Major rework to properly honor options

This commit is contained in:
Marko Topolnik 2013-03-26 14:57:02 +01:00
parent 807086204f
commit 90828744b5

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"Start a repl session either with the current project or standalone."
(:require (clojure set
[string :as s])
[ :as io]
( [ack :as nrepl.ack]
[server :as nrepl.server])
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
(-> project :repl-options :host)
(defn- server-forms [project port ack-port start-msg?]
(defn- server-forms [project cfg ack-port start-msg?]
[`(let [server# (
:bind ~(repl-host project) :port ~port
:bind ~(:host cfg) :port ~(:port cfg)
:ack-port ~ack-port
:handler ~(handler-for project))
port# (-> server# deref :ss .getLocalPort)]
@ -113,8 +113,7 @@
(:repl-options project))]
(merge (dissoc repl-options :init)
(cond attach {:attach (if-let [host (repl-host project)]
(str host ":" attach) (str attach))}
(cond attach {:attach (str attach)}
port {:port (str port)}
:else {}))
{:prompt :custom-prompt})))
@ -141,14 +140,14 @@
(when-let [port (second (drop-while #(not= % ":port") opts))]
(Integer/valueOf port)))
(defn server [project port headless?]
(defn server [project cfg headless?]
(let [prep-blocker @eval/prep-blocker
ack-port (-> @lein-repl-server deref :ss .getLocalPort)
[start-form init-form] (server-forms project port ack-port headless?)]
ack-port (-> @lein-repl-server deref :ss .getLocalPort)]
(-> (bound-fn []
(binding [eval/*pump-in* false]
(eval/eval-in-project project start-form init-form)))
(apply eval/eval-in-project project
(server-forms project cfg ack-port headless?))))
(Thread.) (.start))
(when project @prep-blocker)
(when headless? @(promise))
@ -158,7 +157,7 @@
(main/abort "REPL server launch timed out."))))
(defn client [project attach]
(when (and (string? attach) (.startsWith attach "http"))
(when (and (string? attach) (.startsWith attach "http:"))
(require 'cemerick.drawbridge.client))
(reply/launch-nrepl (options-for-reply project :attach attach)))
@ -167,31 +166,47 @@
:start [:port port] (default) This will launch an nREPL server and
connect a client to it. If a :port key is specified on the command
line or present in the :repl-options map in project.clj, that port
will be used for the server, otherwise it is chosen randomly. When
run outside of a project, it will run internally to Leiningen.
<none> -> :start
:start [:port port] This will launch an nREPL server and connect a
client to it. If the :port key is specified, or present in the
:repl-options map in project.clj, that port will be used for the
server, otherwise it is chosen randomly. When starting outside of a
project, the nREPL server will run internally to Leiningen.
:headless [:port port]
This will launch an nREPL server and wait, rather than connecting
a client to it.
:connect [host:]port
Connects to the nREPL server running at the given host (defaults to
localhost) and port."
:connect [dest]
Connects to an already running nREPL server. Dest can be:
- an HTTP URL -- connects to an HTTP nREPL endpoint;
- host:port -- connects to the specified host and port;
- port -- resolves host from the LEIN_REPL_HOST environment
variable or :repl-options, in that order, and defaults to
If no dest is given, resolves the port from :repl-options and the host
as described above."
([project] (repl project ":start"))
([project subcommand & opts]
(let [profiles [(:repl (:profiles project)) (:repl (user/profiles))]
project (-> (project/merge-profiles project profiles)
(update-in [:eval-in] #(or % :leiningen)))
port (or (opt-port opts) (repl-port project))]
(case subcommand
":start" (if trampoline/*trampoline?*
(trampoline-repl project port)
(let [port (server project port false)]
(client project port)))
":headless" (let [[start init] (server-forms project port nil true)]
(eval/eval-in-project project start init))
":connect" (client project (or (first opts) port))
(main/abort "Unknown subcommand")))))
host (repl-host project)
port (repl-port project)]
(if (= subcommand ":connect")
(client project (as-> (str (first opts)) x
(s/split x #":")
(remove s/blank? x)
(-> (drop-last (count x) [host port])
(concat x))
(s/join ":" x)
(do (println "Connecting to nREPL at" x) x)))
(let [cfg {:host host, :port (or (opt-port opts) port)}]
(case subcommand
":start" (if trampoline/*trampoline?*
(trampoline-repl project (:port cfg))
(->> (server project cfg false) (client project)))
":headless" (apply eval/eval-in-project project
(server-forms project cfg nil true))
(main/abort "Unknown subcommand")))))))