles profiles)
(remove (set profiles) excluded-profiles))))
(defn unmerge-profiles
"Compute a fresh version of the project map with the given profiles unmerged
from list of active profiles and the appropriate middleware applied."
[project profiles]
(reset-profiles project
(remove (set profiles)
(:included-profiles (meta project)))))
(let [{:keys [included-profiles excluded-profiles]} (meta project)]
(reset-profiles project
(remove (set profiles) included-profiles)
(concat excluded-profiles profiles))))
(defn init-project
"Initializes a project: loads plugins, then applies middleware, and finally
@ -384,6 +384,6 @@
(throw (Exception. "project.clj must define project map.")))
;; return it to original state
(ns-unmap 'leiningen.core.project 'project)
(apply-profiles @project profiles))))
(reset-profiles @project profiles))))
([file] (read file [:default]))
([] (read "project.clj")))