Document the release task.

Also adds sample alternate release workflow in sample.project.clj.
This commit is contained in:
Wayne 2014-05-25 21:54:18 -07:00
parent f7545a74ff
commit 9b652d703a
3 changed files with 124 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -237,3 +237,83 @@ will eventually be automated through the use of a plugin.) The release
will show up in OSS' releases repository immediately, and sync to Maven
Central on the next cycle (~ 1-4 hours usually).
## Releasing Simplified
Once you have your repositories and user credentials configured for deploying,
much of the work involved in actually deploying a release version can be tedious
and difficult to perform in a consistent fashion from one release to the next.
To simplify the release process, there is a `lein release <version-name>` task
where <version-name> can be refer to any of the standard Semantic Version
levels, `:major`, `:minor`, or `:patch`. The simplification lies in the list of
`:release-tasks` that get run on each call to `lein release <version-name>`. For
example, suppose that your `project.clj` starts off as follows:
(defproject leiningen "2.4.0-SNAPSHOT"
Using the default `:release-tasks` and the following command line:
$ lein release :patch
The following events will happen:
1. First, `leiningen` will assert that the current version control system
repository does not have any unstaged changes.
2. Then, the `change` task is run to remove whatever qualifier is currently on
the version in `project.clj`. In this case, the top of `project.clj` should
look something like:
(defproject leiningen "2.4.0"
3. `vcs` tasks will be run to commit this change and then tag the repository
with the `release` version number.
4. The `deploy` task will be the same as if `lein deploy` had ben run from the
command line. **NOTE** This will require a valid "releases" entry either in
`:deploy-repositories` or `:repositories`
5. The `change` task is run once more to "bump" the version number in
`project.clj`. Which semantic version level bumped is decided by the argument
passed to `lein release`, in this case :patch. Afterword, `project.clj` will
look something like:
(defproject leiningen "2.4.1-SNAPSHOT"
6. Finally, `vcs` tasks will be run once more to commit the new change to
`project.clj` and then push these two new commites to the default remote
### Overriding the default `:release-tasks`
The default list of tasks for `:release-tasks` is as follows:
:release-tasks [["vcs" "assert-committed"]
["change" "version"
"leiningen.release/bump-version" "release"]
["vcs" "commit"]
["vcs" "tag"]
["change" "version"
"leiningen.release/bump-version" "leiningen.release/*level*"]
["vcs" "commit"]
["vcs" "push"]]
This `:release-tasks` value can be overridden in `project.clj`. An example might
be a case in which you want the default workflow up to `lein deploy` but don't
want to automatically bump the version in `project.clj`:
:release-tasks [["vcs" "assert-committed"]
["change" "version"
"leiningen.release/bump-version" "release"]
["vcs" "commit"]
["vcs" "tag"]
Of course, `:release-tasks` doesn't have to look anything like the default, the
default is just an assumed convention among most clojure projects using
`:release-tasks` is a vector in which every element is either a task name or a
collection in which the first element is a task name and the rest are arguments
to that task.

View file

@ -195,6 +195,20 @@
;; Nested vectors are supported for the "do" task
["do" "clean" ["test" ":integration"] ["deploy" "clojars"]]}
;;; Custom Release Tasks
;; By default `lein release` performs a series of tasks typical of the release
;; process for many leiningen-managed projects. These tasks can be overridden
;; using `:release-tasks` as follows:
:release-tasks [["vcs" "assert-committed"]
["change" "version"
"leiningen.release/bump-version" "release"]
["vcs" "commit"]
["vcs" "tag"]
;; This differs from the default `:release-tasks` behavior in that it doesn't
;; go on to perform another `change version` or `vcs` task, instead leaving
;; that up to the developer to do manually.
;;; Running Project Code
;; Normally Leiningen runs the javac and compile tasks before
;; calling any eval-in-project code, but you can override this with

View file

@ -53,9 +53,37 @@
(defn ^{:subtasks []} release
"Perform release tasks.
TODO: document default :release-tasks and how to change them."
The default list of release tasks is as follows:
:release-tasks [['vcs' 'assert-committed']
['change' 'version'
'leiningen.release/bump-version' 'release']
['vcs' 'commit']
['vcs' 'tag']
['change' 'version'
'leiningen.release/bump-version' 'leiningen.release/*level*']
['vcs' 'commit']
['vcs' 'push']]
So the basic workflow here is change the version stored in project.clj, commit
that change, tag this commit to with the release version indicated, deploy to
the Maven release repository, then change to the next snapshot version in
project.clj, commit that change, and push to the default remote version control
A key point to note is that this default set of :release-tasks requires a clean
working directory as far as the current version control system is concerned.
This ensures that the 'vcs commit' tasks will only save changes made to
project.clj made by the 'change version' tasks.
This behavior can be overridden by setting :release-tasks a vector in which
every element is either a task name or a collection in which the first element
is a task name and the rest are arguments to that task.
The 'release' task takes a single argument which should be one of :major,
:minor, or :patch to indicate which semantic versioning level to bump."
[project level]
;; TODO: how to propagate level arg to inc-version function? binding?
(binding [*level* level]
(doseq [task (:release-tasks project)]
(let [[task-name & task-args] (if (vector? task) task [task])