Use with-ns so defproject works unqualified. Bind *compile-path* explicitly.

Not sure why explicit *compile-path* is required, but it was getting
reset somehow.
This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2009-11-08 22:08:20 -08:00
parent 9781da1dbd
commit b381c460a5

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(ns leiningen.core
(:require [leiningen deps test compile]
(:use [clojure.contrib.with-ns])
(def project nil)
@ -15,15 +14,22 @@
:root ~(.getParent ( *file*)))))
(def ~project-name project)))
;; So it doesn't need to be fully-qualified in project.clj
(with-ns 'user (use ['leiningen.core :only ['defproject]]))
(defn read-project
([file] (load-file file)
([] (read-project "project.clj")))
(defn -main [command & args]
(let [action (ns-resolve (symbol (str "leiningen." command))
(symbol command))]
;; TODO: ensure tasks run only once
(apply action (read-project) args)
;; In case tests or some other task started any:
(let [action-ns (symbol (str "leiningen." command))
_ (require action-ns)
action (ns-resolve action-ns (symbol command))
project (read-project)]
(binding [*compile-path* (or (:compile-path project)
(str (:root project) "/classes/"))]
;; TODO: ensure tasks run only once
(apply action project args)
;; In case tests or some other task started any: